When will survivors get good news?

It’s been two years since survivors lost most perks, got 90 seconds gens, lost medkits, bnps, DH, CoH, lost prove thyself, gen tapping, and infinite other nerfs. Although the HUD and basekit BT were great, we never got anything good in these last two years, except MFT, which was nerfed soon. Will survivors ever have something good to expect from the game? Or are we just punchbags for killers to have fun while we enter in matches that are hopeless 80% of the time?
May be time to take a break from the sound of it?
I feel like the game is in a good place balance wise, far less survivor sided than it was but still tending toward survivor sided. A lot of the stuff that has changed needed to change.
Personally I feel I have not much to complain about as a majority solo surv player, I might have some awful matches but the fault is pretty much always my team mates being bad or me making bad plays.
25 -
U got:
basekit bt
u got anti 3gen cuz most of the suvs are not able to notice in which order u have to do gens
u got OTR
u got DS (which is still strong if u move near a window and go there down on purpose
u got strong maps with pallets over paletts
u got the game/palett city since 3 years without any rework
u got buckle up/for the people
u got deja vu
u got adre
u got the screen that u can see what ur mates are doing
shall i continue?😂
not forget: hook graps are deletet cuz suvs said: its unfair that killer grap me while on my screen it wasnt a grap whereas killers has the same problem on the other side (jits that should have been a grap)
so they took the grabs and its only a disadvantage for the killer
so please dont try to say: suvs got a bad time
36 -
Probably never. Devs are not giving any good perks to survivors. But they also nerfing good old perks lol.
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Don't hold your breathe.
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also because we have a map like the game so everything is good, fair and fun for survivors? get real. killers need to stop to be granted free kills and actually have to work for win
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Blight nerfs were one the most asked for thing on these forums for a LONG time. Probably the most requested thing from the survivor POV, and now suddenly that's all been forgotten.
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I think people have given up on this one tbh
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Blight didnt get any nerf. They simply changed his strongest add-ons into something equally strong but in a different way.
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But he was nerfed? His add ons were all people asked for
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Blight nerfed? When?
Oh you mean they replaced his busted add-ons with new ones. Yeah i guess we can say it was a "nerf".
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He is one of the best killers base with the best add ons. They switched up his addons but didn't make them any less oppressive.
So no, they didn't do anything but give Blight players more techs to enjoy while they pub stomp 90% of their games.
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His addons are not as busted as his old ones. Yeah they still need some more adjusting (and he is also on the roadmap still for changes anyway) but I disagree with saying he wasn't nerfed.
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Just because they are not busted like old ones, this does not mean they are good. His base-kit is still S tier and devs decided to feed it with very strong add-ons.
If that means his base-kit will be nerfed, i am fine with that. But i doubt. Probably April update will buff his kit since they nerfed his add-ons from S+ tier to S tier.
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However, even if developers blindly give things to survivors, they don't know how to use them, so they end up calling them all "useless."
There are many experts who are actually using it and have proven that it is useful, but they ignore them. Tools choose the user, and the user who cannot choose the tool will not be chosen by the tool.
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And yet with all of this. Even on a killer like Pig, I am at an 75% win rate today across 12 matches (9/12 3/4ks). Losing only on 2 gideons and a rpd. 2 of which were offerings and two of these were SWFs.
Survivors need more than this. Could at least in the lobby show us eachothers perk loadouts. And maybe a few other things.
Post edited by ChuckingWong on10 -
DH and BNP are still very much good. Whilst I'm in agreement survivor is pretty miserable rn we still have some tools that are strong. DS is good and is on the roadmap for a buff, adrenaline, windows, BU/FTP, BGP/Lithe very good exhaustion perks, Off the Record for tunnelling
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You lost me when you said DS is still good, that sir is a blatant lie and it's funny because you tried to justify it by saying "if you go down by a window"
Survivor is in a bad place because it's boring not because it's hard, you spend more time watching progress bars than actually having fun and all it really takes is one person not doing anything to actively ruin the game for three others
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Yes his addons are still good, I don't think they wanted to make them useless. Whether he is still strong or not doesn't change to fact that it's still a nerf.
Hopefully the upcoming changes are a nerf. I assume they would be.
Anyway if you want let's just agree to disagree. Otherwise we'll just derail this into a Blight thread.
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So, let's make the survivor go down in a 20 second chase, make the generator complete in 50 seconds, and make it so that if the killer kicks the generator, it will break by 50%. This will save you a lot of time while maintaining balance.
The only way you survivors can enjoy the chase is by facing the task of completing the generator. Don't forget. If that's not the case, then you shouldn't be fun dbd in the first place.
