Finally a second game mo...aaand it's gone!


Been playing less and less DBD and haven't fired up the game in a couple months but was pretty interested to actually play a new game mode and without all the perks and stuff.... I bet getting back to basics was refreshing.

Just logged on and realized my error, it's already over. The first new game mode in what, 8 years? And it's finished in a week?! Any chance in hell of it coming back anytime soon? (New game modes will be introduced in the future I realize.)


  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    It had to be temporary, 2 separate game modes would just mean longer queue times for both and that leads to less engagement

    Lights out itself was just a mechanical experiment

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 504

    Don't worry. They said they are doing a new one every 2 to 3 releases, so you only have to wait another 6 to 9 months for another one.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,277

    If it makes you feel better the new mode was really only entertaining for about 3 matches

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,755

    i dont buy that whole: "oh they cant have more then one mode permanently cause then the ques would be so long" bs.

    there are other games out there that have multiple modes that sustain these modes with there playerbase. if dbd does not have that large of a playerbase that is a clear sign that we need new existing stuff (like diffrent modes) to get our playerbase to grow.

    i had so much fun in lights out. i love dbd i mostly play killer cause i dont like surv gameplay but playing killer really exhausts me cause i always fell a bit stressed. in lightout that stress was gone cause its not main dbd its that silly mode without perks.

    we need more modes and we need them permanent. and for the love of god give us a mode where killer can finally have a friend

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,000

    i dont buy that whole: "oh they cant have more then one mode permanently cause then the ques would be so long" bs.

    This isn't their stance, this is just something random people have said on the forums.

    BHVR's stance is that if the game mode was up for too long, those playing that game mode would decrease as the gimmick wears off, and I can agree with that. People were already over Lights Out after the first couple days, just like when people play the PTB each chapter. It was highly killer-favoured, and killer queues for Lights Out did end up getting pretty long, even if the regular mode queues were untouched.

    But I do think one week was far too short, I think 2 weeks minimum should have been the benchmark, and if it turns out to be popular, extending it for another week or 2.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,394

    Did they for real say this? Please tell me it’s not true lol.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,755

    okey then thats fair. that was what i was hearing from all over.

    one week was absolutly to short even for just a test and then they even put some fomo in it wich stings extra.

    they should just make it two weeks every two month altest for this year untill they figuert out what and if they want to do something with the whole concept of diffrent modes

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 504

    Yeah, they said it in the most recent livestream where they went over the upcoming changes related to the roadmap.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 407

    The game modifiers are meant to be a special game mode that gets cycled out from my understanding. Essentially having lights out in the game for a long time would eventually get boring to people and increase the que times for the mode which only makes it harder for people to get into a match who want to play it. So by cycling them out it would get people more excited for it.

    That's my understanding of what BHVR are going for.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,369
    edited February 16

    ... right

    It is always gone way faster than you thought it would.

    (i love South Park :-)