Which killer do you consider the best user of the perk “blood favor”

So outside of it being a hex perk that gets cleansed rlly fast
which killer do you think is the best when it comes to using this perk?
I'm not sure about who uses it best, but it can be pretty sneaky on Plague to secure an early down, survivors will generally wait until they get fully infected then drop the pallet, but you can imagine how that situation would work with blood favour. It also just works pretty well with her corrupt purge.
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blood favour with jewel beetle wesker is one of my favourite things to use
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that feels pretty useless cause usually when a plague tries to force an instadown on me I just predrop and try to create as much distance as possible
That’s pretty interesting altho I’ve always been bad with using that addon
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dont really run it personally but it seems to be a very popular pick on Trickster.
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I like it on Legion. It’s for fun though, not if I was actually wanting to win. Most hex perks in general, including blood favor just aren’t scaled to be good enough for how easy they are to remove. Most of them instead of being high risk/high reward as they’re supposed to be are just low-mediocre reward/high risk. Which is basically why no one runs them other than pentimento/plaything or noed since they just fundamentally work different than normal hexes.
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If that’s the case
do you think it can synergize well with pyramid head’s power
the perk looks fun to run
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It is fun. I would say it synergies as well with PH as with any other killer. It works, just no special synergy.
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It would need to be a killer that is considered weak and you would need to perform bad enough for them to teabag you in the exit gates. Freddy comes to mind but he also comes with Blood Warden, so that is probably not the best idea. Wraith could work (especially, if you could hide NOED), Trapper too.
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Id say Huntress
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Works well with Oni
Although I don’t own him and haven’t ever played him (don’t buy Killers I don’t vibe w) versing Oni w BF has been one of the trickiest Killers to work around when he has this perk.
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What do you think of using it as an M2 pyramid head who wants to jumpscare survivors for a few laughs?
(btw I took your suggestion about running deadlock on pyramid head and dude this perk is amazing to use and it’s been helping me a lot so thankyou for that suggestion :D)
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It might work. Though Pyramid Head is always a bit more scary, which increases the risk of survivors 99ing the gate and only opening it when they actually leave. Give it a few tries and it should work. Blood Warden is just very inconsistent so don't expect it to work every match.
Good luck.
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I used to run hex: blood favor on wesker. Why legion though? Isn't iri button just better?
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Lock down pallets with his frenzy, then finish with an M1. That's the general idea.
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legion or clown
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plague trickster huntress beetle wesker or any killer with save.
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I could see it on Wesker. I like Legion because it’s easy to proc. You could do Iri button, I just find it better as long as the hex stays active. Plus I like running other addons.
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There's a Pinhead main in my region who uses it all the time
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Wraith with either speed or swift hunt addons. You hit them and they have to run 32m for a pallet during that time wraith can get on top of the surovor again with cloak.
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Definitely Plague, she's the only killer who doesn't give survivors any speed boost when injuring them.
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