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"You survivors" buddy ive been a killer main since day one im not sure where you're getting at? I'm not saying it should be that short, I'm saying BHVR needs to add something else to go with the gens and THEN shorten gens and make the other objective a more interactive one, I personally want maps increased in size with across the board buffs for both sides, this is a damn video game it's supposed to be fun not a snoozefest because some people cry to these devs for more nerfs when in reality they just suck at the game and BHVR has catered to that, the fact people want more for solo survivor when the hud tells you everything blows my mind I mean can they not read? And some people still think gens are too fast lmao what a joke that is
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These are meta perks everyone runs as they don't require a ridiculous amount of preamble to get value.
No one wants to keep using these perks just to have a hope at getting to end game.
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Making the map wider will only reduce M1 killers and increase nurses and blights. Please understand what that means.
Completion of 5 generators can be completed within 5 minutes at the earliest, and in most cases within 10 minutes at the latest. What is required of survivors is temporary relief. You can figure out most of the movements just by looking at the HUD and seeing where other survivors are heading and what icons they are flashing. The problem lies in the lack of ability to understand what the information shows even when it is provided.
Most of the recently added base kits are called training wheels. This is a joke because it meaning to survivors impossible to ride a bicycle without training wheels. Despite being so disparaged by many advanced killers and survivors alike, many survivors still want "training wheels."
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Except statistics show that blight players win nowhere near 90% of their matches, infact freddy stomps more than blight does.
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I love how people mention a killer sided map like it's a benefit to survivors. Maybe if the killer is a bottom 5 M1 killer.
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Look forward to skins and that's pretty much it.
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Chile. This game is on a downward spiral. I just use this game mostly as a dress up simulator at this point.
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Yeah and nurse is worse then Freddy somehow?
Devs said take stats with a pinch of salt. Here people using them as holy scripture.
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Funny, because killers use the same stats to ask for survivor perks to be nerfed. If they're in the top 10 they think they need to be nerfed. I remember when Prove got nerfed and we were going through one of the strongest regression/gen kick metas.
So the same could be said about all the people asking for WoO and Adrenaline to be nerfed on account of them being top 10 perks, despite the stats having no associated escape percentage.
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Yeah they don't say what side wins using which perks, just win rates and perk usage.
WoO is popular but only to tier survivors make it strong hence why things should be taken as a loose guideline.
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Sure but if a killer has 60+ % killrate across low and high MMR, I think it's irrefutable that they are in a good spot.
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pls stop crying... the game is in the most balanced state it ever was. All what survs got in the last 2 years are nothing? Basekit BT, Anti Facecamp, nerfed killers. Also DS is on the Roadmap and will most likely getting a buff. Blight is also on the Roadmap and will also most likely get nerfs to his basekit.
We killers also got tons of nerfs for basically all anti gen perks (erruption, pain res, ruin, corrupt...) Killer basekits got also nerfed (slinger, pig, sadako, nurse...)
Fact is the patches will ever have stuff the other side dont like but bothe sides will get some things over time.
I'm playing both sides since 2017
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Unless suicide is involved.
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Would you like to go back to pre 6.1.0 though?
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Yes, it's the best Stat data we've got. You can say this side is doing better and look as to why is working or why the other sides perks are not helping.
But with so many other factors it's a river with many joining streams. You can't say just one stream is poisoned, therefore the river is to.
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bnps and dead hard are still good so what are you even talking about?
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Stop blaming survivors for the three gen fix. Knight and Skull Merchant players discovered they could hold games hostage for an hour and proceeded to do it constantly. Put the blame where it belongs instead of blaming survivors for everything.
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Reworked maps are definitely a toss up. Sure sometimes we get something like the coldwin farm where the main building is heavily nerfed. But for each of those we have a garden of joy, where somehow they made the damn god window even stronger.
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You got the DS buff coming but that about it. Survivors definitely need more things to get hype for like new items.
But i really don't understand why survivors list every single thing that ever been nerf on their side in alphabetical order. It's equivalent to seeing a killer crying about every single gen regression perk that got gutted.
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I mean you are speculating, we can't really know what percentage of suicides happen. Like should me letting go on hook to give last survivor a chance at hatch also count as suicide?
And what if even when you take out the suicides certain killers still have like 65% killrate? You'd need for BHVR to remove all the games where suicides occured and maybe even then it would also remove the games where the result would be 3k+ regardless of suicides from the sample.
