Anti-trigen system unfortunately might not be enough

It took me a while to define my opinion on this, but here we are.

Against a normal killer like Hillbilly, Chucky, etc, I think the system is ok and is doing its job. When I play with those killers I can kinda try to hold a trigen, but it won't last forever.

The problem is with the killers that were already extremely good with holding trigens before the update. On my tests, I still managed to hold trigens with the Singularity and managed to see the flaw in the system.

Singularity can just sit on one of the gens that is currently regressing while checking the other gens with the pods. I do think that a good SWF with coms is capable of breaking a trigen like that (counting with the regression limit), but if there is a single survivor outside of coms and unaware of the other players' plan, it might be enough for Singularity to win.

I had literal 40 minutes-long games with this strategy and, in some of those matches, I didn't even have to stick with the trigen at the start (mostly because I had Denied Requisition Form and could get a quick down at the start, being able to use my slowdown perks like Pain Res and Grim Embrace early on and putting even more pressure later on the trigen since there would usually be someone dead on hook already).

I'm not 100% sure about Skull Merchant and Knight though. Since they can't just sit on a gen while bothering the other two I don't think they can do this at the same level, since as a consequence they will have to kick gens more often, but if they could we have to think of the solution in a similar way.

On top of the regression event cap, there should also be a cap for how much a gen can regress in total after being kicked. What I mean by this is: that this would not affect Ruin, this would not affect Pain Res, and this would not affect Pop Goes the Weasel. This would only consider the total amount of regress a gen can receive by regressing normally after being kicked, NOT counting the 5% basekit.

The reason why this is necessary is that you can avoid the regression event cap by simply not letting survivors stop the gen from regressing. And we shouldn't bring "gen taps" either because that was also frustrating for the killer.

I have a few suggestions for numbers and how the mechanic would work.

-The system considers the amount of regress in total, not separately for each time you kick a gen;

-The total amount of progress a gen can lose with normal regression is 30%. This would never come into play in a normal game;

-After the cap is reached, the gen will stop regressing and the killer will no longer be able to kick that gen, without needing to reach the 8 regression events limit.

Now, just so I don't forget, we have Call of Brine and Overcharge. After the nerfs not many people use these perks anymore, but I know if I don't at least mention them while writing this feedback someone is gonna be mad.

My answer is simple: Rework those perks. No one trying to play a normal game of Dead by Daylight would use those perks right now. HOWEVER, if that is not possible, then those perks should not affect the cap, it stays at 30% and it doesn't matter if it regressed faster or not.