Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

So I've asked reddit this same question but how does the penalty time decrease?

Myers_and_Jake_main Member Posts: 5
edited March 6 in Ask the Community

I've been having crashes and I just want to know if I wait out my disconnect timer and don't play for a few days will my penalty timer, which is currently at 48hrs decrease down back to minutes if I just don't play for a few days because I don't want to crash again and have it go up to 72?


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,159

    Yeah it will decrease after some time of not disconnecting. You can still play the game and it will decrease as well, though only if you don’t dc/get dc‘d!

    so make sure that the issue is resolved otherwise you will accumulate the penalties again..

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 547

    I believe it takes a day to chip off the DC penalty.

    So if your DC timer is at 15 mins, it takes two days to reset to a minute DC penalty.