Whats wrong with the Unknown?

KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

Did you feel it too? That the power of the Unknown does not fit into his concept.

It tries to look like a human, which is what mimic does.

It copies human voices to hunt like mimic does.

In the teasers, it behaved like a mimic.

The character's design says that its mimic.

The character's lore says its mimic ("Legend was it thrived in darkness and stole the voices of those it consumed so as to lure others to their doom"; "The Unknown dwells in darkness and can MIMIC its victims")

But it can't mimic.

Why, Behavior?

Why instead of mimic we have the Huntress with teleport?

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • TheNameIsGilgamesh
    TheNameIsGilgamesh Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 22

    It's unoriginal. Terrible design. Survivor is ok but still lame she's friends with Mikaela and another thirst trap for immature folks.

    I like the look of the map although it's just another poorly balanced map lmao.

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

    I dont think that new original power (there is no mimics in DBD) would be less interesting than combo of copied power which already exist. By the way Behaviour know how to make original stuff. And they could make mimic power in original way. But for some reason they didnt

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    So they originally wanted Legion to function as a mimic-based character but I believe it was stated that it couldn’t work due to SWF? And I’d guess that’s also why it can’t work with UVX.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    I mean, it makes total sense. I would not want to get ######### over just because I dont have more friends who play DBD. So it makes sense that such a power does not exist.

    Would it be cool? Yes. Would it be good for the game? Most likely not.


    As stated above, such a mimic-Power would probably not be good for the game. And I would agree that the Power does not really fit the Killer in this case. I would certainly not have expected a rocket launcher coming out of his chest which will be his power.

    But, I think the power overall is fine. Is it the most original power? Nah. Is it a fun to use power? I would say yes.

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

    Many things works bad or not work with SWF but they still exist and works ok in other situation. We have a killer who can become invisible. His point - to be unpredictable. But with swf he cant because one of the group already told to his friends where did Wraith go. Same stuff with all stealth killers. The fact that killer can struggle with SWF is not about power design but about the power of SWF cooperation.

    If they dont want to make a mimic they shouldnt speak about mimic and create mimic-designed killer.

    But they made mimic-designed killer. The wanted to make a mimic power. And its second time already they for some reasons just drop it just almost near finish line. First one was with Legion. its true.

    Feels like 2 days before PTB one of the bosses came to office and shout loud "STOP! TURN BACK! TURN BACK NOW! NO MIMIC POWER!" - and they start to make another power with the old concept cuz there was no time to change it

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    the axe.

    it's boring

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

    As I said If they dont want to make a mimic they will not create mimic-designed killer. But the put it straight into killer lore. It sounds dumb. Its like making a killer with giant wings, telling in the lore that he is "death from above" but dont even letting him jump

    It feels so not right his power so unsynchronized with his lore and concept in general. And "because its Unknown" - is not the answer. Its about design mistakes

    The UVX power is ok but it dont fit this killer at all.

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

    There is no Lovecraftian in Unknown concept. Only wolf in sheep coat.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no... the entity is cosmic horror, not the unknown.

    it's not about you not being able to define it, it's about you not being able to comprehend or even grasp it. that to understand any it, you NEED to be insane.

    the unknown is just a modern cryptid.

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13

    Same things said about shooting killers before Huntress release, teleports before Hag, being in two places before Twins and bots before Nemesis. But here they are

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited March 2024

    If all Survivors had voicelines that couldn't be heard only from the client-side and they could speak to one another as a base game feature, it might have been solid enough to work as a power, however the fact remains that they do not and all that a voice mimick power would do is alert Survivors to your presence.

    Also it suffers from the same fundamental problem that shapeshifting also suffers from, which is that it would be completely useless as a power against SWF.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,973

    That’s kind of a different argument, though, isn’t it? The issue with mimicry is that it’s too weak, if not straight unplayable against communicating survivors. The other mechanics you mention were talked about for different reasons.

    The “shooting killer” thing was deemed unlikely because a straight gun was thought out of place, and would just be busted if it worked like an actual gun. Huntress doesn’t shoot. She throws hatchets. With gravity.

    Weird how you didn’t mention slinger here, though. Hell, even Slinger doesn’t fire bullets, he fires a harpoon.

    I wouldn’t know about the teleportation thing, but I imagine that was more of an argument based on teleportation on demand being very strong without some kind of requirement.

    Twins aren’t in two places at once. Only one is controlled at a time, and Victor can be “crushed”. Again, weird that you don’t mention Knight here, who is a far better example, but even then it’s an AI-controlled unit.

