Killer Reworks - Why aren’t we fully completing them?
I’m noticing a pattern here. Behavior thankfully has been taking the time to address killers that need help.
I know they have a lot on their plate, and there are a lot of things that they have to consider when doing these changes and reworks.
However, I’ve seen several threads, now, where different killers are becoming unhappy, because the reworks are not being fully completed.
Trickster - they went in the right direction and did pretty well for the most part, but there are a few things untouched and unfinished that left this character feeling awkward. Regardless, my point being here is that he could’ve had a few more adjustments made if we’re going to go ahead and do a rework to make him right.
Onyro - 80% of her rework was beautiful after having to undergo several reworks to get to this point and again I understand sometimes we don’t know until we know, After the most recent rework and a few add-on passes, she still has add-ons that are useless that need to be addressed, survivors counter TVs are incredibly strong. Tapes are non-threatening still. Her mobility and condemn pressure is very limited because there are no consequences for turning off all these TVs.
*Tape editing was good for OG Sadako. Doesn’t fit new one. Use to help her out at the start of the trial. Now it’s meh…defeats the purpose.
*Rickety Pinwheel and sea-soaked cloth. Why? Punished for using her tp? 2 blindness addons. Sea-Soaked and Yoichi fishing net? Why not make fishing net take the place of sea soaked cloth and give fishing net a condemn function since there is no variety there.
*Well Water - Just 2 seconds? At least 2.5 or 3.
Billy - the community, and Billy were extremely happy with this rework, however, after the following adjustments, there were a few shoelaces left untied, overall an amazing job done with him, but he doesn’t feel quite complete. And therefore it’s hard to have fun with the character you grow to love when they feel unfinished.
Pig - buffed her in several areas, especially her chase, but the most unique design created about her that everybody grew to love and admired the creativity of the developers, got nerfed. Her main power. After the developers specifically said on the live stream. “ we promised we are not nerfing pig”
(if she goes live like this, she, too, will feel unfinished.)
Behavior. Please consider the feedback, you’re doing such an amazing job with taking into account the quality of life of killers and I understand it’s difficult to keep up with it all, but we have to finish what is started. If you’re going to rework something complete it please 100%
This concerns me for future killers that are on the radar to get reworked like twins and Freddy. @GeneralV
It definitely raises a bit of concern for the people that are waiting for the rework eagerly only to see potentially down the road that their favorite character won’t completely be finished either. I know there’s only so much that can be done in one year and I get that, thank you for all you do.
I don‘t like that they fully rework characters and change the ways they work. At this point I payed for an other product.
I feel the same with Onryo. Her first version was the best and didn‘t need the reworks. Only some buffs were needed and a nerf to ring drawing to no longer work while slugging.
They can add more depth to characters or add new things, but changing how they work is just wrong.
Therefore I don‘t want a Myers rework. He is cool the way he is. They only need to add some more things and make tombstone a bit more difficult, but he is fine.
With the pig changes I feel the same way as with Onryo. This character is about deadly traps and not about dashing around.
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They said, they don‘t rework twins. They said, they will polish them and make them better to play.
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I feel the same. Full reworks and massive nerfs (making perks/abilities dog water) make it as if we paid for another product. That's a really valid point.
I don't mind small tweaks and bug fixes.
Also as a side note, this is to the OP - I don't know why they do it. If we can't sit in on their management/other meetings we'll never know honestly.
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I like that approach to be honest...
I am fine with overall gameplay as Twins, but it's kinda Singularity issue with difficulty and all those bugs are just hell and fatigue after each down with Victor just feels bad.
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It's gonna be a rework. For the hillbilly update they said they will make him "slightly less frustrating to play as". Look at how that went 😆
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I wished they made this approach for Sadako, instead of the reworks.
I don‘t play both of them, because of those things. It‘s just too hard for what you get.
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Yeah, I am still salty about my Deathslinger who got a parkinson...
Freddy is another case, poor guy, it's funny he is considered to be the worst killer (or one of) and his kill rate is between highest :D
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Those Freddy mains be slaying ppl 🤣🤣 @GeneralV
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I feel the same way, you pay for a character and put your money into them only for the developers to change them entirely. It doesn’t feel right. I enjoyed the original version of Sadako.
I wanted behavior to keep her as she was, and just add buffs to her, don’t change her completely.
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Me and the other six Freddy mains here carrying this killer :)
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Maybe, but what do they want to rework about the twins, they can‘t really change too much.
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i wanna help yall :)
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They said in the alan wake livestream i think (or maybe somewhere else i don't remember) they want twins playstyle so not be based around slugging anymore. They also want victor to be less buggy.
I don't know exactly how but i bet they could achieve what they want.
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I think/hope they will give the right buffs and make the switching between both better, so that slugging disappears, because it‘s no longer necessary.
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What they are doing to the pig is so sad, the traps are just a meme now and don't have thrills anymore :( They are so focused on chase... this is so sad, their should be more than chase! Traps are entertaining
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Completely agree, when I want no traps, I play Chucky.
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I 100% agree, if I wanted to play a killer with a chief power, I would play spirit
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Billy's zoning and faster chainsaw remain nerfed following the "unfun survivor main status quo" however they lower skill-floor to use his curving alongside buffing his curve through overdrive. Still, I would say his rework is relatively successful for what it was trying achieve, improve fun factor of the killer.
Trickster's design is complete however his base throwing mode could be stronger and some of his nerfed add-on could be buffed but for same reason as Onryo, His base throwing mode and add-on were "nerfed for unfun reasons". This rework is successful because it brings Trickster closer to his identity then what he was prior to the change.
Onryo got nerfed for "unfun reasons". Her condemn design was complete. the part that was not complete is her flicker design(chase) and how TV TP should be having synergy with flickers. now the condemn design is incomplete and dysfunctional where it only works vs brand new players/noob stomping.
Pig's head-traps got the "unfun nerf" but they massively improved her ambush dash and stealth. her m/s in stealth could still be boosted further to 4.0 and ambush dash related add-on could also be made base-kit. She is more well-rounded as a character.
Pig & Sadako have incomplete kits due to poor mori-balancing. I would say Sadako suffers more from changes while Pig will probably be same strength or potentially stronger with an increased skill-ceiling.
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The worst part is, that someone like Trickster gets left hanging. The PTB made him feel awesome and of course overtuned, but no one could guess tat BUVR would revert basically every single buff and turn him into an extremely lackluster version of himself, either barely any tangible change with you knowing that that's it and no more changes are coming any time soon, what we got is his final form. And that's his ultimate form.