My First Concept Chapter: Origins of Pain DLC

sabinianmoonstone Member Posts: 78
edited March 2024 in Creations

Greetings everyone. I'm bringing you guys a DBD concept chapter I made called Origins of Pain.

I started creating this chapter various months ago. So far, the only thing I need is to write the lore of the survivor and draw what the survivor may look like. Afterwards, it's completely done. I'm open to any feedback. Hopefully, the developers may see this one day. Without further or do, let's get started.


Dead by Daylight: Origins of Pain DLC

Themes: Loss of humanity and sadistic rage.

New Killer - The Murderess

Killer Stats:

  • Name: Lilah Aveline Von Grimm
  • Gender: Woman
  • Role: Neurologist and Anthropologist 
  • Terror Radius: 32m
  • Height: Tall
  • Movement speed: 4.6 m/s
  • Nationality/Ethnicity: Egyptian of Belgian and German descent

Portrait description (when selecting): A seductive yet monstrous killer able to sneak up on survivors and close distances between them. Her personal perks, Laughing Bloody Murder, Bain de Sang, and Scourge Hook: Tears of Anguish, allow her to become a threat in chase, makes survivors recover from negative status effects longer, and become unpredictable outside of chase. 

Killer Power - Cursed Sadism

“Beneath the beauty and seductiveness lies a monstrosity never seen to humankind.”

The Murderess starts the trial with 5 tokens.

Special Ability: Mount

When Cursed Sadism has at least two tokens, press the Power Button to start a Mount. This allows The Murderess to climb and grab onto walls or trees and jump onto rooftops of various infrastructures and tiles. 

Special Interaction: Crawl

While in a Mount, The Murderess can Crawl in any direction within the structure’s hitbox. If The Murderess decides to Mount any of the surfaces mentioned by jumping towards them, 1 token is consumed in the process. However, the first token will not be consumed if The Murderess decides to approach these surfaces and Mount them manually. Each token regenerates at a rate of two seconds per token. 

Special Attack: Slash

While The Murderess is mounted to a surface, press the Attack Button to initiate a dash in a general direction. While dashing, The Murderess is allowed a minimal turn rate. If The Murderess misses a Slash, she will go through a short fatigue in which her tokens regenerate afterwards. The same applies if The Murderess successfully injures or downs a survivor. Slashing a pallet or breakable wall will destroy them. However, Slashing into a solid object will force her to fatigue. 

Special Interaction: UV Lanterns

At the start of the trial, 5 UV lanterns will spawn. Survivors can grab these lanterns and place them around various areas. Once placed, the UV lanterns will turn on and begin depleting. These will help survivors slow down and stun The Murderess. The Murderess can only be stunned if she jumps into a zone with an active lantern. UV Lanterns last for 90 seconds and will lose a third of its charges if The Murderess hits a survivor holding a lantern with a special attack. UV lanterns can be destroyed by The Murderess once placed, resulting in them respawning with whatever charges they had before. Once depleted, the UV lanterns can no longer be used. 


Scourge Hook: Laughing Bloody Murder

The enjoyment you get from murder is something you have never felt before.

At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The auras of these hooks are revealed to you in white.

After hooking a survivor and being farther than 24 meters of the hook, this perk activates. The next survivor you enter chase with will become Exposed for 15/20/25 seconds if the hooked survivor is rescued.

Bain de Sang

Causing a chaotic massacre is your specialty. The results of the massacre fill you with thrill.

After downing a survivor, Bain de Sang activates. 

The following two effects happen when downing a survivor:

  • Survivors within 20 meters of your current position suffer from the Exhaustion and Oblivious status effects for 10/15/20 seconds.
  • Gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. For every token gained, survivors recover from the Exhaustion, Oblivious, Blindness, Exposed, Hemorrhage, and Hindered Status Effects 6%/8%/10% longer for the rest of the trial.

This perk’s second effect does not affect itself. Bain de Sang has a cooldown of 80/60/40 seconds. 

Scourge Hook: Tears of Anguish

Tears don’t mean anything. To you, they’re nothing more than a byproduct.

At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The auras of these hooks are revealed to you in white.

Each time a unique survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, this perk gains a token up to a maximum of four tokens. For each token gained, your terror radius outside of chase is reduced by 2/3/4 meters. For every survivor that is killed or sacrificed, this perk loses a token. 


Common (Brown)

  • UV Curtains: Throughout her life, light was her weakness. Now, she gives survivors a piece of her own pain. Reduces fatigue time after a successful Slash by x seconds. 
  • Book of Neurology: One of Lilah’s college books detailing the most complex organ in the universe.  While Mounted, you see the furthest object you can Mount
  • Book of Anthropology: One of Lilah’s college books detailing the evolution of human beings. After a UV lantern fully depletes, the survivor who placed it will be revealed to you by Killer Instinct for 3 seconds. 
  • Blood Vial: A sample of blood taken from Lilah when she was a baby.        The power gauges of UV lanterns are revealed to you by the intensity of their auras.

