All Platforms | Save the Best for Last does not work correctly on multiple killers

Skybox Member Posts: 11
edited March 2 in Bug Reporting

To eliminate confusion with the recent changes to STBFL, I am including the current perk description to make sure everyone is on the same page.

  • Grants a stack-able -4 % Cool-down reduction on successful Basic Attacks per Token, up to a maximum of 24/28/32 %.

Whenever you hit your Obsession with a Basic or Special AttackSave the Best for Last loses -2 Tokens.

  • When the Obsession is sacrificed or killed, Save the Best for Last freezes its current Token count.

As you can see, STBFL is designed to lose stacks when the obsession is hit with a special ATTACK. Special attacks are killer power actions that result in a damage state on a survivor. However, STBFL will lose stacks without the obsession actually being damaged in many scenarios. I have listed many absurdly common scenarios where STBFL will lose stacks when it should not, with steps to reproduce:

The Deathslinger: When the Redeemer's spear connects to the obsession, STBFL will lose 2 stacks. When you reel and hit the obsession you will lose another 2 stacks, meaning you will lose 4 stacks for one health state.

It is important to note that while connecting The Redeemer's spear to an obsession will lose stacks, connecting the spear to a non obsession will NOT gain stacks either.

Step 1: Gain 3 stacks of STBFL by attacking non obsession survivors.

Step 2: Shoot the obsession with The Redeemer, before reeling and hitting the obsession, STBFL will have lost 2 stacks.

Step 3: Reel and hit the obsession to lose the remaining stack

The Trickster: When the a Trickster's Blade connects to the obsession, STBFL will lose 2 stacks, regardless of the laceration meter. You can lose all 8 stacks of STBFL without even taking a health state off the obsession.

It is important to note that while landing a Trickster Blade on the obsession will lose stacks, landing a Trickster Blade on a non obsession will NOT gain stacks either.

Step 1: Gain 2+ stacks of STBFL by attacking non obsession survivors.

Step 2: Throw Blades at the obsession. When a Blade lands on the obsession, STBFL will lose 2 stacks even if the laceration meter is at 0.

The Cenobite: When the Cenobite uses Summons of Pain on the obsession, STBFL will lose 2 stacks. Note that without the addons Engineer's Fang or Original Pain, this killer power CANNOT damage ANY survivor and will STILL lose stacks if it is used on the obsession. It is also important to note that while using Summons of Pain on the obsession will lose stacks, using Summons of Pain on a non obsession will NOT gain stacks either.

Step 1: Gain 2 stacks of STBFL by attacking non obsession survivors.

Step 2: Use Summons of Pain on the obsession. You will lose 2 stacks of STBFL without damaging the obsession

The Mastermind: Surprisingly, this one mostly works correctly! When grabbing the obsession with Virulent Bound, STBFL will not lose stacks until the obsession is actually damaged by slamming them into an object. However, if the obsession is damaged by THROWING them into an object, STBFL will actually NOT lose stacks despite the obsession being damaged.

STBFL should only lose stacks if the obsession loses one or more health states by a single use of a killer power, not if they are hit by a killer power without it dealing damage. Care should also be taken so that any fix does not result in STBFL losing stacks if a survivor goes down due to the deep wound timer expiring or if a survivor uses the perk Plot Twist.

Thanks, and have nice day

Post edited by EQWashu on
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