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All Platforms| MacMillan variant Killer Shacks have incorrect collision on back windows

Skybox Member Posts: 11
edited March 2024 in Bug Reporting

Due to his low base speed and the accuracy required for his power, high-level Deathslinger play often hinges on his ability to use the environment to his advantage. This often includes using visual gaps in the geometry of maps to land hits on unexpecting survivors. However, a change made to the MacMillan variant of Killer shacks has made it impossible for the Deathslinger (and the upcoming Unknown) to use the gaps between the boards to catch survivors off guard. The mapping team has been doing a great job of making sure that what the player sees is what the player gets, and most objects (but unfortunately not all) objects in the game have very accurate collision when it comes to Deathslingers speargun. However, the boards on this Killer shack are specifically important because it is on a very important, central, and staple tile that is GARUNTEED to appear in EVERY match on EVERY variant of MacMillan estate.

Below are some screenshots of the same shot on the Coldwind Farm and MacMillan estate realms. Notice that the shot will behave as intended on the Coldwind shack, but will be blocked by invisible collision on the MacMillan shack.

I know this isn't the biggest bug in DBD at the current time, but the mapping team must be made aware that they NEED to pay special attention the collision boxes of any building, object, and set pieces they add into the game, and they should take care to go over older maps and clean up old collision boxes, starting with this one.

Thanks, and have nice day

Post edited by EQWashu on
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