How I Would Buff Freddy - From A Nintendo Switch P100 Freddy Main

As a Nintendo Switch Player and P100 Freddy Main, I STRONGLY feel that Freddy needs a Buff, NOT a Rework.
Here's proof of me being a P100 Freddy Main:
Let's begin, shall we?:
BASEKIT: Red Paint Brush Iridescent Add-On
Red Paint Brush is now incorporated into Freddy's Baskit. Survivors start in the Dream World and cannot Wake Up via Missed Skill Checks.
REWORK: Red Paint Brush Iridescent Add-On
Red Paint Brush now functions as follows: Asleep Survivors can only see their Personal Alarm Clock from within 32 Meters.
BASEKIT: Dream Pallets
Dream Pallets are now incorporated into Freddy's Basekit.
Since Dream Pallets are now Basekit, the amount of Dream Tokens has increased from 5 to 10 Tokens.
Placing a Dream Snare or Dream Pallet after all 10 Dream Tokens are spent will remove the earliest placed Dream Snare or Dream Pallet and place the new Dream Snare or Dream Pallet at the current chosen Location.
BUFF: Dream Pallets
Dream Pallets can now be placed at Locations where a Real Pallet is currently vacating.
When an Asleep Survivor goes to drop said Pallet, they will drop the Dream Pallet instead and become Incapacitated for 3 Seconds, being unable to drop the Real Pallet, giving Freddy enough time to strike.
If a Survivor drops a Dream Pallet and becomes Incapacitated, Freddy cannot place another Dream Pallet at said location for 20 Seconds.
Asleep Survivors can still drop Real Pallets after the Incapacitated Effect has ended.
REWORK: Garden Rake Common Add-On
Garden Rake: Increases Incapacitated Duration by Dropping Dream Pallets by 0.5 Seconds.
REWORK: Prototype Claws
Prototype Claws: Increases Incapacitated Effect by Dropping Dream Pallets by 1 Second.
REWORK: Paint Thinner
Paint Thinner: Increases Incapacitated Effect by Dropping Dream Pallets by 2 Seconds.
BUFF: Dream Snares
REMOVED: Dream Snare Wind-Up:
Freddy no longer has to wait to place a Dream Snare
REMOVED: Dream Snare Activation Time:
Dream Snares become Active the moment they are placed.
BUFF: Dream Snare Hinder Amount
Dream Snares now Hinder by 20% instead of 15%, allowing Freddy to strike a Survivor more frequently.
That's all I have for what I would do to Buff Freddy or "The Nightmare" if anyone has any Constructive Criticism or Suggestions for my post, feel free to comment below!
Thank you all for Reading this, and Stay Golden!
The Incapacitated status effect doesn't prevent Survivors dropping pallets.
It prevents Survivors repairing generators, healing and mending other Survivors, cleansing and blessing totems, sabotaging hooks, using items, as well as, picking up and dropping items too.
Survivors can still drop pallets, vault pallets and windows, hide in a locker, unhook other Survivors and open exit gates.
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Those changes are horrid... Blocking real pallets with fake ones, great now not only do you need to know where a real pallet is you also need to predrop the fake one first, make another round and hope you make it and not get slowed by the dream snare enough to not reach the pallet... This makes looping pallets almost impossible. If it is a weak pallet this is basically a guaranteed hit every time. Now windows are all you got and with the higher slowdown of the snares it is questionable what loops are even playable, this basically removes everything the survivor can do in a chase while he is in the dreamworld, which will be harder to get out of because you don't even know where your box is unless you are close enough, this will be especially hard on new players.
I don't know if Freddy needs a full rework or if he is salvageable, but these changes are not it.
The issues with current Freddy are that his chase is too similar to clowns but weaker, his addons are all weak, almost completely useless and his gameplay in general is not really engaging from a mechanical standpoint, all he does is put stuff on the floor or teleport... Besides that he has basically no skill expression maybe aside from managing your teleport. If you watch a really good and a really bad Freddy player the killer specific skill that is not general m1 killer gameplay or general macro play is very limited because his power is not versatile enough to be able to show skill properly. Compare this to other killers and it is a different world, you can immediately tell whether or not a player is good with the killer specific stuff (take Huntress or Billy for example). To sum it up he needs a better (preferably more versatile, or even different) power that allows for skill expression, his addons need to be reworked entirely to not be completely useless anymore and his kit should be designed in a way that not only allows him to show skillfully killerspecific gameplay but also allow to survivors to express their skill when playing against him. I don't know if this can be accomplished by small changes and I tend to think he needs a full rework.
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I like a number of your ideas here. I've talked about bringing back Old Freddy before, but if I were to look at changing current Freddy, the things I don't personally like about him are: -
- Missing skillchecks wakes a survivor up. Never liked this idea on either version of Freddy, it's RNG dependent and even rewards a player for screwing up. Taking this add-on makes him undeniably stronger from the get go, and makes it harder for Survivors to escape the dream... I think I'd just take the missed skillchecks at basekit, and leave the Iri as starting in the dream.
- Can't use both Snares and Pallets. The Pallet override however might be a little nuts... considering it basically nopes a pallet from a survivor AND can be use in conjunction with a dream snare. I wouldn't go through with this change, however having access to both at base, especially as survivors will be asleep more often, would be nice.
- Survivors see the timer at the start. They immediately know it's Freddy just by HUD alone, which removes any and all surprise factor he might have. Honestly I'd prefer it if survivors couldn't see their sleep timer at all, so at least falling asleep into the dreams feels like... falling asleep into the dream. I'd actually prefer maybe the last 20s would start applying some kind of screen effect at random intervals to indicate you're falling asleep, and you start seeing wake up clock aura intermittently.
- The timer is the same at all times. 60s standard every time... in conjunction with seeing the timer means that at the start of the game, everyone falls asleep at exactly the same time, which just irks me. I'd like to the timer increased to 80s, but conspicious actions increase the timer charge rate by 50%. (Working on a generator means you fall asleep in 50s).
With the removal of the sleep timer from the HUD, the inability to wake up without skill checks and now having expanded uses of his power, the intermittent dream transitioning to add to the immersion, and the now staggered survivor falling asleep timer, it'd make him a little more thematically satisyfing, and a little better to play.
Would also be nice to see which way you'll be facing when you teleport to Gens, rather than popping there blindly and beng disorientated for half a second while you get your bearings.