Are the devs serious?

I’m not sure if they were trolling or just don’t know in regards to the pig “buffs.” She is, objectively, right now a better character than she will be after the patch. The slowdown/threat of a headpop is the best thing pig has, and it’s being severely nerfed
Meanwhile they are buffing the worst part of her kit, which is still counterable by predropping and running away from the loop. Huge L for Pig.
Pig Buff? Who said that? It's a very obvious nerf.
19 -
And another funny thing, they buffed strong killers aka Blight and Huntress. I guess Pig was so op.
15 -
peanits. in the dev update
"we have decided to buff The Pig"
19 -
A few minutes ago I said no Pig main I know likes these changes, but I said that to a streamer who says Pig was the first killer she bought and she thinks they re fine. So that's one. Every other Pig main I know is not on board. We will see what happens on the PTB how things go, but... I am thinking that my go to build (in which I do not actually get many head pops but do rely on the traps for pressure) will end up with a 0% kill rate instead of my usual 60%.
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These changes are revealing that apparently a lot of people think Pig's traps are for killing survivors and not for slowing the game down.
The timer before a head pop getting thirty seconds longer isn't going to change the fact that you're dragging survivors off generators to go search boxes. The entire point of Pig's power is that it guarantees a head pop won't happen if survivors willingly give up generator time to go search boxes. All thirty extra seconds will do is provide slightly more team counterplay if the Pig is trying to hard focus down one person with a trap, and that's not even viable to begin with.
So, the timer nerf doesn't matter and the box aura nerf is a little more noticeable but ultimately doesn't matter. In exchange, we at least have the beginnings of giving Pig a proper chase power and improving her stealth. Yeah, the devs are serious, because this is a buff overall.
54 -
It is hard to believe Pig got nerfed... again.
When they changed her monstrous end game potential around the time the EGC released it was already a bit questionable, but you can see the reasoning behind that change.
The same cannot be said for anything that came afterwards, especially this recent one. The most important aspect of her kit is getting nerfed, and it isn't needed.
Hopefully the PTB feedback will be acknowledged this time.
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Buffing blight and making it so dodging huntress hatchets is less of a reward
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No one in this thread is saying that. A very effective playstyle with pig is to put a trap on someone and then pressure them off of boxes so that they get close to a head pop. That isn’t possible anymore, and her “compensation” is a mediocre antiloop dash. At that point, why not just play a good antiloop killer?
19 -
It's the only conclusion to saying that the timer nerf in any way affects the viability or strength of her head traps. An increase of the timer on RBTs doesn't change the fact that you're dragging survivors off generators to go search jigsaw boxes, and that's what her power is for.
So, the effective playstyle of Pig - trapping survivors so they're off generators then occupying other survivors with chases, hooks, and their own traps - hasn't changed. Her ability to use stealth and Ambush is getting at least a little bit better. And finally, specifically harassing one guy off a box until they get a head pop got slightly weaker.
This is somehow an overall nerf to Pig? Her main thing doesn't change, her weakest elements get better, and a suboptimal playstyle gets very slightly weaker?
20 -
a lot of people only play pig for the ability to camp boxes and head-pop the survivor. that is why it is a nerf. It is not exactly healthy play-style considering your only required to put the survivor in dying state a single time to get what is essentially a passive mori for camping.
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That’s not how I played her. I would use the information of box location to narrow down where the survivor was able to go, while at the same time defending a gen spread and pushing other survivors off. Now I can’t tell where the boxes are, and the increased time puts less pressure on the survivors. I didn’t play for head pops. I would take current pig over this nonsesnse.
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Even if you disagree with the playstyle (which shouldn’t matter) this is a nerf. It was efficient and effective. But hey, at least her dash is .2 seconds better now.
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I mean... okay?
She's still getting overall buffed even if a very specific thing you liked to do gets slightly weaker.
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It's unbelievable that people can't understand such a simple concept like this.
RBTs are meant to SLOWDOWN survivors, not to KILL them, you can even add 15 minutes to the timer, this doesn't stop the fact that at some point survs need to leave the gens, found the right Jigsaw Box and take them off.
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It's just hard to see why they extended the headtraps to what is now a minor inconvenience. I liked the changes to stealth and ambush. I even can see the reasoning behind hiding the Jigsaw Box auras from the Pig. The increased time limit though is a mistake though, especially since that I enjoyed those last second escapes.
Then again, just to remind people this is a PTB and they have listened in the past, so with luck they'll rethink the headtrap timer. It's not that the headtraps made a huge difference to the game (they were more a delay tactic anyway), but making them worse is an odd decision. The Pig doesn't have to always be the meme Killer
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Its a buff to her chase power and you still have the slow down. I dont see the problem
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Getting her chase power buffed to be merely terrible from worthless does not make up for the fact nobody will ever die from a RBT again
Why play this character? Even after this "buff" her chase power is still trash. Her stealth is still terrible and clunky. Now the slowdown will never kill anyone unless the team is absolutely falling apart
The one and only reason to play this character is going for RBT kills and this patch removes that
Throw her in the grave with Sadako already, these reworks are terrible. The fact they just nerfed billy because "missing a chainsaw meant nothing" and then now buff huntress so you need to dodge ~seven~ fing hatchets in a row before you get a break in chase is wild and tells you everything you need to know about these devs
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No one should surprised. Survivors don't like rbt focused builds so rbts were always going to be nerfed in favor of ambush.
