New Perk: Just Leave (anti bully general perk)

While killers are in a pretty good spot at the moment, toxic behaviour of the other side will always be a way to curb the excitement and fun of the game. Every killer beyond their 3rd game know the painful conondrum of waiting for the egc timer to fill up, or face the survivors waiting at the exit gate, twerking at you, giving you a light show and rubbing it in that you failed to hook and kill them. Nothing wrong with being happy that you made it out alive, but really, this gets old really quickly.
So, please BHVR, realise this perk idea of mine and I promise you that it would be an instant hit and easily thow some meta perk out of the top10. I know for a fact that I would equip it in perk slot 1 of every single of my killers and never take it off.
General Perk: Just Leave
Effect: when lingering in the exit gates area for longer then 40/30/20s The Entity blocks the exit gates for that survivor, they become exposed and their aura shown to the killer for 6/7/8s. The block and exposed status effect persist till the survivor moved away 40m from the exit gates. Survivors leaving before their timer has filled up gain a +5k BP score event "Awesome person!"
I would love to have a perk like this. Something extreme. It doesn't even matter if killers actually run it or not, I just want something that can spook survivors out of the trial faster just through the possibility of its existence, like Bloodwarden but more.
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Foe real. Bloodwarden is played so rarely, but he couple of times it does go off, it really burns survivors, so many of them are extremely aware of potential Bloodwarden plays and my teammates constantly remind me to not open the gates right now, wait for the hook, because of Bloodwarden, etc.
If a perk like "Just Leave" could do the same for lingering in the exit gates area, that would be a dream come true.
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Only if we can also get a perk that applies the same effects to survivors that refuse to touch generators until every totem and chest has been messed with.
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Can we get one for survivors where it's "just hook me"
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HAHA, I really like that one!
However, a survivor who doesn't tbag at the exit gate is a survivor who misses out on 95% of the fun of the game lol
(That's ironic)
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What would it do? Auto click the flashlight at the killer without blinding them and auto t-bagging while moving slowly, so that you can fully concentrate on moving amd checkpoints, while still BMing and poking at the killers ego?
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Not sure if you're trying to lump me as a toxic survivor but I don't have the patience for end game. As soon as the gates are powered I am GONE from the game. Likewise I'd rather be quickly hooked so I can queue the next ASAP. Diddly doddling around is just not my thing.
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Sorry, I was just trying to be funny, the scenario you describe makes more sense then my BS perk to maximise BM uptime.
But you are totally right.
"Just hook me, bro" (Survivor anti bully general perk)
If the killer has slugged or hooked all survivors and there are no other survivors remaining in the trial, this perk activates.
The killer sees the words "Just hook me, Bro" on their screen, followed by a timer counting down from 45/35/25s and showing them the aura of the perk user. Once the timer reaches zero, three killer loses 10% of their BP and XP total gains they would have gotten this round, each 10s.
To stop the timer and/or BP/XPs lost, the killer has to pick up and hook the survivor highlighted by the perk. If more then one survivor has this perk, the timer is pauses while the killer is in the act of picking up and hooking one of the perk users.
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My bad.
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Wouldn't it just be better to change the system mechanics rather than devote a perk slot to fixing the issue?
Just make it so when all survivors are inside the exit gates and the killer isn't nearby the timer goes down faster. It wouldn't impact regular gameplay and you wouldn't have use a perk slot.
It would be nice to see some bi-partisanship when it comes to tackling toxicity though. People generally only want the other side stripped of their ability to BM, but if you try to take their ability to do it away they get very upset.
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Thats kinda the point. Killers have complaint about this from basically day one and nothing has changed. I (and probably a sizable chunk of the killer population) would actually devote a perk slot to be rid of this. I am THAT serious ^_-
And it would lead to the interesting situation that, just like with Bloodwarden, survivors have to take the existence of this perk into account and this alone could lead many to Just Leave.
This makes me think: what could be the reason behind BHVR being so adamant? Is it "hur dur survivors have too much fun BMing the killer in this matter, they can't take that away"`? Or is it "content killers will eventually become to docile and let survivors go all the time. We need to keep them on edge, just like you don't cuddle with a watch dog if you want to keep it angry".
Or might it have something to do with statements like "we like the risky last minute save attemps, the teamwork required to get everyone out", and a survivor that leaves early is, well, out of the match, thus reducing the opportunities for late game bravado. If one survivor leaves, the other two might book it, too. We learned a couple of times in the last 2 years, that changes that we wish for can have unforseen consequences.
But FR ... why is this kind of BMing still in the game, when it hurts so many killers feelings?