Uncommon (Yellow)

  • Diagnostic Results: A simple sheet of paper with a life changing result. Reduces fatigue time after a successful Slash by x seconds. 
  • Loose Screws: With a heightened sense of hearing and adrenaline rush, Lilah is able to identify disadvantageous situations.  A survivor’s aura is revealed to you for 3 seconds when picking up a UV lantern. 
  • Pine Tree Branch: A simple yet meaningful branch reminiscent of her second home.  Increases Dash and Crawl movement speed by 4% per consecutive Dash.  
  • Chemical Sunscreen: Despite the reduced effectiveness, the rush of pain kept her going. Decreases token regeneration by 0.25 seconds. Decreases available Mount tokens by 1.
  • Book of Forensic Psychiatry: Her curiosity into other fields of science helped her exploit the weaknesses of the brain. When a survivor picks up a UV Lantern, they’re afflicted with the Oblivious status effect. This effect lingers for 20 seconds after they place the UV lantern and after entering and exiting the UV lantern’s radius. 

Rare (Green)

  • Maple Tree Branch: A beautiful yet incredibly strong branch.   Increases Dash and Crawl movement speed by 6% per consecutive Dash.  
  • DSM-III-R: With more collective knowledge on the mind, her sadism kept on secretly fueling.   For every survivor hooked, gain a token up to a maximum of 12 tokens. For every token gained, the power gauges of UV Lanterns, active or inactive, are reduced by 5 seconds.
  • Limited Timer: The difficulty of holding back her sadistic urges drives her to cruel methods.  The power gauges of UV lanterns are decreased by 20 seconds. 
  • Bloody High Heels: A pair of high heels used to stab the foot of a nosy brat.   While crawling, you see the auras of survivors within 8 meters of you.  
  • Mineral Sunscreen: Lilah’s go to option for sun protection. Increases available Mount tokens by 1.

Very Rare (Purple)

  • Juliette’s Jacket: A meaningful piece of clothing from the one she loves. You gain the Undetectable status effect while Mounted or within an active UV lantern. 
  • Beech Tree Branch: An incredibly strong wood with a solid density and strong surface found in the Schwarzwald.   Increases the distance of the Dash by x% per consecutive dash.
  • Cosmic Breath: “Es wird ein Blutbad geben,” said the unknown voice to Lilah. Hitting a survivor with a Slash will instantly recharge all tokens. Increases token regeneration by 0.5 seconds per token upon missing a Slash.
  • Facial Skin: Reminded by the pain of her past, and filled with rage and a lust for vengeance, she no longer lets the pain hold her back.  Decreases the stun duration when entering a UV lantern’s radius by 50%.  Receive a 10% haste effect when in a UV lantern’s radius after being stunned. This effect lingers for 15 seconds after exiting.

Ultra Rare (Iridescent) 

  • Red Lipstick: A blood red colored lipstick worn by Lilah before a massacre took place.  At the start of the trial, this add-on starts with 0 tokens. You gain 1 token up to a maximum of 4 tokens for every successful Slash. Upon reaching 4 tokens, and using all Mount tokens, the last Mount token will put a survivor into the dying state. 
  • Iridescent UV Lantern: A UV lantern molded by the Fog itself. Its effect on normal lanterns fills Lilah with endless joy. Reduces the amount of UV lanterns in the trial by 2.  All UV lanterns start the trial with empty power gauges and begin to recharge.  Once a UV lantern is placed, its power gauge begins depleting at 50% the normal rate.

Music Inspirations and Details

  1. Menu Theme Inspiration:
  2. Chase Music Inspiration:
  3. At the start of the trial, when survivors spawn in, they can hear The Murderess screaming in the distance just like Billy when he revs his chainsaw. Example:
  4. Sound design: The Murderess will have two layers of sound. The prominent layer will be human in nature while the bottom layer is more beastly in nature. Example:

New Survivor - Juliette Zwane Nxumalo

Juliette Zwane Nxumalo Stats:

  • Gender: Woman
  • Role: Psychiatrist 
  • Nationality/Ethnicity: Belgian of South African descent

Portrait description (when selecting): An aspiring psychiatrist, Juliette is a direct, honest, but compassionate individual whose knowledge on the mind can help survivors during catastrophic situations. Her personal perks, Hopeful Connection, Intriguing Minds, and Cursed Understanding, can help survivors know the killer's whereabouts during chase, use other survivor’s perks once deceased, and obtain an advantage at the end of a trial when escaping chases. 


Hopeful Connection

You give hope to those around you with a unique neurological link.

After safely unhooking a unique survivor, this perk activates.

Unhooking other unique survivors activates the perk fully. 

The next time you are chased, your aura and the killer’s aura are revealed to one/two/all survivors who have been safely unhooked by your hand.  

This effect is lost once you go into the dying state. 

Intriguing Minds

The intricate details of the mind have always fascinated you. 

When a survivor is sacrificed or dead, you see the aura of the hook they were sacrificed on, or the aura of their body where they died.

Once near the hook or their body, press the Active Ability button to acquire the power of one of the survivor's perks at random. You can only do this once every 100/80/60 seconds. 

This perk deactivates when you lose a health state before acquiring a perk. 

If the survivor has one or multiple perks equipped that are the same ones you have equipped, you will not gain the power of those perks.

Cursed Understanding 

Studying the minds of the killers of The Fog takes its toll. However, you persevere through it all.

After successfully escaping six/five/four chases and all generators have been powered, this perk activates. Once active, the perk grants you the following effects:

  • The killer’s aura is revealed to you as your aura is revealed to the killer.
  • You see your teammates scratch marks. 
  • A 5% action speed bonus to cleansing totems, opening chests, and vaulting. 
  • Grants a 50%/75%/100% bonus Bloodpoints for actions in the survival category.  


As mentioned before, the chapter is still not done as I don't have the survivor's lore or how they look like. Will update this soon with the lore and additional drawings. All content here was made by me.

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