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It’s not a net buff. Survivors will still just predrop or hold W and the dash will mean nothing. There was no reason to nerf the time either, as most survivors currently get the trap off in time. It just reeks of a change to, once again, boost up bad players.
12 -
I feel like a broken record, here, but people are not supposed to die to RBTs. That is not why you put an RBT on someone, it is not the goal, you aren't supposed to be relying on people dying to RBTs. In a Pig game where everything goes reasonably well and your power is firing on all cylinders, nobody will die to an RBT.
Play a hundred games, if Pig's power is working, nobody will die to an RBT.
That is not what they're for. That isn't the value you're shooting for. I'm going insane, this is what insanity feels like.
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The only nerf I disagree with is increasing the RBT time from 2:30 to 3:00. I think they should instead replace that with stopping to search through a box by any means will no longer force you to have to restart it all over.
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I’m not disagreeing about the traps’ purpose. As it is now, I do get an occasional head pop. That will now virtually never happen.
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I mean, why? If someone's dying to a head pop, they're massively screwing up. You think thirty seconds is really gonna make that much difference if someone's flat-out ignoring their trap?
The only other time you could possibly get a head pop with Pig is if you're hard-focusing one guy down by harassing them away from boxes, but you can still do that, you just give up more generator progress. Also, good, it's good that one strategy became a little weaker.
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No it’s not. If I want an antiloop killer I will pick slinger, huntress, or Spirit. 0 reason to choose pig. Pig was appealing because of slowdown and map control. So once again, even if it’s a playstyle you don’t like, it is still a nerf.
10 -
Y'all maybe don't wanna hear it, but RBTs are absolutely awful and the main reason Pig's in a bad spot. A lucky Pig is the strongest killer in the entire game, and unlucky one is the worst. All these changes do is block some of the most asinine gameplay styles. On the survivor end, nothing changes, except there's a slightly smaller chance that Pig AFKs in front of the box you need.
Well, that, and she's stronger in chase now.
RBTs should be slowdown, NOT utterly and completely randomised freebie kills.
12 -
So she needed a nerf? Ok lol
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But you still get the slowdown. The slowdown hasn't gone anywhere! It still does the exact same thing, that's the reason that this timer nerf doesn't matter.
The only thing that gets weaker is harassing survivors away from the boxes, both because you can't see the boxes and because the timers are slightly longer. This is both not a very strong strategy and quite an unhealthy one, so it's fine for this to get a little weaker- and it's not even by much.
If you want slowdown, you still have that. That hasn't changed.
15 -
She needed a design pass. Random RBT kills are de facto the worst part of her kit in terms of design. This change alleviates that, while offsetting it with buffs to her ambush.
Honestly, the RBTs should work entirely differently to better focus them on their purpose, but that's not what a mid-chapter is for.
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Then again, explain why you would ever play the character over someone else. It's like "oh I used this real dumpy chase power to down someone, now my reward is they have to waste a minute off gens" as opposed to "I just downed this guy so fast it saved me an entire minute of chase"
Literally no difference, other than the fact that one character has a strong chase power and is actually fun to play
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I mean you keep saying it’s not a strong strategy, yet I have success with it. The weak version would be straight up tunneling/tracking the survivor wearing the trap, which is not what I do.
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Blight and now Hilbilly are op. Of course they nerf pig
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I say that because it isn't?
The strength of the RBTs is that they are passive pressure. The usual sweet spot good killers are aiming for, with one on hook, one in chase, one going for the save, and one on generators, is massively empowered when the one on generators actually has to go search a box to avoid dying.
So, when you're ignoring that strength to go harass someone who already has a trap on, in most scenarios you're doing something substantially weaker. The point of Pig is to occupy multiple survivors and not be chasing people who already have hats on, that's purposefully hamstringing your own power for basically no benefit.
See above. The RBTs are passive pressure, not meant to kill survivors outright.
5 -
^ this.
It does not matter if the timer is 2,5 minutes, 3 minutes or 10 minutes. The Slowdown is the same, at some point the Survivor HAS to get rid of the RBT.
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I feel like this is showing a lot people just play pig by trapping one survivor and than harassing them until they're tunneled out of the game.
Imagine Pig getting her chase buffed and then suggesting it's a nerf. Medical File + Workshop Grease about to go crazy.
EDIT: I'm thinking of Last Will not Workshop Grease lol although the grease isn't terrible.
