Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Tunneling/Proxy Camping Somehow STILL a Viable Strategy?

Exult Member Posts: 101

It's been a while since I've played Dead by Daylight, even more-so posting on the forums, but now returning after a few months or so I'm BAFFLED how tunneling is still prevalent and easy to accomplish. I have to just get this off my chest. How is it that with base BT, the facecamping unhook mechanic for BOTH hook phases, the removal of grabbing off hook, and a plethora of perks to counter this playstyle still FAIL to prevent this from happening? Nowadays what we get are people standing just outside the range of the hook and waiting for someone to run up to save, only to intercept with an insta-down add-on/chainsaw, or trading after two free m1s.

If it was as cut and dry as "do gens while they camp" you could justify punishing the killer in that way, only that isn't how a typical match works. Most players understand that when one survivor is hooked, three are then occupied (getting chased, getting the unhook, and the hooked survivor) leaving just one person to do generators. However, the reality is that killers will now just stand and watch barely outside the penalty range and wait for the unhook to come. Most of the time people aren't in comms so the unhook comes, and he's rewarded with a trade of another down. If the killer doesn't camp, that's fine for them too, because then if they leave to pressure gens they often turn right around at the sound of the unhook and target the unhooked survivor. Even if the healthy, unhooking survivor tries to take attention off their teammate it's often fruitless because ultimately the killer decides who they want to go for. Ninety percent of the time it's the vulnerable, freshly-unhooked survivor. And the chase never lasts long at that point, because by the time the killer has returned that BT is gone and you're forced into a situation when you're at your weakest and the killer still possesses their entire arsenal to take you out.

Now I'm not naive enough to say a killer is never supposed to tunnel, because duh their job is to kill you and of course choosing the weakest target is the quickest way to thin the numbers. But come on. How miserable it is to be pushed out of the match like that. It's not equivalent to being outplayed through skill or mind-games. You can rationalize that and go into the next trial (maybe you slipped up, or a teammate did) but when you're on that hook and you see the killer back pedal just barely far enough away and stare or stealth, it's incredibly deflating because the match is a loss for you unless everything works out against the killer.

I'm not really looking to argue, but maybe some other people have some insight/can relate to the frustrations I'm having. I've had so many games in the past couple of weeks that have been plagued with these issues. Throw on top of this varying skillsets, perks, RNG, and every other facet of this game that can make it frustrating as well, and you've got yourself a nasty mixing pot full of reasons to be your thirteenth. Am I somehow missing something? Do people feel the same, or experiencing anything like me? I've seen some posts so I know I'm not alone, I just needed to get this off my mind. It's hard being a solo survivor. lmao