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Disturbed Ward (Crotus Prenn Asylum)



  • GaymerParker
    GaymerParker Member Posts: 2

    As a rule of thumb, whenever a strong main building is in the center of the map, that map will favor survivors.

    One thing I really like about Dead Dawg Saloon is that although it has a strong main building, it's at least off from center. The killer and survivors can strategize about whether it's worth giving chase in the main building or not.

    However, on Crotus Prenn, the main building is hard to avoid as killer.

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 21

    Do something with the main building, and reduce a bit its side, thoose two loops on the edges can lead to a innevitable death to survivors on an easy to defend hook, or a massive waste of time for killers with low mobility.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,323

    S tier main building for Survivors, way too big. Nerf the main building and reduce the size a bit.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 309

    Map is big for killers so as an m1 you have to write off some of the outer gens in order to effectively patrol. The size isn't too bad though since pallets and tiles are spaced out for the most part allowing the possibility of making deadzones during the match which can be exploited. Maybe a bit survivor sided but overall I'd say its alright as a map.

  • notPenPen
    notPenPen Member Posts: 4

    To this day I don't understand how using Boil Over is an exploit. It's literally a perk given to survivors to use. "BuT tHeY kEeP gOiNg BaCk To ThE sAmE sPoT!!!" - yeah, because by the perks design, it works. Don't want to keep downing them in the same spot? Ignore them for the time being, chances are you'll run into them somewhere else and heading back upstairs may not be possible. Also Boil Over is easily counter-able by slugging or running Iron Grasp.

    Not to mention half the Boil Over cry babies defend killer tactics such as tunneling as "strategy " while there are actual mechanics discouraging it, but still cry about Boil Over being an "exploit". Then they wanna pull the "entitled survivors" card.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 921

    The main building not only has god pallets, it also has windows that were already too strong before the rework, but the addition of breakable walls didn't fix those windows at all! Seriously, the breakable walls are so far away from the windows that they do nothing unless the survivors approach the window from the wrong direction.

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