Strength In Shadows is probably my favorite bodyblock perk.

Testing a few matches, I ran it with Desperate Measures, Botony Knowledge and Bite The Bullet while using a key for aura reading to quickly heal, then rush over to a teammate to take a hit and then if the killer decides to keep going for their first target, I just run back to basement and heal back up quickly.

That said, this really only works well when basement is in the center of the map or if chase is near the basement, and the survivor being chased is doing well in their chases. So it's situational, but when it does work out you can waste a lot of time for the killer.

How does everyone else feel about this perk? Is it better balanced than self-care?


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    I think the fact that BHVR realized that circle of healing was a problem...where someone just has to run to one location and get healed up to delete killer pressure...and then they add another perk that just brings it back into play again is just silly.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    That's a fair argument. If I had to critique it further you should be in the bottom of basement, because as of now you can walk halfway down the stairs to heal.

    That said, you're still injured in the basement so you need to be aware of what the killer is doing/who they're playing so you don't get followed in.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    Not really that difficult. I go to basement all the time to try at a chance to get a medkit. Now I get a guaranteed heal an unlimited amount of times AND I don't even actually have to to into the basement since just the stairs is all that's needed. If the killer gets close, then I have an immediate window or pallet right next to me and I can loop the killer at the strongest looping area in the entire map (if basement is in shack, at least).

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    That's true if it's in shack. If it's in main, then it's a completely different set of circumstances depending on which main building you get. I suppose you could always run sprint burst as well to get out of basement quickly if needed once you hear the TR approach.