Does the Unknown have same Dredge background?

They both are on the same isle sure, but aren’t both also the culmination of bad thoughts?


  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    They’re both eldritch horror-style creations as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re from the same realm.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    I don’t think it’s stated. I personally think they’re different. Dredge is created by the entity and The Unknown came to life from negative energy that comes off of people’s emotions like how the Cursed Spirits are given life by negative emotions in Jujutsu Kaisen.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    What I meant was, that in the same way that the Dredge came into existence because of dark thoughts and fear, that the unknown was able to come into existence the same way.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    I know, my answer stands. I don't think we're supposed to know either way.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 23

    No, Dredge & Unknown has basically nothing in common and both of their maps being in the same realm means nothing (just like how Huntress & Plague's maps being in the same realm doesn't mean anything with each other lorewise.)

    The Dredge is a boogeyman made real as an amalgamation of people and all their negative thoughts while The Unknown is an urban legend with no real origin or form and that nobody really knows anything concrete about it's existence or if it's even real, even when it comes for someone who tries to visualize it, it only takes the form of what the person imagined it as.

    The Unknown has nothing to do with negative energy, we basically know nothing concrete about it (hence it's name being the unknown) except that visualizing it summons it to your location to kill you and steal your voice in the form it was visualized as.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    I think he mixed up the Unknown and Dredge there; he probably meant the Dredge was birthed from repressed negative thinking (which is implied by its lore) and that the Unknown was created by the entity. I don’t think the entity created the Unknown personally but it seems to be a common suspicion.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,628

    What I see it is as is

    Dredge is the amalgamation of dark thoughts from several people while the unknown is the amalgamation of a person's single idea of what it looks like as they never fully specify what the unknown looks like in the lore instead saying this person drew what she thinks it looks like. So in the end sure it follows the same idea but instead of multiple people it's just one but the lore is also different plus it's a different style to the dredge with the unknown having a more uncanny human appearance and needing a chiropractor plus maybe a tooth brush because of those yellow teeth.