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Killer is in the worst state it has ever been



  • Member Posts: 1,994
    edited April 2024

    BTW, following the DS changes, killer is now even weaker. The killer role exists for the amusement of survivors. Check out the changes over the past few years if you need proof.

    Post edited by woundcowboy on
  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Sad to see you gone you were so active member. I just wonder what you did to get banned?

    I agree after 6.1 killer was it strongest. You could win playing poorly if you just camped gens with strongest gen regression perk. Overcharge+call or brian, eruption and jolt were just disgusting. Survivors also took lot of time to adapt to the changes as they were so much used to be carried by dh.

    But now killers are not far off from that some maps now has only has like some quite unsafe pallets and often quite easy wins unless facing decent swf. Well I quess it's lot of luck if you get eyrie that is still survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 342

    These statistics are only a small part and quite inaccurate as a large proportion of players do not use this website at all. I would be careful with this

    Over 20,000 posts is quite a lot. I'd be interested to know if you do anything other than spend all day on the forum posting pro-survivor comments. Just a question, for the sake of interest

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Maybe it's just you and you need to try something different than you have , the killer role is significantly better than it ever has been , I've played a long time too more killer than survivor you can't sit here and pretend like it's worse now than back then with the old brand new part, go ahead and post a non hacking video of 4 gens popping in 12 secs from todays dbd because that's the type of things we used to deal with every 3-4 games or how about when they Sabo the damn hooks they were gone forever leaving you only the basement? Recovering exhaustion, instaheals that I could pick a dying survivor you just spent 3 minutes chasing at a REAL infinite back up to full health instantly and make it like the game just started again, and don't get me started about the swamp and survivors dropping down the hole and you getting stuck on their head until they decide to move or you DC etc... there's literally a novel I could type out of all the BS that was actually broken back then today's dbd is way more killer friendly than it used to be

  • Member Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2024

    steam playercount's been pretty stable for years

    Edit-Sorry I guess this thread got necro'd. didn't realize how long ago you said this

  • Member Posts: 3,482

    Killer would be pretty good if it wasn't for all the cheaters right now. Some of the weaker killers like Clown for example have never been better while others like Freddy have never been worse. It depends on who you play.

    Also many of the new killers like Wesker, Xeno, Singu, Good Guy, Unknown are pretty strong. So they are on the right path but cheaters are a big problem right now so you do need to understand that without knowing it you could have played against them coming back to the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Broken things being removed doesn’t mean DBD is some high standard of balance.

  • Member Posts: 1,995

    As it we're, reality is what it is. Skilled killers are in a great spot. Survivors are getting the current wave of 'lets dump on their perks and such.' Killers had it a bit before this with MFT, and so on and so forth. Its how BHVR does things.

    I do like how you keep getting people stirred up. its almost artful. My advice, which you can ignore of course, is just get some more practice in. Dbd isn't a game where you will ever get to a point where you say 'Well, I guess I've learned any and everything there is to know!". Unless you have the upper echelon of 5 digit hours played. I just can't shake this feeling you've had a losing streak latelyand think killers are in a bad spot for it. I'm currently 0 and 12 today Solo'q. I don't think the killers I had feel the pain you are at all. And judging by most of the posts on this thread, neither are we.

    Please let us know how the training is going! If you want some custom fun and shenanigans, always down :)

  • Member Posts: 342

    I'm surprised you only play killers. So if I just went off on you for some of your comments, I apologize. Now back to the topic at hand. Yes, DBD needs change. I've said that many times. If it were up to me, one less chapter. (3 a year would be perfect) and more quality of life changes instead. I don't like this "us vs them" either. By the way, I play both sides 50-50. There are sooo many good ideas from some people. Unfortunately, not so many of them are implemented. What we need is not just new items in the store or new chapters.... What DBD needs is Quality of Life. Bug fixes and the cheater problem first and foremost.

    I know that this is of course a small indicator of where things are heading. All good

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I win most of my matches, so miss me with the condescending tone. It’s also laughable that you mention “skill” in the context of this game. The best strategies require very little skill on either side. Survivors hold W early and predrop pallets. Killers proxy camp hooks and patrol nearby gens, then tunnel one out early.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I remember checking the stats and kill rates was even slightly higher in high MMR. So we can say it's pretty much that 60/40 ratio. But I personally expected it to be clearly lower as the game leans on survivor side when everyone knows what to do perfectly. But I think killers play harder, smarter and use stronger characters which probably explains it. In lower MMR many killer players play more casually and use weak killers. I think 4 man swf was shown to have best escape rate in high MMR though Im not totally sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    My post is focused on since when I started playing in 2018. I used to be able to play chase-oriented builds and have a lot of success. Now if I’m not camping and tunneling against a good group, the game is already decided. I don’t care about 2016 dbd in which there were instant gen repairs and no gen regression period. If you want to go that route though, killer also had things that were much stronger than anything currently in the game. Nurse had no BS recharge meter and killers could mori without hooking.

  • Member Posts: 8,322

    That's a fair degree to walk it back to, but it's still not exactly compelling.

    It's not that hard to think of a list of broken things that were fixed since then. Old hatch, old medkits, old DS, old DH, old Haddonfield, old Object of Obsession…

    Hell, most of these were fixed after I started playing a few years later, the killer role has almost exclusively been getting better over the years.

