My humble feedback as a main P100 Pig

I'm really sad about these nerfs that Pig received, but i understand some of them, and I would like to suggest something to not make her so bad with these nerfs
About that she cant see the trap auras anymore - i'm good with this change, because this will stop bad pigs to patrol boxes and tunnel people with traps on
About the jigsaw search time increased 10 seconds - this was complete unnecessary, jigsaw box is her power, now that she cant see the boxes anymore, bhvr should make the traps more deadly. It's really hard to get a headpop, so this change was not welcome
What should HAPPEN: Survivors should NOT be able to remove traps AND not see jigsaw auras until the trap is activated / if you add this minor change, then she will be balanced with the fact that she cant see jigsaw boxes aura anymore
+ increase her crounch speed even more because she's still slow, Ghostface can be 4.6 in stealth, why she cant crounch in 4.6 speed or at least 4.0/4.4?
Thats my feedback. Hope the devs let people have fun playing with Pig. I'm done of facing always the same killers when I play survivor, let weak killers have their time to shine