

Chapter Idea: Friday The 13th

Member Posts: 87

New Killer: The Slasher

Jason Voorhees was born in the woods as a son to Pamela Voorhees and Elias Voorhees. Born with disfigurements, Pamela decided it was best to raise Jason at home, rather than letting him go to school. He quickly learned from his mother, that he needed her to survive, and would go everywhere with her. So when Pamela was hired to be a cook at Crystal Lake, and Elias was no longer a part of the family, Jason went with his mother.

At the camp, Jason spent most of his time with Pamela, and due to his disfigurement, the other children went out of their way to mock him. The first and only time he got separated from his mother, Jason was surrounded and harassed by the other children as they chased him to a dock and pushed him into the lake.

Miraculously, he survived, washing up on the other side of the lake without any clue on what to do. So, he sat on the rocks and waited for his mother to find him. As night came, Jason became hungry and remembered what his mother would do when he was hungry, get food. And so, that's what Jason did. From what he remembers from his home, he learned to survive, by eating the fruits of the forest and building a replica of his home.

Years passed and Jason heard screams from the other side of the lake, curious, he went to investigate. It took most of the night, but he finally reached the campsites he once attended with his mother, with bodies within some of the cabins, or strewn about the paths.

However, upon finding the source of the screams, he watches as a girl runs away from a decapitated woman on the ground. Jason runs up to the woman, recognizing her as his mother. Distraught, he takes Pamela with him back to his shack, hearing her voice telling him to do so, as she once did so long ago.

Jason makes a bed for his mother and gently places her in it. Days pass as her voice fills his head with orders once again, telling him what to collect for dinner, to get some clothes for himself, and yelling at him for getting things wrong. After some time, Pamela tells Jason that she has something she can trust he can do for her, she tells him to go kill the girl who took his mother from her.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jason leaves his shack, and escapes the forest, walking in a single direction towards his target, as if his mother were alongside him, making sure he stayed on track. Jason takes revenge on the girl by killing her mother first, then attacking her with an ice pick, then taking the body back to the lake.

Five years later, Camp Crystal Lake is reopened, and Pamela is made furious by this. She tells Jason to wait for all of the residents to settle in, then he'll have his moment. Then he could make his Mama proud. So, upon the setting of the sun, Jason emerges from his home, making a slaughter of the campsite. It was until he got to the last two campers he stopped. With a bag over his head, Jason looked down at a young boy who looked just like him.

He heard his mother crying at how he could do such harm like this, hurting people just like him. Jason fell to his knees as the boy took a machete and stabbed him in the face, bringing an end to Jason Voorhees.

Jason's body was taken to Eternal Peace Cemetery and was buried for six years. He lied peacefully in his grave until the dirt covering him began to move, revealing the boy that had killed him. Tommy Jarvis left Jason's view, returning with a metal fence post, stabbing at the motionless corpse again and again. It was here that Pamela's voice returned to Jason, or at least it sounded like it.

This new voice was deeper, more direct. A series of lightning bolts struck the fence post, reinvigorating the fallen killer, and allowing Jason to live again. Before he knew it, Jason had killed a man, not Jarvis, he knew that. But the anger within him had to claim life. Jason turned to watch as Tommy ran into the forest as it swiftly filled with a black fog.

Killer Perks:

Hex: Unstoppable: Death is not the end, nothing can stop you now.

  • At the beginning of the trial, a random dull totem ignites and becomes a hex totem.
  • While this hex is active, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 9 tokens by breaking generators, pallets, or breakable walls
  • While in a chase, this perk activates, walking into a pallet will call upon the entity to destroy it, consuming 5 | 4 | 3 tokens, pallets broken this way will not gain tokens.
  • If the associated hex totem is destroyed, tokens can no longer be gained.

"You can bring him back, you know. There's always a way." - Pamela Voorhees

Momma's Boy: You listen to authority as you're supposed to.

  • At the beginning of the trial, you become obsessed with a single Survivor.
  • While carrying a Survivor other than the Obsession, the obsession gains the oblivious status effect for 20 seconds
  • While carrying the Obsession, all other Survivors become exposed for 35 | 40 | 45 seconds.
  • You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"Kill for mother" - Pamela Voorhees

Panicking Presence: They speak your name in fear, and your presence will mortify them

  • When Survivors see your aura, they scream, revealing their auras for 3 seconds.
  • When commiting the Break action on a generator, pallet, or breakable wall, you reveal your aura to Survivors for 3 seconds.