    As for the AI units, I’ll give you that one. But that was a presumed technical limitation, opposed to it being too weak/strong.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I thought that was a reference to one of its add-ons (or maybe its lore) referring to it as an axe killer/slasher.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited March 2024

    It is, everything about The Unknown is a reference to the many theories surrounding it in it's lore, from Add-ons, to weapon, to power and to design.

    It's basically a combination of it all since it doesn't have a identity of it's own except what people give it.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    I think we're differing on what we consider to be the Unknown's "concept." Its concept is "urban legend." Its ability to mimic human voices is only one part of that urban legend, as it contributes to its strange and mercurial nature. Its ability to talk makes some wonder whether it was once human. Its lore suggests that some also believe that it's just a serial killer, and the ability to talk feeds into that. The serial killer theory is meant to be just that, a theory. Everyone has their own theory about it because no one has the whole picture. The UVX contributes to that uncertainty. The fear of the unknown and unknowable is a core tenant of Lovecraftian horror.

    I think both are Lovecraftian horror. The Entity is cosmic horror in the same way that Cthulhu is cosmic horror.

    However, Lovecraft wrote many stories beyond just ones about his cosmological deities. The Shadow Over Innsmouth and "The Colour Out of Space" are both works by him that capitalize on fear of the unknown, but do not feature his deities. In TheShadow Over Innsmouth the horror is the unknown of a town full of hostile fish people, culminating in the reveal at the end that the protagonist is actually one of the fish people. The fish people are suggested to be worshipers of Cthulhu, but they are the focus of the story and its terror. "The Colour Out of Space" features the protagonist investigating an area called "the Blasted Heath" where a meteorite fell which has altered the area, causing people to go mad, animals to mutate into abominations, and plants to become inedible. The Unknown is more similar to the horrors of these stories. More tangible but still unknown horrors that lurk just outside of plain sight.

    Insanity was often portrayed as the doomed end result of trying to understand Lovecraftian horrors because the human mind wasn't built to comprehend them, but people who were driven mad weren't necessarily enlightened- they were permanently scarred. I think it's interesting that BHVR worked hallucinations into the Unknown's power, along with an ability to teleport to them. Unlike the Doctor's hallucinations, the Unknown's hallucinations are a key part of its power and in-game storytelling, to the power where survivors have to interact with them to get rid of them. It suggests that the Unknown is knowingly (pardon the pun) messing with the survivors' minds, and even enjoys the ability to fray survivors' psyches.

    The Unknown does borrow from cryptids, but it's too vaguely defined to be a cryptid. Cryptid mythologies are typically a little more consistent, like Bigfoot's, probably because a lot of people are looking to prove that the cryptid is real. The Unknown seems to definitely have one foot in Lovecraftian horror because of the way it defies comprehension.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    I imagine a mimic killer would even struggle against survivors who aren't on comms. The solo que meta would become "do everything on your own and prerun other survivors." As hilariously stupid as that sounds, what would the killer do to counter that? If killer by default ran faster than survivors, it would be a dead giveaway that they were the "imposter." If the killer ran like a normal survivor, then they would need to drop the disguise to chase, in which case, they are getting prerun like any other killer, only now they probably don't have a power.

    Stealth killers in general are, on average, considered weaker killers. A mimic killer would probably end up being considered the weakest stealth killer.

    What do you think?

  • DsgWitchy
    DsgWitchy Member Posts: 2

    In order for the mimic to work, I believe the other characters would need proper voice lines. With that being said, this could have definitely been an opportunity for BHVR to add these voice lines along with the new update! I hope they consider adding more voice lines in the future. Nicholas Cage was really the first survivor with a lot of voice lines which I loved. Sidenote: I really enjoyed playing the PTB. I hope they can think about this in the future!

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 822

    I imagine all this talk of a mimicry killer being a rather poor tool against coms could be solved if the power was merely a secondary ability.

    Think like Dredges kit. None of his abilities are necessarily strong without certain addon builds, but they're by no means useless.

    And, let's be real, a killer that can immediately kill it's terror radius and change itself to catch a wayward survivor tripping is in no way useless.

    Plus, as some who sometimes plays SWF, it actually sounds kinda fun having to keep track of where every player is to know if the person walking towards me in the distance is about to run my fade. It'd be a neat dynamic for a killer that statistically you'd only on see like 2 to maybe 5 percent of the time, and after Larry's saddening pick rate, that's being generous.

