Visionary - buff

Currently there is almost no reason to take the perk Visionary over Deja Vu, in my opinion. Deja Vu does the job much better.
Could we buff Visionary to show the auras of gens from white to red, depending on their current progress? Then it would have some edge over Deja Vu.
But @Alen_Starkly that is what Rookie Spirit does and even better.
I think what bHVR needs to do is take all these beginner friendly Generator helper perks and then use Deja vu as the minimum standard and then buff them accordingly-
- Technician
- Poised
- Red Herring
- Repressed Alliance
- Visionary
- Fast Track
- Counterforce
- Rookie Spirit
- Corrective Action
- Inner focus
- Fog Wise
- Friendly competition
- Trouble shooter
- Deadline
It feels like bHVR's plan is to make good perks for beginner players, but advanced players dont use them so they would not inspire beginners to use them either. I think instead of developing character perks for survivors as, one competitive, one wild card and one beginner. they should do one competitive, one wild card and one solid foundation perk.
Solid foundation perks for Survivors are, Deja Vu, BOND (god yes), Windows of Opportunity, very good at enabling play at all skill levels.
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It could use a buff. I agree. But although they function the same, a player honestly can still play differently with the two perks. I can see players who play visionary immediately just go to thw nearest gen and finish before a deja vu player. Keep in mind, a deja vu player has to waste time getting to that gen then finishing while a visionary user will be already done with theirs. (Now this applies if the killer doesnt interrupt them of course.)
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that is another perk. the perk is called Rookie Spirit.
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Rookie Spirit only shows the Auras of Generators that are currently regressing. It doesn't show the progression at all. It also has no range limit.
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Rookie Spirit does something completely different, you guys. Rookie Spirit shows you any regressing gens aura, and only in white.
My suggestion for Visionary is that all the gens within a certain radius around you you see (current effect), but you see their progress by the intensity of redness on them (like Wraith's iri addon, or Legion's iri tape addon). If it's white, it's around 0%, if it's red, it's about to be done, if it's pink, based on the intensity of the pink you can estimate how progressed it is.
Quite different than what Rookie Spirit does.
With Rookie Spirit you can only tell that a gen is regressing, but you have no idea if it's at like 5% done, 60%, or like 90%. You could, if only 1 gen got damaged at once, and someone was actively working on that gen at the time, so you saw the progress on the HUD, but that's too many conditions.
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Most of these are buffs in addition to the current effect unless it says rework keep that in mind
Have it reduce the skill check penalty by 3/4/5% instead of increase it no reason to have it be a downside anymore and change the range to be half the repair audio range, aka if the sounds are 24m have it reduce the range by 12m
- Poised
Make completing a gen also grant a 7% haste buff and increase the duration to 15s
- Red Herring
Make entering a locker silent while the perk is active and exiting a locker silent while the perk is on cooldown (quick and quiet effect)
- Repressed Alliance
Make it only block the gen for killers aka it can't be regressed except by indirect regression events, aka killers can't kick the gen but pain res / surge would still work, passive regression wouldn't reduce any gen progress for the duration and other blocking effects can't stack on top of it, aka to grim embrace / dms. Effectively protecting the gen from most killer actions and perks
- Visionary
Remove the cooldown for a gen being completed and whenever a generator is completed reveal the Repair progression of all Generators via the intensity of their Aura to all survivors for 8s
- Fast Track
Gain 2 tokens upon being hooked yourself and 1 token upon healing another survivor, (this perk is much harder to balance out but a bit more ways to earn tokens would be nice to counter longer games)
- Counterforce
This one doesn't help gens but it could be an interesting anti-pentimento perk so make the aura read permanent for that totem location (aka you can see if the totem ends up being rekindled because it would go from a small pile on the ground to being a full totem again) and make the aura read effect also work if a teammate cleanses a totem (but not the speed effect)
- Rookie Spirit
Easy let it gen tap to stop regression since thats the perks focus
- Corrective Action
Make the skillcheck become a great skillcheck rather than a missed skillcheck, (funny enough 2 people running it could just mash the skillcheck button when working on a generator together since every miss becomes a great and great skillchecks would give them another token (probably why they didn't make it like this to start with) and let it make your missed skillchecks become good skillchecks
- Inner focus
Increase the range to 48m
- Fog Wise
This one is actually pretty good 6s aura read on average every 12.5s on a gen is quite nice just for hitting skill checks
- Friendly competition
Reword / Buff, When you work on a gen with a teammate for 5s that gen becomes marked when that generator becomes complete you and any teammates who were working on generator when it while it was marked generator gain 5% repair speed bonus for 75s
- Trouble shooter
Change it to auras of all generators being worked on and have it be revealed to all survivors, then its not half bad
- Deadline
This one is too volatile to balance easily
Would you think these perks would see more use if they got changes like this
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As a Visionary connoisseur myself I can confirm this, the difference between Deja Vu and Visionary is the consistency of Visionary where it always shows generators that are close by, while Deja Vu usually shows generators from long distances (not as much in shorter distances). The aura reading from Visionary always allows you to immediately do generators near you. You can still prevent 3 gens by doing the generator closer to the center of the map in order to make the gen spread larger.
I'd just buff Visionary to remove its cooldown, the cooldown was never needed and didn't even exist in the Descend Beyond PTB. It was just added out of nowhere when it dropped in the live builds and absolutely nobody suggested it be nerfed.