"Make them remember, Jason. Make them remember what they did to you" - Pamela Voorhees

Killer Power: Cursed Vigor

While out of sight of Survivors, gain a 10% non-stackable haste effect. While Survivors are looking at you, gain charges for Voorhees' Rage over the course of 60 seconds.

Special Ability: Voorhees' Rage

Once fully charged, press the active ability button to activate Voorhees' Rage for 45 seconds. While Voorhees Rage is active, gain a 10% non-stackable haste effect, all Survivors are revealed by Killer Instinct, all interactions are 30% faster, injuring healthy Survivors puts them into deep wound.

For every time Voorhees Rage activates, gain a 1% stackable haste effect that remains until the end of the trial.

"There's a legend around here. A killer buried, but not dead. A curse on Crystal Lake, a death curse. Jason Voorhees' curse. They say he died as a boy, but he keeps coming back. Few have seen him and lived. Some have even tried to stop him. No one can. People forget he's down there, waiting..." - Ralph Neeley

Cursed Vigor Add-ons


Small Fire Pit: A small fire pit Jason had made during night time on his first day across Camp Crystal Lake.

  • Increases rate at which Voorhees' Rage charges by 5%

Hammer: A carpenter tool Jason had found from an abandoned tent near his makeshift shack.

  • Extends Voorhees' Rage by 10 seconds
  • Increases the amount of time Survivors have to stare down The Slasher by 20%

Hunting Knife: A weapon that lay beside Jason's mother, Pamela, after Alice had decapitated her.

  • Increases the speed of breaking generators, pallets, and breakable walls while Voorhees' Rage is active by 10%

Old Clothes: Jason's old clothes that he had quickly outgrown as he stole a new set. Though he kept this set for his mother to clean when she found him.

  • You no longer recieve a haste effect while Voorhees' Rage is active.
  • Gain a 200% bloodpoint bonus for successful basic attacks while Voorhees' Rage is active.


Crystal Lake Banner: A banner advertising Camp Crystal Lake and its numerous log cabins before Jason's death.

  • When Voorhees' Rage activates, gain a 50% increased lunge range for your first basic attack.

Counselor Clothes: Uniform clothes camp counselors wore to seperate them from non-staff teenagers.

  • Increases the rate at which Voorhees' Rage charges by 10%

Half-Eaten Fish: A fish Jason had managed to catch with his hands, showing his surprising dexterity despite his massive figure.

  • Hitting a healthy Survivor while Voorhees' Rage is active does not put them into deep wound, but instead increases the haste effect by 2.5% for 10 seconds

Flashlight: A flashlight dropped by a lost hiker as Jason was returning from killing Alice.

  • Flashlights shined on you hasten the charge speed of Voorhees' Rage by 100%

Knife set: A knife set Jason uses to incapacitate victims from afar. Quite useful when necessary and best when unexpected.

  • Hitting a healthy Survivor while Voorhees' Rage is active does not put them into deep wound, but instead gives you the Undetectable Status effect for 10 seconds


Photo: A photo Ralph Neeley took of Jason's shack when he got lost in the woods. Telling the story of what he found inside earned him the name "Crazy Ralph".

  • Survivors no longer obtain Deep Wound when hit during Voorhees' Rage.
  • Survivors hit during Voorhees' rage experience the oblivious status effect for 30 seconds

Jarvis Family Photo: A family picture taken in Camp Crystal Lake of the Jarvis family. Though Jason took care of most of the family, two of them escaped his grasp.

  • For each hit while Voorhees' Rage is active, extend the duration by 10 seconds.

Dirt Cake: A birthday cake Jason made for himself the night he washed ashore on the other side of the lake. He quickly lost count of the days after.

  • When performing the break action on a generator, pallet, or breakable wall while Voorhees' Rage is active, Survivors within 16 meters obtain the incapacitated effect for 15 seconds

"You see, Jason was my son, and today is his birthday" - Pamela Voorhees

Wild Huckleberries: A stem of a wild huckleberry plant Jason had taken to plant. It was his favorite within the campgrounds.

  • While out of sight of Survivors for longer than 15 seconds, obtain the undetectable status effect for 10 seconds

Fire Poker: A fire poker a camper had used as a weapon in an attempt to fend off Jason. The weapon proved useless.

  • Voorhees' Rage now increases stun recovery from any stuns by 30%

Very Rare

Bloodied Bag: The bag Jason wore for his first set of kills in Camp Crystal Lake. The blood stained on it comes from the man who wore it.

  • Extends Voorhees' Rage by 20 seconds
  • Increases the amount of time Survivors have to stare down The Slasher by 30%

"Die! Die! Die!" - Tommy Jarvis

Name Tags: The name tags of Claudette and Barry, the two counselors who were supposed to be supervising the lake when Jason was pushed over the dock.

