We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What do you think about perk limiters?

Atom7k Member Posts: 269
edited March 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

As more and more chapters are added to dbd the balancing becomes quite more stressfull especially when perks have potentially high synergie.

I thought maybe we can solve two problems with a limit on how often each individual player can use a perk.

For example 'Devour Hope' is a strong perk and is only allowed up to 5 usages per day, 'Adrenalin' is in the same category for survivors and will be struck with the same limiter.

I do get that new players who don't have any dlc's would be suffering as they run out of perks to use if they play all day long. So balancing the numbers here would also be crucial.

On the other hand I think it would encourage everyone to try new builds and would finally break the stale meta build situation we are currently in. Killers don't have to worry about 4 'Adrens', '4 'lithe', 4 'windows of opportunity' and a variety of 'unbreakable', 'resiliance' and 'sprint burst' while the surivors don't have to face 'Pain res', 'pop', 'Ultimate Weapon' or 'noed' every match. It also would mean you have to learn and master the power of the killer because the perks are not the primary carrier of the game anymore.

I think it could linger the stress and the speed that currently is seen in the average match. New builds would mean new ways to play and more overall variety.

I do get that nobody really likes being forced to do something different but a lot of fun happens outside of your comfort zone.

What do you think and what would be your approach to tone the stress in the matches down?


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    limiting perk usage only stops people from playing the game, so what it does is just less people with same exact perks.

    If you stressed that much, you can always just stops playing.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,802

    Based on their record to date, it seems pretty clear they really really want all players to run what they like, with no restrictions on perks.

  • Bradcore
    Bradcore Member Posts: 68

    I would like to see perks that have drawbacks. Like, and I'm just spitballing here, "Survivor gets 300% speed boost for 10 seconds, but there is a 7% they trip and fall like a dumbass. Player must perform three successful skill checks to get up and run again. First successful skill check will allow survivor to crawl. Second will allow them to crawl faster. Third, very back to running. "

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Looking at the measures taken so far, it is safe to assume that it will not be implemented, as the majority of players and the developers probably do not want it. As a recommendation, I think a reasonable implementation range would be to get a system to BP bonus by dispersing each perks use.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    I was thinking about perk limits, but I was thinking of applying it slightly differently.

    Give certain perk categories a limit to how much they can stack. This means you can buff weak perks that are bad on their own, but could be busted if they were stacked with other perks.

    Examples (don't quote me on the numbers, I'm just making stuff up):

    Self Healing can't exceed speeds of 120%.

    Gen speeds can't exceed 150%.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    The problem of 'meta' perks is that they are non-competitive with the rest of the perks. Would you ever run Poised or Bloodhound? Other perks need to be useful enough to be considered swapping out a meta perk for, or provide some other sort of benefit. If a perk has limited usefulness, it should be better than a comparable perk. Look at old/new Botany vs Desperate Measures. 33/50% vs 14% per injured Surv, or 14/28/42/56. This means DM was better at 3 injured Survs before, and now it is only better at 4 injured Survs. When they adjusted Botany, they should have increased DM to 21%/Surv to keep parity, or added new effects like adding Mending or Killer specific action speeds to the list as well.

    Also, drawbacks are almost always mentally framed as a bad thing. You instead want to classify things as positive. To promote build diversity, give an extra effect or increased effectiveness for variety. Things like "Slowdown: 25% stronger if not used with any other Slowdown", or for Surge "Regression from this perk counts as half/'none at all' toward the regression limit". This allows people to still use multiple perks, but are rewarded for not stacking categories. You could also create set bonuses for weaker perks/adepts, to increase the strength of otherwise worthless perks.

    If we simply limit X matches per day using the perk, people will instead quit after their usages run out, and matches will be even harder to find. Even if there is a timer like DCs, people might just AFK in the lobby and wait it out before they are 'allowed' to play again. Since games want as much player engagement time as possible (and not soaking server space logged in but AFK), this likely would never see the light of day.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    I dom't think that would be a good idea. Being limited to use something you enjoy feels rather restrictive and frustrating.

    What they could do instead is introduce more events which are optional but perhaps do things like randomize every setup, or categorize perks into points (based on strength) so a build has x amount of points maximum you can use.

    The game should always have freedom to choose what you want, but I don't see any issue with competitions or events in-game which do have restrictive or randomized modes which are optional to play.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 282

    "Welp I'm out of uses of my bread and butter perks, time to log off"

    And then we get a million forum posts asking why the player count imploded.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    soloQ is not bad enough?