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why is every Hillbilly playing bad?



  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,693

    All killers do that, this has been a thing since day one of DBD.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,408
    edited February 16

    I do the same thing! When people say things like..

    .. Its easy to see they have no real argument. Its just niche things and uncommon issues, but primarily so they can feel relevant to the conversation. This isn't a harp on Rei, just an an example. ilu Rei <3

    But also, you seem to know how humans work to a degree. So you probably understand you name's influence on such people. Your' test' is basic at best, but it does work :P


    Stop comparing Dbd to other games. There are no other games like this. CS? Really? Might as well toss in MWf, League, WoW, DDR, world championship golf, Mario Kart, etc. Lets really toss in all the gunk!

    And to be clear, Yes, I would tell Otz he is pretty average at anything but some killers, and Im not including Trapper because he's never been impressive with him. But Billy... He has talent there.

    Edit: Grammar

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,408

    He literally just said don't count comp tournaments. Niche example and not really part of a Dbd experience, and even if it was, you likely wouldn't see it in a lifetime. Oracle doesn't belong in this conversation lol

  • SquareCircle
    SquareCircle Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I like how survivors call every killer who can actually do their job "boring" but it just so happens that the weak ones are wholesome reddit moment chimichangas.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,480
    edited February 16

    I mean even if you exclude comp dbd it still falls down on the same basic principle. The killer is against 4 survivors who should be equal to them.Thats a lot of pressure to spread. Which against a good team on a decent map? I can see the difficulty. I would know ive been playing on spread hooks since 2017 lol. Maps like garden of joy or badham i just accept it most of the time. But i cannot tell others to take it laying down. The killers job is to kill and when the pressure comes down harder. They should do what they need to to bring it back. Ive heard complaints on everything from tunneling. To returning to the hook at all being camping. To "don't run slowdown its boring" so whenever i see a thread of this type of stuff it gets old.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 376

    Ran a p100 hillbilly on wreckers map for 3 gens.

    Got hooked and straight camped.

    He left me for 5 secs.

    Came back.

    Directly landed at hit on the Jane lacking awareness.

    Downed the Feng hiding behind the downed Jane.

    Chased and downed the Jake hiding behind a skinny tree.


    Billy covers the map even while camping, those saves have to be quick and accurate and that's not something many survivors in solo q can attempt.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 245

    It is really stunning how you try to tip toe dance around the topic because you basically have no arguments. You're pretty petulant about this.

    You completly ignored all of my points and just try to manifest your pov by shifting focus from your pointless discussion to something all players agree on. It's called manipulation and it's a pretty pathetic attempt when you cannot defend your point with arguments.

    You try to make it look like it's the most normal thing in the world but it hasn't been for years. The tunneling issue became just much worse recently. I don't know for how long you have been playing dbd but your "arguments" kind of make it questionable about how experienced you are with how dbd aged.

    It's not a "strategy" which gets rarely picked by experienced people to make an unique move to catch the survivor off guard or unexpected. It's not hard to do or anything unique. It is a cheap way to secure a game because aside from competitive teams there is nothing the common survivors can do to save the match if someone tunnels from the start.

    I already told you that the majority of survivors do not play toxic. There are bully squads and toxic players. Yes thats true. However their behaviour is not approved as well.

    Everyone who plays this game is aware of the chance of loosing it. Aside from people who tunnel from the start of the game of course.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

     to something all players agree on

    If, by 'all players', you mean the minority of Survivors angry that they are losing to a valid tactic. But Survivors love to claim they speak for everyone. It's called 'Entitlement'.

    You try to make it look like it's the most normal thing in the world but it hasn't been for years. The tunneling issue became just much worse recently. I don't know for how long you have been playing dbd but your "arguments" kind of make it questionable about how experienced you are with how dbd aged.

    Tunneling is only an 'issue' in the minds of Survivors angry they lost.

    It's not a "strategy" which gets rarely picked by experienced people to make an unique move to catch the survivor off guard or unexpected. It's not hard to do or anything unique.

    It's still a strategy. No different from Survivors going to a 50% complete gen.

    I mean, what's Smarter?

    1. A Killer attacks an injured, once-hooked Survivor. They require ONE attack to down, and being on the 2nd hook means they require immediate saving, thus tying up another Survivor.
    2. A Killer chases a healthy, no-hook Survivor. The chase lasts twice as long because they require 2 hooks, and they are not in immediate danger of dying on the hook, since they are in stage 1.

    Hint: If you say 'The second one'; You're either lying, or genuinely believe Killers should play badly for Survivor benefit.

     It is a cheap way to secure a game because aside from competitive teams there is nothing the common survivors can do to save the match if someone tunnels from the start.

    And there's the entitled Survivor mindset of deciding what's fair or not for the Killer. You don't get to decide it's 'cheap'. That's like those people in Overwatch who claim Bastion or Widowmaker are 'cheap'; They're salty they lost.

    I already told you that the majority of survivors do not play toxic. There are bully squads and toxic players. Yes thats true. However their behaviour is not approved as well.

    • And yet I never see someone claim genrushing is 'cheap'. Ever.
    • Or that twerking out the exit gates is 'toxic'.
    • Or that 4 escapes is 'sweating' or tryhard'.
    • Or that using 12 META perks is 'boring' and 'should change because Killers are unhappy'.
    • I never see Killers say 'What about our fun?'

    Usually Killers are told to 'get thicker skin' or 'cope' or 'learn 2 play'. Almost like there's a massive double standard in which Survivors can play to win, but Killers are shamed for doing the same. 🤔

    Everyone who plays this game is aware of the chance of loosing it. Aside from people who tunnel from the start of the game of course.

    Ah, and there's the shade thrown at Killers who play in a non-SurvivorApproved(tm) way.

    There's a reason 'The Survivor Rulebook For Killers' became a meme. It's because Survivors actually think they dictate the rules.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,408
    edited February 16

    Loved the cherry picking and flat ignoring of most of the things you respond too. But if I had to ask for one clarification:

    You don't get to decide it's 'cheap'.

    Who does? You think because you say so, it's just true?

    To be clear, I do respect your PoV, just not how you handle yourself. I had to learn a few things too about the forums and how to say what you want respectfully. @Rizzo helped me with that learning, so ty! <3

    So continue! Getting me through my workday:)

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 4,971

    As the topic as gotten out of hand once more, I am locking the the thread here.

    Please remember that everyone is welcome to speak their civil and constructive thoughts & opinions. However, please keep the discussion and disagreements respectful when doing so; of others here on the Forum, and other players of the game. Thank you.

This discussion has been closed.