Legion stalking like Myers

TLDR: What if The Legion have to stalk all survivors in order to activate frenzy for the rest of the match.


I remember Janick said they originally thought of Legion stalking survivors but they didn’t like the idea because players felt their was no counter play. Which is still the same way players feel lol. And they wanted the idea of being able to use it right away( I do like the fact that I can use freny whenever I want)  

Source - https://youtu.be/D4-E4R0oHBY 30:00

I  was thinking, what if they went back to where Legion have to stalk a certain amount of survivors to get their frenzy. And once you have filled your meter, your frenzy will activate. It will be just like how it is now. 

Then survivors will have a way to counter them by avoiding being stalked. 

And this will still give the killer the psychopath characteristic that the dev was going for. Stalking your victim then going berserk. 



Tier 1 - 115% movement speed 1/4 survivors 

Tier 2 - 112% movement speed - 2/4 survivors

Tier 3 - 110% movement + frenzy activation 4/4 survivors (frenzy will be used the same way as it is now) 


Just keep them %110 movement speed regardless of where you are on the meter



You have to stalk a total of four survivors in order to activate frenzy. You can only stalk one survivor at a time.

Each survivor fills a quarter of the frenzy

You have to stalk every survivor in order for it to fully activate. 

If survivors DC, then they automatically fill a quarter of the meter.