Onryo's Telephone addon

I think that Onryo is in a relatively ok place now with her kit and I like the fact that BHVR finally made her Tape Editing Deck addon finally useful with the aura-reading effect. However though I feel like her Telephone addon needs to be tweaked a bit because it's current effect of giving survivors 3% Hindered for 3 seconds after she Manifests within 7 meters of them isn't very good if I'm gonna be completely honest.
The best solutions I could think of for this is that BHVR could either just simply raise the numbers or a potentially better idea is that they could keep its current effect, but also add in an effect where the addon gives that 3% Hindered if she's in the middle of Manifesting within 7 meters of a survivor and it persists for 3 seconds afterwards. The reason I think that the second idea would be better is because of the fact that she was buffed in the most recent patch so that her movement speed while Manifesting is the exact same as the survivor's so this effect would essentially make her 3% faster than the survivors whenever she's in the middle of Manifesting which isn't a horrible ammount, but would still be a nice chase advantage.
Also, just as a bonus side note, please update Distorted Photo to behave more similarly to Well Water because Well Water essentially confirms that Projection counts as her Manifesting and Distorted Photo only works when a survivor sees her Manifesting so I think that it would be a nice change for consistency.