I quit

I've played dbd for 5 years now (which of course doesn't makes me the most experienced player) and I finally reached my personal breaking point.
This game is barely fun anymore as a lot of players take it way to personal and serious with toxicity in the game and community being at it's peak.
I played both sides pretty equally (maybe a bit more killer though) and for survivors I can just say: I am tired. It is not fun to be tunneled every game or watch a fellow survivors getting tunneled. Matches are so boring and stale. Every killer feels the same because they get played the same way. Tunneling and trying to hold a 3 gen. The resentment I've build up for these "strategies" is massive. I understand though that it's due to balancing and people playing for different reasons like comp killer vs soloq or comp swf vs average non tunnel killer.
As killer it is just as sweaty. Survivors will do everything they can to annoy you. From flash light clicking and tbagging to vaulting windows far away from the killer for literally minutes to trigger the notifaction. Let's not forget about the exit gate tbagging or ftp + buckle up in your face. The amounts of matches I can ignore that is limited as like every human my patience has limits.
I can 4k survivors even in high mmr without tunneling but it depends on luck and survivors making mistakes as much as my ability to control my killer. I don't feel like it should be that way anymore.
Basically what I'm saying is that dbd became super fast and super competitive. There is zero room for mistakes on both sides and the balancing + toxic survivors lead to killers being more frustrated and starting to tunnel with meta builds. As I said 4k without tunneling is possible but it's dependancy is survivor making mistakes. If they do zero mistakes or you as a killer misread the game once you loose if you don't tunnel. You cannot bring a weak build anymore to try something new because (at least from my experience) people tend to make fun of the killer then.
I do not know what my mmr is and I am not a god on both sides but I think it is pretty high and that's why I am stuck in these situations.
I am the last one of my dbd friend group of 12 people who kept playing. They all quitted months ago. Today I follow them. I took breaks from the game, even for months, but when I came back it was just the same miserable experience. Maybe in a distant future when the game changed I will come back but I don't expect it to.
I leave the fog for good, I joined the Helldivers.
See you around and I hope you still have fun playing the game.
I had to quit because of the same thing. They made it impossible for survivors to have fun. Tunneling is out of hand, killers have too much power and survivor role is absolutely too weak
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and it is ridiculous how they recuse to do something to pubish tunneling
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Fun or not fun 5 years then it's probably time to move on. There are lot's of other games out there and you can always come back later to check out new killers, maps and such.
I'm always relaxed playing the game on both sides. Have my whisky close by and don't care if people try to mess with me it's just a game. If you take things personal then yeah don't play the game.
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I used to play every day. Seems every update, they are kicking m1 killers in the nuts. I like to play "fair", and not a fan of playing meta killers. I prefer playing the underdogs like ghostie, pig, Myers, and deathslinger (though he's not an m1). However, they are absolutely obsessed with the idea to make these killers more and more trash. Now they implemented this 8 regression limit which absolutely wrecks m1 killers, especially with surge, since they aren't allowed to apply pressure to gens miles away from all the other gens. They by design have to stay more in the center of the map, so they easily get punished with the new system even if they aren't camping and are doing chases and hooks. On top of that, they are making it almost impossible to play the game in a fair and friendly manner. Gen regression gets nerfed, chase perks get nerfed, mangled gets nerfed, gen control gets nerfed...the only thing left that you can optimally do is tunneling...and that's incredibly lame. Avoiding double hooking, avoiding slugging, and avoiding tunneling is just a recipie for getting teabagged at the exit gates. They are pushing fair killer play into extinction.
I've gone from playing daily to once every week or two. This new 8 regression limit is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. I am legit thinking of walking away from away from game, forever. Killers have become a joke, and we are slowly turning towards tunneling being THE only viable option at high mmr.
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Would you come back if they made a gamemode including 2v8 or FNAF chapter that you guys wanted?
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I think new game modes would be fun to try but the experience would be also pretty bad as people would look for the easy way around the challenge by running around the map together with killers like bubba or nurse like in the 2v8 video supaAlf did a while ago. In the 'Lights Out' game mode we saw exactly this. Instead of embracing the challenge a lot of killers just picked legion to bypass the challenge or camped around the corner of the hooked survivor. The game mode wasn't the problem. It was way more fun then normal dbd but people made it horrible sometimes.
Also new chapters are not really interesting to me as the new killer wil get played the same way as the old killers if his power is not fundamentally different. So no, unless they change the balancing and add mechanisms against tunneling I don't feel like playing this game anymore. It would be sufficient if they introduce it as a new permanent game mode so people who prefer the old way of playing can keep doing so but those who are tired of this stale gameplay can move on.
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Very accurate. Something needs to done.
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I joined the Helldivers
Time to spread some democracy, brother!
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Easy to say, but this is kinda complicated issue. I think it is BHVR at fault for most parts by basically limiting options, but players on both side are not innocent either.
You have this annoying cycle, where one side get stomped, get annoyed and bring it for next game. Then the other side get stomped and repeat.
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i wish i could to but my pc cant handle all that pure democracy
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How can you see your MMR?
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You can only guess based on playtime of players against you.
How many cheaters you play against is a good guess too.
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Sadly there's much truth in that second part. The super sweaty area of DBD seems to attract most of the hacking and cheating.