Is skullmerchant too strong or are we just not aware enough?



  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 222
    edited February 17

    OK guys, our lady isn't the strongest killer, but she's nowhere near the weakest. for me it is the strongest M1 killer in the game. She has everything in her basic kit: haste, zoning, a little trigen (not as strong as before), a little tracking, a little stealth, interacting against her power brings no benefit, she can hit even without seeing you (like The Plague)...

    I see that many say that it is really very easy to counter her. It is true, if our lady is not expert with her power... but if she is capable, there is not much you can do to counter her.

    I'm not saying Devs should nerf her (I remind you Nurse exists in this game)... but Adriana is much more than a simple M1 killer.