

Should "Friends 'til the End" disable after the last gen pops?

Member Posts: 1,679

The perk:

You will kill anyone who gets between you and your target.

When you hook any Survivors that is not the Obsession, the following effects apply to the Obsession:

  • Their Aura is revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.
  • They suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 20 seconds.

When you hook the Obsession, the following effects apply to a random Survivor:

  • Causes the Survivor to scream and reveal their location to the Killer.
  • They become the new Obsession.

Should "Friends 'til the End" disable after the last gen pops? 31 votes

No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.
19 votes
It should definitely disable at Endgame Collapse, but *not* as soon as the last gen pops.
2 votes
Yes. It's too powerful at the end and it makes just *attempting* to save a teammate (when you are the last teammate in the match) impossible. It undeservedly inflates kill rates as a result.
3 votes
It shouldn't be totally disabled, but it should be adjusted in some way when either the last gen pops or at EGC.
I'm not sure.
1 vote
The whole perk needs to be overhauled.
1 vote
The whole perk needs to be deleted.
1 vote
I have a different opinion not reflected in the choices.
4 votes

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  • Member Posts: 13,671
    I have a different opinion not reflected in the choices.

    No, it’s fine in end game. The perk is honestly extremely weak and no one runs it. It needs buffs, not nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 1,774
    I have a different opinion not reflected in the choices.

    no and your only no answer drips with survivor bias

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    That's your bias. I tried coming up with as many answers as possible, reflecting different opinions and reasonings. For instance, "The whole perk needs to be reworked" could have just as easily meant it needs a major "buff" as it needs a "nerf." And "it should be deleted" could be for any number of reasons. Regarding the other options, players who play both roles can often see shades in any perk where it could possibly be adjusted, as reflected in option 2 and 4. That might mean it buffs in one way but nerfs in another. It might mean that a timer gets extended or a radius gets adjusted but the effects stay the same. There are many options. And for anything I missed, I made that an option too. In reality, I had one purely killer option and one purely survivor.

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    I find that answer option a bit biased to begin with... But I don't see a problem with this perk whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    BHVR has said language like that in the past when explaining why they made certain choices, so that's why I chose it. I can't remember the exact changes they were describing, but I *think* one of them was when they were explaining why the anti-face camping mechanic disabled at endgame.

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    I mean fair I guess... But it still sounds odd. Also what else are you supposed to do in endgame? ^^ Unless you have perks for it the doors will be open before you even found another person.

  • Member Posts: 361
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    I don't see how this perk could be considered unhealthy in an endgame scenario

  • Member Posts: 1,152
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    I'm not really sure why it should be stronger in the endgame than in the early- or midgame, they have to m1 you so outrunning 20 seconds of exposed is pretty easy most of the time

  • Member Posts: 47
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    This perk doesn't seem over powered, all other survivors who aren't the obsession could run adrenaline bringing them back to full health. I've been having a lot of games where survivors run adrenaline in every match and yet they have noed have a visible aura.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    No. It should stay exactly as is. Killers require as many tools as possible to get kills, and that's why certain Survivor mechanics do disable at the end.

    I'm surprised people think this perk is OP to begin with. 20 seconds is very, very short, especially considering the Exposed status effect is revealed to the survivors by default. It's really only good on Dredge and maybe Hag because they're M1 killers with lesser cooldowns with mobility and have the ability to teleport directly to survivors in order to be able to catch them before 20 seconds. It'd be extremely ridiculous on Nurse if blink lunges were still basic attacks, but that's about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,410
    It should definitely disable at Endgame Collapse, but *not* as soon as the last gen pops.

    well egc is the end soo… they are no longer friends since its the END game collapse

  • Member Posts: 2,194
    I have a different opinion not reflected in the choices.

    I think it is fine the way it is.

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