It's been a while, Legion needs some more love

A long time has passed since Legion's latest rework and they haven't received any more changes since then. Legion still has a few problems with their kit and also needs a few QOL changes, I would really like to see these being addressed.

I will list the changes that I would like to see followed by an explanation of why they need it.

  • The Legion can now see pools of blood while using Feral Frenzy - This is an outdated mechanic. Legion has no direct benefit in chasing an injured survivor while in Feral Frenzy unless their purpose is exactly to hit them and leave to find someone else to chase. No, this is not urgent, but it's a QOL change that would be welcome;
  • Legion's base movement speed while in Feral Frenzy has been increased to 6.0m/s (was 5.2m/s) - Frenzy's current speed is not even enough for the power to be used for mobility, and it's extremely frustrating that you can't even reach survivors that are being shown on your killer instinct. I have been maining this killer for almost 4 years now and I still feel like my power is too slow;
  • The Legion no longer receives a speed boost for each hit in Feral Frenzy - Only fair, or else it would be nearly impossible to escape the last few hits;
  • Each time The Legion hits a survivor while in Feral Frenzy, they will receive a 0.5-second additional duration to Feral Frenzy while they are still in their power - Giving additional duration instead of the extra speed means The Legion is still rewarded for chaining hits, but they won't have uncounterable speed;

Add-on changes:

  • Frank's Mix Tape: The Legion's Terror Radius will be reduced by 4 meters each time they hit a survivor in Feral Frenzy until Feral Frenzy ends. - This is a crazy idea I had. Sometimes having a big terror radius can be a downside because a good Legion will keep notes in their head of all spots where they had a Killer Instinct proc earlier. Of course, it's better to have a Terror Radius, Legion has close to no synergy with stealth perks/add-ons, but having an add-on that gradually decreases your Terror Radius allows you to keep mind notes of where you saw survivors with Killer Instinct and give you a chance to try to get close to them without screaming "HEY BRO, I'M COMING FOR YOUR ASS" from the other side of the map. This is a stealth add-on done right for Legion;
  • BFFS: Once the gates are powered, if 15 or more tokens have been collected, gain a 6% movement speed boost. - I like BFFS concept of trying to reward you for chaining hits by giving you a buff during the endgame, it just makes no sense that the speed is not applied to Feral Frenzy as well;
  • Mural Sketch: Decreases Legion's cooldown duration by 0.25 seconds. - Legion shouldn't receive a speed add-on if my suggested changes were implemented, even though it would be fun for the killer most survivors would dislike playing against Legion if it could be faster than that. Additionally, having one cooldown add-on is nice, and a 2.75s cooldown is not broken;
  • Never-Sleep Pills: After ending Feral Frenzy, survivors that were hit by a Feral Frenzy attack in the past 20 seconds will show their aura for 15 seconds - Usually, I would suggest a nerf to Never-Sleep Pills because that add-on in its current form just promotes unfun gameplay for the survivor side, but if my basekit suggestions were applied, this add-on would not be a problem since you would be stuck at 4.6m/s. The add-on would suck though so I'm including a suggestion for a new effect, and this suggestion gives Legion an add-on option to help in chases after using your power, which is definitely welcome.

Some of these changes are not being suggested for the first time. Please BHVR, give Legion some love, they are one of the most popular killers in the game and still have some sad problems in their kit. For my other Legion main friends, yes I know you could change more in their kit, but I'm trying to be realistic and ask for the minimum changes necessary.

In my 4800h of gameplay in Dead by Daylight, at least half of that time I spent playing exclusively Legion. I love the Killer's aesthetic and concept so much and this year I even got a Susie tattoo on my arm, just because I love Legion so much. If I were to show my add-on and offering counts on Legion I would spend the rest of my life now without a girlfriend (already pretty close to that just for playing Legion). Give this to us, BHVR, please.


  • Xioxwolf
    Xioxwolf Member Posts: 5

    I agree with most of this although 6.0m/s might be a little much - maybe meet halfway between speed boost per hit or up the boost per hit so that it reaches 6.0m/s after the second hit (i.e. .4m/s per frenzy hit). The first couple of survivors should at least have a chance to outplay the start of his power.

    Frank's mixtape can essentially be a blank canvas because the addon does so little in its current form - but one does even less and that's Joey's Mixtape. For the love of god just make it the trademark sloppy butcher addon and have mangled pin do something else. There's no reason not to now that mangled is getting nerfed. Make it cause exhaustion or some other status effect.

    Personally I'd like to see NSP be a bit more functional, either a bit of duration or a bit of extra lunge or both. Extend duration by 1 second and increase lunge by .15s or something similar. Just some effect that enhances the mechanic of his power by a modest amount. A bit more boring maybe, but overall healthier than another wacky addon to have to keep track of. I love wacky but Legion has enough flexibility in his addons already to make a variety of builds.

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183
    edited March 1

    Tho Legion Suffers from “Old Hillbilly Add-ons” design philosophy I would say the Add ons aren’t a problem, the brown, yellow and ultra rare add ons are really good! As for everything in between… yeah they need a major rework

    Legion Needs base kit buffs to bring it in line with other killers, and not “at least it isn’t D tier”

    I don’t understand why it isn’t a priority since legion is like the most consistently played killer

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,250

    legion power should be able to damage deep wound would next step for legion to get buffed.