I'm so excited

Upon the chapter's release, I'm going to be running Dark Devotion and Unforseen on The Unknown and enjoy the chaos 😈 nobody can stop me
What perk builds/combos do you have in mind??
Oh, the crazy potential that Unbound will have with tier 3 Myers... it's like the secret buff to Myers that BHVR never intended. It might actually be his new best perk once it drops. Oh and it'll be pretty good on Singularity too.
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as a survivor ill be running ughhh the same thing a flashlight and bg player since nothing new in this patch is fun for survivor. Or the last patch either or well I don't remember when we got something fun last. Maybe drama turkey.
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Insidious in an open place
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I want to use Unbound in a vault build with Legion at some point (with Fire Up + Superior Anatomy). Sure I won't win a single game with it but it might be fun to try anyway.
And I'm looking forward to getting myself killed in the basement so many times with Sable's basement Self-Care perk (I want to try it with Botany and Self-Care to do a turbo heal).
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i'm currently running self care botany and will try to replace it with heal in basement one and see if it works out. not excited for any other perk honestly, might try the skill check perk on double dress freddy build but i'm doubtful.
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Was also planning to try the Dark Devotion + Unforeseen combo, lol.
On survivor I want to try Wicked (the reworked version with basement self-unhook) with Second Wind, to potentially trick the killer into thinking it's Deliverance until they see I'm healed suddenly. Though I might wait a bit to try that since I think killers might try to avoid basement for the first few days in anticipation of that perk.
Strength in Shadows and Self-Care don't stack together, that will just let you heal yourself at 60% speed if you're in the basement and 35% if you're not (Self-Care won't give any benefit in the basement if you have both perks). Pairing either with Botany will work though.
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Oh well, nevermind then. Guess it's take one or the other. Too bad for my teammates if I bring Strength in Shadows, because I mainly intend to use it to free up my Botany perk slot (even then, Plot Twist is probably still a better self heal perk to take).