Is it worth running any gen slowdown?

With how far gone the generator perks are, do I even bother? Pop regresses a fraction of a fraction, Deadlock just tells one survivor to hop on a different gen, and surge is gonna have a bad time with the generator kick limit. How much time am I even getting back using these perks if I'm having to break chase to kick a gen for 30% of 50%?
Do you find yourself better off just running a buttload of chase perks?
I don't usually stack generator regression unless I'm playing Pig or Freddy, I usually just use chase or tracking perks. I run PGTW and Corrupt on Freddy and Corrupt and Surge on Pig. I feel like Corrupt is a must for me when playing as Trapper or Hag due to their setup nature.
I like more experimental slowdown perks such as SH: Gift of Pain (my favorite killer perk in the entire game) because it's Sloppy Butcher with extra steps to obtain the effects but with an additional reward of the survivor having slower repair speeds until healed.
Ruin is also nice w/ BBQ, Nurse's and either Whispers/Discordance/Enduring for my nostalgia-esque build (bonus points if it gets cleansed at the start of the match for the true experience!). It's a pretty solid perk IMO now that it doesn't have the deactivation after killing a survivor.
I usually just run at most one slowdown perk (Pain Resonance, Oppression my dear beloved, or Surge usually) if I absolutely have to (for instance, if I'm still learning a killer such as Billy) unless I'm playing one of the weaker killers. The one I'm using the most currently is Grim Embrace, it feels like I'm actively being rewarded for hooking survivors, so it feels quite good to use.
For the most part though, not really. The 2.5% base regression (now 5%) is really nice and was quite a welcome addition for me when I got back into DBD as someone who didn't stack generator slowdown perks.
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I like eruption still for the cheeky aura reveals
ironically it seems like people don’t know what eruption does anymore because I’ll get a proc on the Gen and then find the person hiding in a corner
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With how far gone the generator perks are..? Brother there's literally like 2 worth taking and a couple more that are niche alongside BNP/Wire Spool as toolbox add ons. Meanwhile there's a decent range completely viable slowdown perks that appear in most games these days and are insanely popular. Pain Res, Deadlock, new Grim Embrace, Surge, Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, Dead Man's Switch, there's probably more but they're the ones I see all the time in SoloQ. If you're struggling against someone running Prove Thyself alongside the borderline mandatory exhaustion perk and some wierd niche GenRush perks like Overzealous (which requires them to STOP doing a gen and cleanse a totem first for their bonus) when you're running slowdown, then I don't know what to tell you dude
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Is it worth it? Yes. There are some pretty strong regression perks and they can definitely help you a lot.
Should you stack 4 regression perks though? I would advise against it because it takes up slots that you would need for different perks.
I find it best to use a build that is more balanced in that regard. 1 regression perk (sometimes 2, it depends on the killer), 1 info perk (although I prefer 2) and 0-2 chase perks (it depends on the killer again). That way you are prepared for everything and won't find yourself in a position where you absolutely have no help.
You can also play without regression of course (I mostly do that myself). But I would not recommend it. You will lose a great many games simply because they are over so fast, that you have no way to get anything done. It also means you will need to use every advantage you can get, so you can't play too nice, if you want to win. That will become hard even with regression perks but they do grant you a bit more room for these things.
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I run Surveillance and Oppression
Those have been staples in most of my Killer builds
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I like Corrupt Intervention and Pain Res. They help a lot.
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Gen perks are better overall than any other meta besides Eruption.
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my ´´best build´´ have only 2 slowdowns andd 2 infos, corrupt + pain res/deadlock and discordance + lethal/nowhere to hide ( i play nemesis ), in most of the killers you NEED time to do something, like oni, myers, nemesis etc, so i think they´re still really good
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I equip Jolt, eh, I mean Surge because I click and people die and also gens regress. 0 thoughts, only profit.