    Sure, killers used to have broken stuff too. Those being removed on both sides means the respective role gets a lot better for the players that never needed them.

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited April 2024

    In 2017 alot of that stuff was still there for survivors and it wasn't for killer so no it wasn't like you're saying with all that at the same time, this game was stupidly survivor sided when swf was introduced and the devs focus was to make it more fun for friends to join , the killer still had a 1 hook mori but killers across the board including nurse were nerfed while survivors stayed the same for a long time, maybe when you came around in 2018 it was starting to change but if you played killer in 2017-2018 you should know today's dbd is nowhere near as unbalanced, I used to despise DS so much for getting hit with it on first down after chasing someone at a long double pallet loop macro clicking with a true insta blind flashlight, I wanted to quit back then lol I don't feel that now

  • Member Posts: 915

    I'm in no position to argue about the current state of the game, because i haven't played the game in months and can't really bring myself to come back because of all the stuff, perk changes and new content i have missed. It just feels very bad when you come back to your former favourite game and you don't understand what's going on, because 2-3 new killers have dropped and the meta has shifted, DBD has become way to complex… but anyways, my point is something completely different:

    When people talk about how bad old DBD was i often see arguments like "there were infinite loops, insta-heals etc. …" but in order to make things comparable you have to keep in mind what both sides had back then and how the state of the game and the community was. I was able to win killer games when i started to play in late 2019/early 2020 despite all of these OP things.

    The playerbase back then was much more casual, there was much less information and content on the internet on how to exactly play each role the most efficient, the general vibe was more casual and partygame-like. One of the reasons probably was that there was no MMR, only seasonal ranks, so matches felt way more random. Sure, bully squads existed, but if those would have been the regular experience, this game wouldn't have grown to the peaks it later had.

    So my point is, it was perfectly possible to play the game as killer even with all this OP stuff in it, because 90% of the playerbase either didn't know about it or just wouldn't use BNP, insta-heals or bully swf loadouts every match. Same goes for solo survivor, killers were much less focused on highly efficient gameplay, so having a weak link wouldn't automatically mean a 4k at 4 gens like it was when i stopped playing in December 2023.

  • Member Posts: 376

    Dang, you hit the nail on the head here.

    Like you said, the game was never "unplayable" even with the more overpowered loops and survivor items. I too have fond memories of winning games as killer, even back when I started playing the game, back in 2018. Granted, some killers had pretty OP add-ons as well, such as Silent Spirit, with her legendary gen-grab jumpscares. Stuff like that made the game much more fun to play in my opinion. Yes it was overpowered, but oh so fun, especially in a "kill your friends" setting (yes, that was the old name for custom games).

    And I wholeheartedly agree on the monthly ranks. Games felt much more fair and balanced, and random too. Yes, there were bully squads, but they were most prevalent in the red ranks. If you were an average player, chances of facing a bully-SWF was minimal.
    Then you also had P2P hosting. Granted, some players could abuse this system, but it rarely happened. Most of the time, if the ping was too high, you could just find a different lobby that was within an acceptable range.

    Yes, the casual side has been slowly phased out over time. It seems for the most part that MMR and SBMM is to blame for this, since it has a tendency to create a more "competitive and sweaty" environment, which has a snowball-effect.
    Example: Casual killer player meets a toxic SWF who brings flashlights or a genrushing setup. Instead of getting to have fun, they would be lead on an unwinnable chase. In the event they actually gets to down that survivor, another would be right around the corner, ready to flashlight save. Killer gets angry, DC's or starts slugging. Next game, killer brings their most sweaty loadout, starts tunneling and camping, and gets the 4K at 4 gens against a very casual survivor team, likely full of solos. Survivors gets fed up, brings their genrushing builds against the next killer, and then the snowball is starting its journey. - This pretty much sums up how the game has become, and it really started after the SBMM update.

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited April 2024

    You played din 2019 that's when alot of the stuff was watered down already the stuff we're talking about is before that, like how you used to be able to Sabo trappers traps and they would be gone forever forcing him to be a m1 killer the entire match and then if someone else was Sabo on the hooks they were gone forever too and you just had the basement, in 2019 that was long gone you guys didn't have to deal but with the tail end of it

  • Member Posts: 301

    maps are still the biggest issue to this day . A match on coal tower is always fairlly balanced . However when maps like badham and GOJ are still in the game these issues you mentioned become much more prevalent

  • Member Posts: 650

    Wow, I have consistantly played this game since 2018 and it has NEVER been more killer-sided than it is right now. With more killer buffs on the horizon. This poster must just not be very good at killer (by his own admission he took a lengthy break).

    I am a survivor main to the tune of probably a 80/20 split on what I play and have zero problem getting a 4k. My killer mains are Trapper, Doctor and Myers and I sometimes go in with no perks. All the maps are smaller, console/PC mix lobbies are unorganized and generally have no comms and most loops have been nerfed to if they drop that pallet they are useless.

    My advice to any killer main who thinks this game is hard and can't find survivors it, go play survivor. That is how you learn where they are, where they spawn, which loops are good for them and which are not. You get a lot better at killer if you are good at survivor.

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