Is there an AFK penalty now?
I just had a match, totally my fault but I came back to go ready and found I was already in a match and being death hooked at that moment. Totally my own fault... even though I don't know how that even happend.
However I got a matchmaking penalty like I DC'd so did I miss something as far as AFK penalties being in the game now?
Only when you dc the game b4.
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I didn't DC
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Yes, about the middle of last year that was added. If you're AFK for the entire match it counts as a DC, Survivors and Killers.
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Ah thank you, I did not realise that.
Well I deserved it as I was AFK but first time that has happened to me
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I’m not completely sure when it was introduced, but yes you can get AFK kicked, which will net you a dc penalty.
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Yes. As the Killer if you stand still the whole match and don't get any points, after all survivors escape and the game ends, it'll look like as if you've lost connection and you'll get a DC penalty.
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I noticed it last chapter release when I needed to AFK to answer the door and by the time I came back I was sacrificed with a dc.
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I learned about the AFK penalty whem I dod the Slinger challenge to reveal auras with Retribution. Just loaded in a game with Lethal, Bitter Murmur, Lightborn, and Hex Retribution. Started the match amd away to do some chores, came back it said I dcd.
Figured I lost connection so I did it again, and same thing 2nd time. Thats how I learned there is AFK penalty. Annoying but I understand so I just loaded in a third and would occasionally come down and move Slinger somewhere
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Yeah thanks all for confirming, I had no idea it was introduced so it was a bit of a what the hell is going on moment lol
Great though as I have not seen the AFK bot farming killers for long time and that would explain why!