A Custom Chapter; Faithful Demise

funsumme Member Posts: 51

New Chapter: Faithful Demise

Chapters Backstory: You all know that a Faithful Demise is only a dream that has came true. But with just little hope left, it’s down fall will kill your faithful soul. But that’s just a miracle of a fairytale! (Didn’t really that much thought to the backstory that much)


The Extortioner; 

The Extortioner is a athletic Killer able to pierce his opponents with a devastating dive with his power, Bloodlust Hunt.

His personal perks, Evil Humanity, Corrupted Souls, and Devastation allow him to reveal Survivors, inflict Hindered, and inflict Oblivious.

POWER: “Bloodlust Hunt”

Blood from his previous victims has coursed his veins and must have more blood. With his extraordinary ability to dive and attack his victims.


Press the Power button to Dive in a straight line. Doing so consumes 1 of your 3 Dive tokens. While performing a Dive The Extortioner will not attack but will still Dive with the first token. 


After a Dive you have 1 second to perform a Lethal Dive and after that you get another second to perform another Lethal Dive. If this fails to do another dive or does not hit a Survivor The Extortioner will enter a short fatigue state drinking his own blood and the tokens will take 1 second longer to recharge back to 3 tokens. If you hit a Survivor with a Lethal Dive The Extortioner will enter a short fatigue state drinking the Survivors blood off the weapon and your tokens will take 1 second shorter to recharge back to 3 tokens.


Evil Humanity;

“Life is only the beginning!”

After a Survivor dropping a pallet within 8 meters their aura is revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds.

This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Corrupted Souls;

“Don’t be afraid and don’t run away!”

After a Survivor has blinded you they will be Hindered by 5%/10%/15% for 2 seconds.

This has a cooldown of 60 seconds.


“It’s only a fairytale right?”

When ever you hook a Survivor, Survivor(s) that are 14/24/32 meters close to the hook will be Oblivious for 20 seconds.


Mafik Chasm;



“If it’s only a fairytale then why is it scary?”

• At the start of the match you will see the Killer for 3/4/5 seconds.

• If the Killer’s aura is revealed to you for a period of the time, it’s duration is increased by 1 second.

Blast The Way;

“Stay Away Beast and Begone!”

When you’re standing motionless and the Killer is 3 meters close to you press the active button 1 to chase a spell on to the Killer. Pushing them back by force around 5 meters.

Causes the Exhausted status effect for 80/70/60 seconds.

Blast The Way cannot be used when Exhausted.

Sweet Home;

“I’m glad that it is done and over with.”

When the exit gates are powered you will gain 1%/1.5%/2% Haste for each Survivor that is alive.

This perk deactivates when you are getting chased by the Killer.

(A chapter concept from a couple months ago and has not been seen or well not commented at all!) (Also, this has been edited a little by the previous one!)