addon support

why doesnt this game have addon support? i asked this question is a discord and someone said that survivors ruined developer support with pink traps and some other nonsense cheats. does anyone realize that addons need to be developer approved?

I play MMOs and many of them have quality of life addons that dont directly disturb content play. addons for this game that allow survivors to see the killer they are playing against(even on a loading screen only) or that allow us to see what perks our teammates have as well as any buffs or debuffs would hugely improve quality of life. things like that are just QoL improvements that most players ask for anyway. if the devs gave us support to create our own mods they would still need to approve them or else they would be detected by anti cheat anyway.

perks like No One Left Behind dont get enough value when the team doesnt know someone has it. Adrenaline removes the need to heal in most cases when doing the last gen but my teammates dance for 30 secs trying to allow me to heal them instead of helping with the gen. coordinated teams dont have these problems and addons that help players in solos or duos gain information would simply improve general gameplay. Addons that trump killer abilities obviously or give unjustified advantageous info would obviously not get approved.

Also, addons that would allow for a favorites list in the bloodweb would be good too. If you just click the center node every time then you will miss almost every actual item except brown medkits and toolboxes. Allow the auto web to prioritize map addons and items of choice would be a nice quality of life. especially since spending points in the bloodweb is more like a chore that makes us feel like we are being punished for wanting to progress a character.

So why is this not a thing in this game? it cant be due to player abuse and misconduct since again, addons have to be developer approved.