  • Survivors obtain the Blindness status effect for the duration of Voorhees' Rage

"Did you know a young boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counselors weren't paying attention." - Pamela Voorhees

Hockey Mask: A mask Jason Voorhees is quite notable for using, initially acquired after taking it from one of his victims, Shelly.

  • Increases the haste effect when Survivors aren't looking at The Slasher by 2.5%
    • Does not stack with other add-ons

"I like Shelly. He's a little weird, but he's okay." - Chuck

Embedded Spear: This spear is embedded through two camp counselors, Jeff and Sandra, leaving a memorable moment in Jason's killing spree.

  • Survivors no longer obtain Deep Wound during Voorhees' Rage
  • Survivors gain the broken status effect for 45 seconds


Pamela's Head: The head of Pamela Voorhees, the sight of this cruel decapitation brings hate and fear into whoever gazes upon it.

  • Haste after each activation is increased by 100%
  • Extends Voorhees' Rage by 30 seconds

"I am Mrs. Voorhees, an old friend of the Christy's." - Pamela Voorhees

Metal Fence Post: The metal fence post Tommy Jarvis used to defecate Jason's corpse. The strikes of lightning conducted through this gave life to the fallen slasher.

  • Haste effect while out of Survivor view is increased by 5%
    • Does not stack with other add-ons
  • Haste effect lasts for 1 second after being seen

"This place is cursed. Cursed! It's got a death curse." - Ralph Neeley

New Survivor: Thomas "Tommy" Jarvis

Tommy can still remember that night, all those years ago. He's been told Jason was dead and buried, but he couldn't believe it. That small moment of Jason breathing after being stabbed through the head, it played over and over in Tommy's.

And he's been places, places to help him get better. But they never work. Just a few years ago, as he was getting better, a murderer copy-cat of Jason went on a spree, undoing all the good that went into Tommy, and nothing's worked since. But now he knows what to do. Apparently, Jason had been buried, not burned as he'd been told. He thought that maybe burning it himself would finally allow him to let go of it all.

And so, Tommy took a trusted friend, Allen Hawes, in a truck to Eternal Peace Cemetary. He had packed shovels in the back, as well as a gun or two, unbeknownst to Hawes. Tommy didn't want to take the chance that Jason somehow woke up. He was going to be ready.

Tommy pulls to a stop near the woods, next to a hole in the fence he had made earlier that week, and turned off the car. Allen tries talking, but Tommy tunes him out, letting his mouth respond anyway it wanted, it usually worked to get authorities off his back, but it didn't always work on Allen.

After a few minutes, Tommy and Allen begin walking past gravestones, eventually finding Jason's. Tommy doesn't hesitate and begins to dig, after a moment or two, Allen joins in. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they didn't have to dig long. As Tommy uncovered a portion of Jason's face, he panicked. He ran away from the grave grabbing the closest weapon he could find.

With a fence post in hand, Tommy begins to stab at Jason's body through the more exposure Allen had made on the chest. A good few seconds pass as Tommy stabs the lifeless corpse again and again, until finally out of breath, he leans on the post, breathing heavily.

As he turns to walk away, a series of lighting bolts strike the fence post behind him, flinging him into the air away from the grave. Tommy groans in pain, taking a breath just a moment before his vision went completely black, and rolled onto his back. He sits up grogilly as he sees a sillhouette standing in front of the grave.

Then, the figure throws a smaller human figure to the side, Allen. Tommy stands up, horrified at what he's witnessing, then turns, running into a dark fog. In his head runs the same message over and over again. Jason lives.

Survivor Perks:

Trauma Bearer: You hold a load of trauma on your shoulders.

  • After being unhooked, or unhooking yourself, this perk activates for the next 40 | 50 | 60 seconds.
    • You see the Killer's aura while within 16 meters of your position.
  • This perk deactivates after a conspicuous action or the exit gates are powered

"It's Tommy Jarvis, sir. I saw him! I saw him!" - Tommy Jarvis

Fight Back: You're not one to simply run away, you fight back when you have to.

  • Stunning a killer with a pallet increases the stun duration by 25% | 30% | 35% afflicting you with the Exhaustion status effect for 45 seconds

"Jason, you're dead meat!" - Tommy Jarvis

Panicked Reactions: You understand the risks of going moving fast

  • You no longer hear the sound of Skillchecks while working on generators.
  • Great Skillchecks grant +0.5% | +1% | +1.5%
  • Skillchecks happen 5% more often

"He's here... He's out there... Watching... Always... Watching..." - Tommy Jarvis

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