    So I think it could work, provided this hypothetical killer get some other tools to even things out. Just throwing this out there, a Mandela Catalogue Paragraph with an Alternate killer? I know it's not most well known, but don't tell me it wouldn't be cool.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Learn about the Unknown will allow it to learn about you. Learn from each other. Become each other. It is Known.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    edited March 2024

    I mean if you want to be able to help me save my teammates, do gens, point at each other, then by all means, yes give killer mimic power, welcome aboard survivor.

    Do you want to change to look like a kate in the corner or a locker(that would be hilarious to see), and then uncloak similar to a wraith to be like "ahah it was me the unknown all along" like some sort of scooby doo villian?

    Survivors don't really talk to each other. I think it's an idea it might sound cool in theory but be very underwhelming in practice.

    Idk could be something there, maybe they'll try another mimic like type in the future.

    I like the unknown in concept as is personally. Ugly to look at sure, weird projectile absolutely. It has teleportation, and projectiles though which alone are good, and combined can be absolutely menacing to go up against when the killer has a brain. It looks like it has a lot of potential in the right hands.

    Post edited by HeroLives on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,151

    Based on the tentacles that come out during its mori, it's simply a creature wearing the skin of someone its killed

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    It translates to me, makes sense checks out as far as lore, them passively talking, contorted survivor looking, sheds it's "skins" Idk how else you can make a mimic killer that wouldn't be gimmicky at best if immitation of survivor is the goal.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    So much more potential for more body horror.

    Instead we get the more-easily-sellable-cosmetics option.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    I think people are way, way, way too caught up in what their expectations were vs what the character is. My opinion: players are discontent for the sake of being discontent at this point and feel like they should be upset, so they are. The design is awesome IMO.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,916

    No. Feral Frenzy was always the power for Legion. It had a stalking requirement during development but in terms of major changes that's about all we know. The "legion was meant to be a disguise killer" theory is only from people overblowing the teaser trailer.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    It could definitely be this. Personally, I think the design of the Unknown is way more goofy than anything else and that his power feels super disconnected from the design. I’m actually struggling to think of another killer in this game whose design doesn’t coincide with their power. I guess that could be what they were going for though.

    Different strokes for different folks.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    The hallucination part is fine but yeah the exploding projectile doesn't fit with his design at all, seems more like a Singularity thing.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,526
    edited March 2024

    Good, instead of a mimic power that will get old in 2 weeks and will basically be ignored by swf we got a proyectile power that has room for cool snipes/bounce hits. His teleport is the smoothest one yet and rewards hitting proyectiles. So glad we good a good power and not just the undetectable status effect but worse.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    Wish it was mimic. The hallucinations could have been other survivor models running around doing things. Then which one is the killer? Allow the killer to swap what model they are or even trade places with the mobile fakes. This could have been a great experience for both killer and survivor.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    People should have dropped any idea of it being a mimic after we got confirmation it wasn't based on anything native american but in typical DBD community fashion they decided to be stubborn and double down instead. A straight mimic wouldn't have worked at best maybe an audio mimic but even that's dubious at best. Like in a sense it's kinda funny some people are upset we didn't get a WEAKER killer than what we actually got.

    In terms of BHVR being misleading well lets go through the teasers, the first one mentioned The Unknown's distorted body, many teeth (can be seen in it's mori) and it's mimicking voice lines. the second was just more voice lines, next was couple texting which gave us nothing new except it was a tall killer, then I believe it was the drawings in hindsight this was probably the alien looking grenade launcher in the drawing but nobody could have guessed that though, I knew I saw an eye and teeth but couldn't make sense of it otherwise. next was the movie crew and this is the only one I would say was very misleading because it looking like the thing had claws and was more monsterish than it actually appeared so that was a bad teaser in hindsight. The security cam footage is literally it's lobby animation although I feel like that's there just so they could throw it in a teaser cuz it doesn't do it anywhere else. Then the last teaser they did just show us the killer and it seems like it was doing the mori animation.

    In conclusion was it misleading, well we got everything we got teased for the most part but I do feel like it was teased to be more monsterish in a feral kinda way than what we actually got. I don't think it teases "mimic" as hard as some people suggest but people got stuck on it being a skinwalker or wendigo early on and refused to consider anything else.

    As for what did we actually get? I think we got a lovecraftian tentacle monster wearing a skin suit that in universe is responsible for every conspriracy theory and urban legend in the world, something that's truly supposed to represent "the unknown". Which is pretty grandiose for something that just spits goo and teleports. Don't get me wrong I get the idea of it, it's a killer that's not supposed to let survivors see them and question which husk is the real one if any challenging their perception of reality but it falls rather flat in actual gameplay when you're kinda just focused on getting hooks or escaping and not thinking about any of it on a deeper level. Our minds are built to simplify tasks and a reality warping noodle monster just turns into "he's just a silly little guy that lobs goo at me" in the average survivors mind when they're trying to escape.

