State of the game right now is horrible
My games the last 2 weeks have been horrible. On survivor I play solo and get stuck with the dumbest people imaginable. We barely get anything done and die instantly. This is pretty much every game. On killer side, I get matched against the same type of players. They sit on gens, run away as soon they hear me, hide and spread out. Multiple gens are getting pressured and I can't stop them. Most games I barley get any hooks let alone any kills.
Why is the matchmaking system THIS BAD?! I am not the best player in the world and I never try to be but the way this game's MMR system works it forces you to be god tier at the game. You need to be S tier with every killer and be good enough at survivor to carry your team. The community is never going to meet this criteria. Bring the old grade system back. It was a much better system than what we have today.
Are there any other people who are dealing with the same thing that I am w/matches on both sides being crap?
It's always the same with this mmr system... As a solo Q survivor I am facing the 10k hour nurses and as a killer I am facing the god tier swf lobbies...This game is honestly just cooked if I am completely honest. It no longer is about fun but about winning NO MATTER WHAT... If that is the case I might as well just play a competitive game like League.
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Opposite for me so far this season since I started keeping record of my results.
On survivor I'm at 20 escapes and 10 deaths
On killer I'm at I think 2 2k's and 15 3k and 4k's.
Although in a sense that's also proof of the matchmaker not working as I'm far above the average for both killer and survivor so far.
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When I play killer, by my first down 1-2 gens will be done no matter how fast I make the chases.
As a survivor, someone will be dead by the time we get a gen done.
I hate it quite a bit. I barely play these days, I want to go back to the old ranking matchmaking system.
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Solo Q as survivor really needs some improvements.
If BHVR is going to keep holding out VC on survivors, or basic chat features, they should AT LEAST let you see your teams perks before the match starts. The only hope you have is pre-game lobby chat and if they're crossplay then gg they aren't seeing that #########. I solo Q on pc and almost EVERY lobby I get into is console players I cannot talk to.
I cannot keep track of the amount of times this lack of communication has ruined matches. Most recently Bill and I both got hooked in basement, I wasted as much time before I got downed and hooked and the huntress ran off. My plan was to wait til I saw the chase icon to self unhook using Sable's new perk, then pop BT on Bill and have him block as we run out. Other Sable can't hear this so she comes to help, wasting time. My plan works, I self unhook and save bill, and as Bill runs upstairs she body blocks me from leaving, wasting precious seconds that lets the Huntress come down into Basement. She hugs corner so I have nowhere to hide, slips out and lets me get downed and rehooked. I was so furious that my amazing play had been taken from me by something so stupid.
Basic communication could've prevented this, and its kind of a joke it's not been implemented yet. This was at Gold 1 before I ranked back up.
But you know, when I play killer I get paired with P50 - P100 survivors consistently, meta builds, flashlights and flash bangs, absolute nightmare matchups. This most recently happened at Ash 3, as I've not been playing a lot of killer this month (trying to understand Survivor better atm), and I'm so confused as to why I get paired with these people constantly. What are such good players doing at such low rank? Today in the same rank I went against ghostee, who is a comp player with over 2800 hours, and while I managed to squeeze out a 4k as Sadako, it was such a rough match and I had to play really well to severely punish their mistakes. It wasn't fun, even though I won.
I also had a match against a trapper who, despite being really bad at chase and loops, tunneled two teammates out despite us taking hits and using BT, then slugged the third at 1 gen and proceeded to try and hunt me until my teammate bled out. I got hatch, but that doesn't count as a win and I barely got any reward for the absolute hair pulling match that player put us through with the constant proxy camping and slugging. It wasn't fun even though I was the one who made it out.
The way MMR works right now is absolutely miserable, and rank reset solo Q is a nightmare. You get stuck in Ash for so long due to the type of killers who show up there. They're bad at everything they do but because it's solo Q and I'm stuck in a lobby of noobs or bad players the killer gets to pop NOED, or Tombstone Meyers, or some other insane build that is only broken in lobbies at low MMR where almost every survivor is new or just really bad. And for those new or really bad players? Probably not fun for them either to lose so many matches to killers packing builds that make the matches impossible for them, because unlike me they probably can't crawl themselves out of that hellhole if they're struggling to loop for more than 10 seconds. It must be infuriating for them.
How I would fix this? I have no solid ideas. Obviously if you buff survivor too much to accommodate solo Q then the SWF groups become too strong. If you nerf survivors too much to accommodate their power as a coordinated swf, killer stomps them too easily.
I still think basic comms are not powerful enough in the hands of your average player to be devastating against killer who already has a 60% win rate across the board, and that implementing them would relieve so much of the frustration found in solo Q. All it takes is one misinformed decision to snowball the entire match.
As for killer, fixing the MMR is the best decision imo. I think having a hidden timer that keeps track of how well both survivor and killer do in chase could do wonders. If you consistently win chase as survivor, then you're more likely to be paired with someone who consistently win chase as killer, and vice versa.
I'm tired of going against bad killers who rely on proxy camping, slugging, or tunneling, and losing to a 3 or 4k because they bring pub stomp perks and the players I get paired with are brainless, and I'm tired of every match I play as killer being against coordinated P100s who make me sweat my ass off just to get a player out.