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How’s This Build??

I was very reluctant to try this build because of the obvious inconsistency, I like solid perks that gives value no matter the circumstance and situations.

But so far I haven’t lost a game (less than a 4k) and I would say I get Starstruck value around at least once or twice every match. I would love some advice on maybe how to better the build somehow? I bought Wesker today just for it

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  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited February 2024

    Switching corrupt for friends till the end might help find and track targets as well if you aren't worried about slowdown

  • Member Posts: 140

    I was thinking swapping corrupt for Ultimate Weapon because ya I’m dealing with a lot of survivors playing stealth. But I also don’t want 3 gens to pop so soon. Conflicted

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    No gen defense means you are gonna lose most games against any decent team. Also its one of those builds that, as soon as survivors know what you are doing, it is super easy to counter.

  • Member Posts: 1,723
    edited February 2024

    Not sure how much experience you have running Starstruck, but it is a perk you can force value from, by tactically choosing which hook to put the survivor on.

    The indirect pressure created by Exposing survivors around a hook and 2 gens is just as strong as a quick down due to Exposed.

    @concubined I've 2 recommendations depending on your preferred playstyle....


    Agitation, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, and Grim Embrace

    Your post-hook strategy should be to force survivors off any nearby gens and lock down all paths to the hook. You always want to carry survivors towards two gens that are close together, with the hook preferably in-between. Use Grim Embrace to tell you the anti-camping range. If able, hang around 12-15m for a while after hook, to delay Grim Embrace's effect--you want to create situations in which survivors need to hook bomb to avoid second stage (the later Grim Embrace activates, the less likely survivors are able to finish repairing their generator AND go for save).

    You win the game by creating situations in which survivors cannot avoid Starstruck, and have to respect the threat that it provides.


    Agitation, Starstruck, Trail of Torment, and Nowhere to Hide

    You will want to carry each survivor as close as possible to whichever generator you know is being worked on, then rely on Nowhere to Hide to find survivors while Trail of Torment gives you the drop on them. I find that Awakened Awareness leads me on wild goose chases for survivors who moved from their original hiding spot--Nowhere to Hide provides information when you need it, while you have the ability to act on it.

    All-in-all, I like the build. Happy to see someone else is having fun with Starstruck at the moment

  • Member Posts: 140

    I really loved your insights and wisdom on the subject I didn’t know starstruck was so versatile. I also never thought to use grim embrace the way you suggested, I recently came back to the game after being off half a year so I’m unfamiliar with the AFC system they implemented but I have used grim to make sure I was out of the face camping range.

    I play spirit loyally so I wouldn’t benefit from the stealth that Trail of Torment provides but ya the downsides of Awakened Awareness you mentioned have happened to me before but so have the opposite where the survivor does not know I have it and just stay thinking they’re immersed and I phase right on them for the quick down.

    And of my play style, I’m everything the community deem as taboo and stigmatized. I tunnel one person out as early as I can and just clean up the rest is usually my game plan. Not sure if you have recommendations as to how I can fit that around a build like this but I’ve had survivors trying to prevent the tunnel out giving me starstruck value. I also have been slugging more than usual after using this build, it feels optimal.

  • Member Posts: 1,723
    edited February 2024

    I completely overlooked the fact that you were running Spirit! I saw Wesker's face on Awakened Awareness, then his name in your comments, and the rest was history 🤣

    In that case, you should totally explore the synergies with Awakened Awareness some more!

    I want to recommend this, but I have to admit I've never run this exact build. This is more of a theorycraft, but I will run it now so I'm not making you the guinea pig hahah

    The idea with this build is that you're always chasing an Exposed survivor. Starstruck disincentivizes survivors from unhooking before you leave Make Your Choice range, while Awakened Awareness gives you the free down if they try anyway. Monstrous Shrine is the obvious headturner in this build, but I swear it is not a meme. The accelerated hook timer from Monstrous Shrine directly conflicts with Exposed survivors' desire to play it slow and stealthy, opening the door for more survivor mistakes.

    I'm going to give this a go with Chucky, and I will report back after a few games (:


    After 5 games, 4 were absolute blow-outs. The 5th was a 3k, but it took me 3 gens to get my first down--not sure if I was outclassed, or outplaying myself. MS forced a survivor to second stage twice, and I'd say Starstruck and MYC split the Exposed downs 50/50.

    Biggest issue with the build is the potential for MYC and Starstruck to both be on cooldown, but that's a byproduct of building too much pressure, so it's not a huge setback.

    If I was to swap out Monstrous Shrine, for something with more consistent value, I'd replace it with Sloppy Butcher or Spies from the Shadows.

    Post edited by KayTwoAyy on
  • Member Posts: 140

    You’re actually God sent I appreciate your help so much, idk if this isn’t too forward to ask on forums but would you be down to be friends? I would love someone that’s so knowledgeable about a game that I’m starting to be passionate about in again.

    As for the build I think it’s definitely creative and can be oppressive with some luck but I’m still making the transition from using 4 gen control perks to a more gimmicky build. So far I’m really happy with results and I’m having fun but sometimes it does feel like my survivors are slipping out my hands. I posted like two videos running this build on YouTube by the same name as I got on here because it was exciting when things worked perfectly. But I had one unposted game where I still had 3 survivors alive at 1 gen which was not something I am used to at all and Starstruck clutched it up for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    I'm definitely on the outs with DBD, but I'm more than happy to watch your vids and workshop ideas with you!

    I'm the type of player to actively avoid meta gameplay, so I like to believe I'm well-versed in extracting value from underappreciated features. I'm also a strategist, so I genuinely enjoy thinking about the game from all sides.

    I'm comically bad at Spirit, but I can see why Awakened Awareness is a better perk on her than most other killers.

    Regarding my latest suggestion, Sloppy would probably be a much better perk for Spirit than Spies, but in the game I ran with Spies I found it pairs really well with Awakened Awareness.

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