    I do think we got a somewhat strong and fun to play killer out of it but in terms theming I don't think they quite nailed what they were going for (more or different types of illusions could have helped with this leaning more in the misdirection category but I get adding a skill shot power for gameplay reasons) although I still enjoy them all the same.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405
    edited March 2024

    I think we got a decent killer just not the one that was expected.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,027

    The mimic thing is never going to work well and I wish people would let it go. I'm happier with what we got. I even like the axe, because we barely have any axe murderers in this game, the only other one I can think of is Huntress. Axe murderers are under-represented!

    I like this take on an urban legend creature. It's full of contradictions, offers evidence but never explains, and its very nature warps people's perceptions and makes it questionable what is real and what isn't. I still think it's a bodysnatching parasite that eats people but that's all I can conclude, anything about its true nature is and always should be a mystery.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,068

    The teasers just don't match what we got in-game.

    Teasers: Terrifying looking killer that mimics it's victims and crawls along the ground at high speed.

    In-game - The most hilarious looking goofball who doesn't use mimic abilities and runs about like a giant inflatable, attacking people with an axe whilst shooting grenades.

    At the end of the day, it's gameplay is at least interesting, which is what matters in the long run. The horror factor was going to wear off eventually anyway.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I kinda like the power, I like the look/theme (lunge is really cool), but I agree it doesn't fit together.

    When you see name and overall theme, then grenade launcher is not really power you would guess.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 440

    One of the Addons (Obscure Game Cartridge) refers to a in development video game code named 'Project Apple-Pie'. This was the code name given to the project of the Unknown, when the Devs were making it.

    This means that the Unknown has taken this form in lore because the Devs thought it should in our world.

    Little 4th wall break is cool.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,399

    It’s just a default weapon. I’m sure future skins will have different weapons…

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,399

    I would agree. I feeel like he’s plague mixed with a tp power.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Just like with Skull Merchant. From the trailer I was expecting a 40k Tech priest hellbend on bringing fire and brimstone to the heretics with their Servo-skulls. Imagine my severe disappointment.

  • KardanBustum
    KardanBustum Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2024

    We can have a long discussion about will mimic power work in DBD gameplay reality or not. But we cant deny the fact they did want to make a mimic. But for some reasons they canceled this idea right near the finish line and create another power (which we have right now). Why near the finish line? Because they leave the old mimic-character concept in lore and killer design and dont even try give any explanation for new power. Its like creating Pikachu but instead of originally accurate power of electricity give him the power of high jumping, but telling in the lore and teasers that Pikachu can hit enemies with the power of lightning.

    For me - its unprofessional and looks disrespectfull to your own fans. They give us a brand new killer with boring power and tell us with killer design and lore: "We wanted to make something original and new, but we dont". If you want make a mimic - make a mimic. If you cant/wont make a mimic killer - dont make a mimic killer and dont even speak about him. Dont disappoint your fans with your failed ambitions. To speak about marriage is not to marry.

    "We didnt make a mimic power but we got the 3D model and lore of mimic ^_^" - bravo. So this killer should be a costume then.

    All this strange things with his design and actual power makes me feel like they want us to tell them "Nah, its okay - at least you tried".

    You cant deny mimic power could be something brand new. And the strengh of it depends on developers hands. And what we have right now - we saw many times before: in Huntress, in Artist, in Nemesis and every teleporting killer. Even in Doctor - spawning hallucinations all over the map. This killer power is just a bucket with other killer's powers parts covered by own design. And there is nothing special and unique in it. It can brings joy. But what the point of buying this killer when he bring us the same joy other killer you already bought and played giving us?

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    Had they put effort into the design to make The Unknown truly a mimic, it would have synergized well with Knock Out. The Unknown would be able to fake the dying state, and in this state, it would look like the survivor it knocked down, and be able to show its aura to other survivors that would attempt to pick him up. Now that would have been dope. This would also create confusion even if the survivors were SWF. The survivors would be afraid to help each other for fear of it being an impostor. Or the Unknown would be able to stare at a survivor and take on their image without their knowledge and go to a generator that a survivor is working on and catch the survivor off guard. That would be scary.

    Imagine a survivor crawling up to you in the dying state and it's not even the real player, but the killer. BHVR with another missed opportunity. At this point, they need to hire me. I would love to work with them.