As new killer, I can't avoid gens just flying.

With MMR being as useless as it is, matching new killers with experienced survivors and bully squads is just something that happens constantly.
As new killer is super difficult not to get gen rushed. If I run a gen regression build, I have no chase power and I get looped for forever, by the time I finish a chase 2 or 3 gens already popped.
If I run a chase build, I have no protection from gen rushing, gens still just fly even If I finish a chase faster.
I know is a video game and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but when the game itself just keeps putting you in a situation where you just gonna keep on losing, is just frustrating and unfun.
Combine gen regression with chase perks. In chase you should also learn to do mindgames and not rely only in perks: hide the red stain, learn the structures for anticipating survivor actions, in the loops give the survivors the bad side of the pallet, etc. In some cases you will lose despite all of that anyway, because you are in a survivor sided map, you are playing a weak killer, you are playing in a bad map for that killer, etc. But learning all the things I've said your kill rate will increase for sure.
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If you’re new as killer I recommend you watch some How to play Killer videos on YouTube. There’s more to it than just following a Survivor. You’ll learn more from watching than you would from reading anything on here.
I also recommend you start off with Wraith. He’s a simple killer and it’ll let you get experience without over complicating the game.
Finally, if you don’t have any slow down perks, perhaps farm blood points by playing Survivor and sink them into killers that have the ones you want.
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The best advice I can give you is to let it happen. Until you unlock the perks and learn the skills to deal with such fast paced games, it's best not to focus on the things you can't do but on those that you can.
When you're just starting to play a role, then you are at a significant disadvantage because you have neither a lot of practice (which means you won't know what does and doesn't work yet and also need to think about a lot of things that come naturally to more experienced players) nor the tools to compete. Keep that in mind and try not to expect too much of yourself too quickly. You'll get there soon but for now focus on learning.
Commit to a chase (even when the survivor is obviously good), try to keep track of survivors across the map, test out mind games, see if you can bait survivors into making mistakes, learn where you can get easy hits and where it takes forever. Make mistakes (and I mean many of them) and then learn from these. As you play, you'll eventually gain the BP and the iridescent shards to unlock more characters (for example Clown or Artist), which will provide some much needed slowdown perks.
It's unfortunate that the game is quite unfriendly towards beginners but you can still have fun, if you go into it with a positive attitude. Soon, you will be good enough (both in skill and in loadout) to stomp these groups.
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Just keep playing and learning until you have game sense and when and where to go.
Try to not burnout (this is important trust me).
Slowly you will unlock perks that help.
What killer you use its important. There are killers that need extra effort and knowledge to work.
Who are you using or would like to use?
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All 5 gens would be done in 180seconds + some running time theoretically.
So you cannot stop gen rush against good survivors actually.
If you are playing M1 killer, the only thing you can do is tunneling one of them and face camping one of them at the end game.
Then dev would be satisfied about 50% statically kill rate.
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If you face a bully squad that is toxic in that they have no intention of doing gens then the last thing you want to do is play into their hands.
Don't dc and incur a penalty just face a wall and wait for the next game.
Nothing frustrates a toxic bully squad more than not being able to bully a new or inexperienced killer.
Do something else and they'll soon get bored and finish the game.
Good survivors you can learn from but until you're experienced don't entertain these pathetic childish toxic survivors.
Good luck
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I disagree.
Use those Bully squads for practice instead. Who cares if they are annoying and constantly go for flashlight and pallet saves? There is nothing better for new killer to learn propper chase and survivor behaviour then those type of games. Embrace it.
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If Survivors play META perks and addons, your chances of winning as Killer are pretty slim on most maps unless Survivors make mistakes.
Hope that they make mistakes and/or don't bring the strong stuff.
Some Killers do dodge games if Survivors play too many Toolboxes or aim to play a bad map like Eerie of Crows or Garden of Joy for example.
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What helps with the frustration is going into a trial with your own aim. Maybe you want to just play Survivors around loops, commit to hooking each Survivor once, learning when to commit or break a chase, or even defending just 2 gens and other ideas, but when starting out forget about the Survivors and just practice your target.
Early on, it won't matter so much about losing because MMR will most likely put you in difficult positions woth tough opponents, but just practice to a certain aim. I even would take one of the Emblem or score categories and focus on getting as much BP for a specific Emblem.
It's always good to come back to this, even when you become more experienced at the game. I still use Tomes for practice from time to time. At the end of the day, people talk about wins and losses, but in reality it's you at a computer, and you set what you want to achieve in each trial.
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imo as a new player you should pretty much disregard winning and instead just focus on actually getting better in chase and at general macro gameplay winning will come with improvement in other areas at the end of the day whether the pixels on the screen show an escape or a kill isnt really a big deal and should just motivate you to learn and get better