Favorite Hook design(s)?

I love the Yamaoka Hooks. I love the whole Japanese aesthetic of the stone pillar and little rooftop mixed with the plants.
Tied for second would have to be the Forsaken Boneyard Hooks as well as the Hooks from Garden of Joy. There’s a cleanliness to their design that I really appreciate. The petrified branches that are on the Eyrie Hooks look sooo nice and clean. Plus the metal on the Garden of Joy Hooks looks amazing as a lighthouse design.
My least favorite would have to be the Hook from Léry’s. Not because I don’t like it, I actually like all of them! But because I have a needle phobia so looking at it actually makes me a little woozy irl lol. 💉🩸😵💫
What are some of your favorite Hook designs? What do you like about them?
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There's different hook designs? I've never noticed other than Xenomorph unique hook design that only appears when she's in the map or alien map.
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Midwich hooks my beloved
don’t even have a nod or reference to silent hill (probably a nod to the movies but nobody likes those) but they still got that eerie design that exists in silent hill games
weirdly enough dbd somehow had better showcases of “the Otherworld of Midwich” than the actual silent hill games themselves
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I like them! 😅
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Yes actually! All realms have their own hook design with the exception of Dvarka Deepwood which has unique hook designs for each of its two stages.
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I never hated them I personally I think they could’ve been directed in a much better way
I think I started the hatred when sh revelations became a thing
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Cankerous Hooks
Ahh my beloved.. one day I hope you return
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Yeah they’re really good huh? Especially after seeing the show 🤫😉
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Hawkins, Lerys, or RPD.
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The Nostromo hook!
Fun fact: It's also unique as it's the only hook that spawns if you play a certain killer (Xenomorph).
This used to be a feature long ago where killers had unique hooks (Wraith had the Autohaven hooks, and Billy had the Coldwind hooks no matter the map) but it was cut because it allowed survivors to find out who the killer is quickly. If you can customize your hooks with charms, why not have the ability to customize your hook's theme? Even keep the option to have hooks themed after their maps if you so wish!
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I forgot about that killer having their own unique hooks. Makes sense why, but then why is Xenomorph the only exception to this?
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Yes, the Yamakoa Hooks are one of my favorites, too.
I like the Resident Evil hooks with glowing charms in the darkness and the hooks in the Hawkins Lab because the spooky rats (!).