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unfair play, killers overpowered

jay111134 Member Posts: 10
edited March 14 in General Discussions

killers are WAY too overpowered it makes the gun unplayable sometimes, me and my friends are dropping it til you guys come to the realization that it's getting unfair. I get hit even though they are literally far away from me or when I've already vaulted, seriously? Ive literally got multiple videos of this happening, how is it fair? make your game fair and playable!!!

not trying to be messed up its just so annoying!

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,851

    Killers aren't OP but I do think there needs to be changes that prevent stacking 4x slowdowns and punishing of hard tunnelling survivors out of the game.

    The game extremely survivor sided for years and now it is more balanced even if still slightly survivor sided... providing the survivors have some skill and aren't allergic to gens.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 301

    Have you asked these streamers why they prefer survivor? Most will tell you to interact with viewers. For them DbD is the vehicle, not the driving force.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 14

    definitely hasn't grown much either. Good games usually grown.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95
    edited March 14

    I agree!! Killers are way overpowered! Yesterday i played several games where all survivors played perfectly and yet killers got 4k. Some years ago survivors were rewarded for playing skillfully, now playing well is not enough. it is up to the killer to make a huge mistake or otherwise the game is already lost for survivors

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 681

    as a dead by daylight main i have to disagree with both of you guys, survivors and killers have their own difficult level on their own ways, for some people team work is hard, for some people, working alone is harder, for some people, needing to constantly think about everything that is going on is hard, for other people working under pressure is hard etc etc etc, it´s not about the role, it´s about the human being playing the role :)

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Yea but it always points to an underlining problem that more people could have the same sentiment but instead of just sayin okay bye you wont be missed isn't as good as trying to solve the problem. I'm with you I know there's a lot of posts like this but that being said as a player I always want to see if there's a way that problems with the game can be fixed and help grow the game.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886
    edited March 14

    DbD is a weird game that isn't for everyone (no matter which side you play, it feels unfair a lot), and I would bet that turnover his higher for it than most others. People are constantly leaving. And people are constantly coming in.

    No one should waste their time wringing their hands over people who are crying just to cry with nothing of real substance to say. Especially people who obviously didn't really play both sides of the game.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,362

    Why use twitch as a metric? Streamers are a tiny percent of the people playing, and playing survivor is more conducive to streaming. Why not use the BP bonus, which reliably goes to whichever role there are insufficient players for at any given time?

    ...would you look at that, the bonus is currently on survivor, meaning there's disproportionately not enough survivor players.

    Now I personally wouldn't argue that this proves that the survivor experience is miserable, but at the very least I think the BP bonus, which is reflective of the general player base, is a better metric than looking at who's streaming on twitch.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I enjoy the game on both survivor and killer. 40-50% escape rate as solo survivor and killer I win 60-65% of my games. I will never understand why this game attracts so many crybabys that just have to win 100% of their games or they will cry and cry all day long.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    I would disagree this means anything, as to be equal the game needs the currently playing player base at 80% while killer's at a low 20%. It could easily be at 70 survivor/30 killer and the bp would be on survivor at that time.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    That is not correct. At least in EU, it is pretty equal. I did some notes about the incentive, and on average it was pretty even.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,362

    Absolutely - I even said "Now I personally wouldn't argue that this proves that the survivor experience is miserable" - by which I meant to imply "I don't think that we can use things like the number of people playing either role as an indicator of peoples' experience playing the game." I just think that twitch is worse at calculating who is playing which role, as it's a VERY limited selection of players.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    Oh, didn't understand the last part. I completely agree though with twitch being unreliable, as survivor is easier to multitask while doing, as there is still 3 other people doing stuff. Also, any amount of these players could also be playing killers outside of streaming.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,362
    edited March 14

    i believe the hard evidence of my own eyes and the fact I was able to grab this screenshot, over you saying "no ur lying" to be perfectly honest.

    not that it matters, I've already said that we shouldn't draw conclusions about whether or not survivor is unenjoyable based on the number of people currently playing the role, be it twitch stats or in-game players.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Its okay, you dont have to believe me. Make your own notes across a week or two and come to your own conclousion. But hey, i am defending survivor quite a bit, so why should i now stab them?

    SAIKURON Member Posts: 25

    I mean, tunneling is the best strategy for the killer in the current meta to at least secure themselves a kill and prevent gen rush, if done correctly and with the right survivor. The survs nowadays complete the gens too rapidly.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 125

    Id love to see a version of that Blackout mode or darkness. That was epic and so much fun. Killers couldn't come in sweaty and survivors had to really work at movement. I can honestly I loved every moment of that event.... Even the losses or woopings I got

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 14

    killers not overpowered killers just tunnel because the majority of them suck. If they removed tunneling killers could actually get decent at a killer. This game is fundamentally designed for a survivor to go down there is bloodlust in play powers add ons so that is why tunneling off hook is so effective. When a killer isn't good at the game it shows so the easiest way to counter sucking at the game is tunnel off hook. This is the reason usually 3 gens pop when a killer actually chases someone who is decent at looping then they complain about everything else in the game. They end up in high mmr due to tunneling and then get pub stomped on and wonder why. Its not the perks you just aren't as good as you think you are.

    SAIKURON Member Posts: 25
    edited March 14

    Nuh, this game is literally survivor sided, you just can't see it yet. How many hours do you have in the game? Also, what you're mentioned appears to be a problem with the connection to a server. Normally, you can't get hit if you perform a fast vault through a window or a pallet and end up on the other side (if you don't walk up closer to it afterwards).

    The killers always have to sweat every game in order to get at least a single kill if they're playing against decent survivors. The maps sometimes are awful: Gideon, that one from Stranger Things DLC (I don't remember its name) and especially Garden of joy, which has THE WORST MAIN BUILDING FOR THE KILLER IN THE ENTIRE GAME, EVEN AFTER THE DEVS PROMISED TO FIX IT (they didn't).