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it's very telling that everything you named here was added well over a year ago.
let's look at the definition of the word "get," of which the past tense is "got":
when the OP asked when survivors "will get good news" they were asking when BHVR will release new content that will cause Survivor players to have something good, that they did not have before. Naming some stuff that they've had for, bare minimum, a year plus, doesn't really help, when the OP is clearly asking for something new. I know you don't mean this, but it feels like you're just spiteful and upset that survivors have anything useful at all - naming Deja Freaking Vu and DS, one of the most nerfed perks over the history of the game, as stuff the survivors can use feels like you're just trying to name things that aren't actively detrimental to survivors, and your choice of emoji reminded me of this tweet:
Specifically, your use of that emoji gave the overall vibe that you were mad that survivor players had the audacity to ask for their game experience to impart even an iota of enjoyment. Maybe that's just my personal bias around emoji usage and how I read tone, but that's just the impression I got from how you wrote your post (though honestly i can see how someone might read my post and think i'm mad, so fair enough)
I don't really play survivor too much, so I can't really say much about the survivor experience, but one of the streamers I follow who used to do mainly survivor content is playing more and more killer, saying survivor in its current state is "unplayable" and that BHVR "need to do something about it." I'm not sure what that means or how they would "do something about it" but i do at least trust him when he says that playing what used to be his favorite role feels miserable. Perhaps if the gameplay experience for the role that 80% of the players are playing is that bad, it's time to at least look at ways to stop the experience from being that terrible.
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I like how you say that survivor "lost" gen tapping, when you can still quickly stop a gen from regressing, AND the killer can't kick a gen infinitely now. Or that survivor "lost" CoH when it was the most broken perk in the game, and the perk coming with Sable lets you heal infinitely in the basement. Or that gens take 90 seconds, but games are faster than ever. "We never got anything good in these last two years" if you were to play a 2 year old version of the game, you would beg to come back to the current one.
Are you purposefully ignoring the balance changes just to try to make a point?
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I guess if you choose to ignore everything positive for survivors over the last two years it would seem like they get nothing.
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A good summary of most threads on this forum.
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Thats a troll post right lol ?
otr is trash
we already had ds it got nerfed
the maps have literally been changed to be more killer sided
deja vu is mid
we always had adre and its about to get nerfed
the hud improvements dont help swf and solo q is a mess
anti 3gen and anti camp almost never work
Base kit bt still dosent stop tunneling
and ftp buckle up is completely broken and will be changed sooner or later
shall I continue?
Not to forget hook grabs are the equivalent to when survivors had ds at endgame thats why both got removed.
So please dont try to say survivors have a good time.
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exactly! perks should be simple to get value!! all survivor perks have requirements that demand time to activate, time we dont have since we got less pallets, more dead zones, more gen time, more gen regression and less ways to counter gen regression. It is so absurd how oppresive it is to play survivor right now
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they dont care about us having a good time. they just want to win 90% of their games without having to earn it. survivors are just killer punchbags these days
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I know best thing to do is just have fun in chase and get saves no point in trying to escape.
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this is just gaslighting. besides FTP BU, few months of MFT everything was just a huge nerf. Antifacecamp just doesnt do anything, and anti 3gen is just a huge survivor nerf. all new perks are useless. we didnt get any siginificant buffs since HUD and basekit BT, removing hook grabs was nice, but I would rather not have any of this, and still have things the way they were before
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If the referee gives you many knifes and dagger, while giving the your opponent a gun.
You would ignore all the knifes you get.
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I play both sides equally (and at 4K hours that is a really good taste of each side), and while surv is a little bit down now, this "wE suRvs are jUSt maDe to sUfFeR" talk is just absurd.
I don't think survivor play is appreciably worse than it has been at any point in my tenure. And while some things have been lost, others have been gained. There's an ebb and flow, and it is felt on alternatively on both sides.
People brush it off, but as a strictly solo player, I found the new surv HUD to be a goddamn revelation. Best single thing either side has gotten in years. Having an idea of what your team is up to in solo was a massive change.
BnPs weren't lost, I think they're better.
Medkits weren't lost, they were balanced (a souped up green medkit was stupid OP, probably the strongest item in the game, and I abused them, it was almost criminal).
Prove Thyself was always pretty mid, not much has changed. Anyone focusing on Prove Thyself probably isn't all that good.
Gen times got increased marginally, but the old (and much more effective) killer slowdown meta was gutted.
I think 6.1.0, while disruptive, was in part very necessary. I think the game was surv leaning before, and the surv meta was stale as hell. OG DH was the most busted thing in the game and had been for years. It had to go. Think of a busted perk on the other side, Eruption. That was nerfed to the ground almost immediately in comparison.
The only loss I felt that seemed really excessive to me was the stun duration of DS. That was egregious, but another rework is coming, so there's hope.
In the end, this is just another "us v. them" topic that only reflects how biased some people's perspectives are. I try not to be gatekeeper-y, but more and more I feel like if a player doesn't have somewhat equal time in both sides (not just having trialed the "other" side), I don't really care about their opinion on game balance.
You can't just put the shoe on the other foot for a minute, you have walk in it in equal measure. Some of these ######### takes just reek of people who play like a 90/10 split.