12 -
The actual slowdown that she gets isn't changing. I heard this from someone else who said it well. Head pops were only happening against Solo Q and weak survivors. Once you hit SWFS and higher levels they will drop off. So, this change doesn't affect her traps against high level survivors and will allow weaker survivors to deal with the chase aspect instead which inevitably is more enjoyable and give her better chase against stronger survivors for once.
2 -
"Better chase against high level survivors" when her chase power is hard countered by predropping and holding W. So, that's not really how this works. Good survivors will still just predrop, hold W, and now the traps are worthless too. Major L for pig; you can basically finish more than half a gen with a helmet on and have it not matter at this point
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If it doesn’t matter, why change it at all? Your argument is faulty.
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The only people upset with these changes would be anyone happy about chasing down trapped survivors, KNOWING where they have to go, and tunneling them out of the game.
Its called slowdown, not a handout.
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If it’s a weak strategy, why does it get me wins? Also, I am putting pressure on multiple survivors and NOT just the one with the trap on.
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Traps are great passive slowdown. If you're focusing on people with traps then those without are just sitting on gens. That hasn't changed at all, except now those on gens will be more cautious. The boxes are for survivors, Pig shouldn't need to worry about them.
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Weaker, not weak. It's weak compared to actually letting the traps function as slowdown by letting survivors search boxes.
If you're pressuring multiple survivors, why does it matter the timer is thirty seconds longer? If you're letting them function as slowdown and only pressuring away survivors you happen to see while doing other things, why will this affect you? It shouldn't make a difference unless you're going out of your way to try and force a head-pop, and even then you can still do it.
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I really don't see what the big issue is.
Any Pig worth their salt will intuitively know the rough whereabouts of boxes once they've spotted a few.
Pig couldn't do the AFK thing anymore anyways. There's 5 boxes, and you're guaranteed to take the RBT off on your fourth search.
4 -
Because the survivor can now just straight up ignore the trap for an entire minute and still survive it? You can search all 4 boxes in 2 minutes as it is. Now you have a full minute of wiggle room, so unless your team is being massacred you have no reason to even start the searches until your trap is active aka just heal and continue to do gens and completely ignore the helmet if it gets you to endgame
In situations where there are 2-3 gens remaining that is a huge loss of pressure since now you can just rush the gens with your helmet on whereas currently at least you are somewhat pressured to remove it before immediately going back to work on gens
0 -
I feel like if survivors start ignoring their head traps it actually ends up fantastic for you, honestly.
You're not standing in a corner waiting patiently while their timer ticks down, you're generating pressure. They're putting themselves at extreme risk if they start ignoring traps because of a measly thirty second nerf.
7 -
30 seconds is a very long time in a game where if you are not dropping people, the gens can easily be done in ~3-4 minutes if you are not running multiple gen slowdown perks. And with a chase power that is overridden by every safe pallet and window in DBD, pig is never going to be downing people fast enough to win without tunneling on the large maps if survivors split up.
There is no reason to ever play this character again if these changes go through, not that there was that much of a good reason to play her currently unless you were a SAW fan. You only ever got RBT kills by tunneling or as a reward if you put out so much pressure a survivor has to choose between taking off their trap or saving a teammate. And there's just way better killers for tunneling so it's not like she was even really that good for that
I also don't agree with "You should never get RBT kills that's not what they are there for" like are we watching the same movies? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they are there for
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I won't contest that thirty seconds is a long time in this game, but not when contrasted against the entire trial. Thirty seconds more on a timer could just as easily translate to twenty extra seconds off generators searching boxes, depending on the size/shape of the map and anything else that happens in the trial. In general, I just don't see how that at all affects any Pig that isn't going out of their way to try and force head-pops.
If you're playing her to her strengths, it's neutral. It doesn't make a difference, survivors are very rarely getting it down to the wire to begin with.
To the last point: We aren't watching a movie, we're playing a video game.
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her slowdown is unchanged and her map control is also unchanged because experience pig memorize box locations. even if your novice pig, you can simply scout the map to see box locations in most cases. the changes specifically target head-pop pig play-styles. Personally, I never found pig enjoyable to play because I did not like her chase and stealth capacity. If she turns out to be under-performing, they can just jack up her values like faster stealth, longer dash and faster crouch.
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This thread proves to me that half of the people complaining about the RBT increase don’t play Pig.
They see a number and put their mathematician brain to work calculating the most oblivious thread in existence.
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It's not a huge nerf but seeing Huntress being deemed worthy of nothing but buffs in the meantime by the devs is quite something...
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It's just a misconception that you still go searching for a box to remove Hell Headgear from your head.
Until now, the actual effect that survivors receive when wearing a headgear is either ``treat the injury and then remove the headgear in a short period of time'' or ``give up on treatment and go to remove the headgear in a dangerous situation.'' It is being forced to.
Since the location of the box was made so that the pig could not see it, it is certain that the management made the adjustment with the aim of preventing ``survivors who scavenge for the box while injured from being knocked down again''.
This is solid proof that it's a nerf.