We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Three massive win streaks have been broken recently

ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
edited March 20 in General Discussions

-A Blight win streak ended at 1947 wins (no escapes after gens completed, maybe no escapes at all? not 100% on the rules)

-A Nurse win streak ended at 1162 (1163?) wins (no escapes after gens completed)

-A European 4-stack's survivor winstreak (3+ escape) ended at 171 wins

Specific names are not mentioned just to be extra careful about the rules, but anyone active in the community who's familiar with content creators will know who is responsible for each of those streaks.

There's maybe a few things worth discussing about this, such as how big some of those numbers are, how interesting it is they all ended within a few days of each other after running for months on end, etc. Would love to see the community's input on those three streaks ending.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Yeah the nurse player announced it today and said he's gonna do a video analysis on what went wrong and the mistakes he made

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Obviously the streaks ended because the Entity was Displeased.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,504

    Yeah, he got a crazy impressive result. And ultimately the game still matched them up for a reason. Like, a low MMR 4man sniping would be very very unlikely to ever be matched up with this Blight. He and this comp team were likely in the same SBMM bracket anyway, it was only a matter of time before they crossed paths.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Crazy how they had to cheat to beat the killer. Maybe if you have to cheat to win something its kind of them cheating before you cheat to begin with.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Blight went from a potential 400% increase in power level from add-ons to a max of 150% generously. The nerfs to his add-ons were immense.

    *before anyone refers to the thread* I am not defending playing comp on the strongest killers with the strongest loadouts as the strongest players, that's a really mean combo. I am just explaining changes to a killer I know far more about than maybe a few on this forum. I've had too many people argue the nerfs weren't nerfs and then just restate their opinion without backup in their follow up comment.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 705

    Then they need to suffocate her and/or break her blinking arm so she can't blink anymore or needs to do something to earn the right to. No more baby nerfs. Enough is enough. Even perkless and without addons she's significantly stronger then most killers.

    I don't know what they do or whether she needs her entire identity destroyed. Regardless I am tired of killer perks being balanced around this broken piece of horrible game design as well as groaning inwardly on survivor whenever she appears. She basically turns the game into a single player farce where you can only lose if you make enough mistakes.

    Fair but he's still comfortably second best killer and probably still too strong. I suppose I can understand the relatively conservative nerf. Blight doesn't annoy me anywhere near as much as Nurse does. Hell he doesn't even hit my top 10 most disliked killers as he isn't broken at the fundamental design level. He at least can't basically disregard pallets completely. Some killers can negate them but not outright ignore them like Nurse can.

  • Whateley
    Whateley Member Posts: 6

    the issue is simply that if a killer player is good enough at a killer, and wants to win that 1 person will be more coordinated than 4 random survivors. i can win 90% of my matches easily, but theres always that 1 game that comes out of nowhere and i lose.

    the problem is the match making could be more strict. i will get players who play very poorly even with maxed out mmr, its not fun for anyone

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,839

    Survivor win streak are always going to be lower than killer ones. In a killer win streak, only 1 player has to play perfectly where as 4 need to in a survivor win streak. And the fact that a comp survivor team requires 4 players where as a comp killer is just 1, it is far more likely for someone who is at the very top of the skill ladder to go against a team of their own skill when they play survivor compared to killer.

    The survivor win streak could have easily gone higher if it weren’t for the fact they played really poorly against a killer at their skill level who played near perfectly. If they had played slightly better, they probably would’ve won. And I’m pretty sure they also handicapped themselves with tournament rules so they weren’t even playing to their full potential.

    As for the killer streaks, yeah a streak that high is insane. The fact Nurse still hasn’t been nerfed harder than a slap on the wrist after all these years is baffling. Freddy has been nerfed harder than her multiple times.

    Blight I can’t really judge yet as this streak was pretty much done in its entirety before his recent nerfs and he is in the road map for some changes so it might not possible soon enough. Hopefully these changes actually make a difference and so the devs can see how powerful Nurse can be when all the players who only play Blight because he’s top tier migrate to her.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    No! My precious win streak can never end. I am the very best killer player like no one ever was. You have no right to try and break my streak!

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,839

    Yeah that’s a really good point. She’s been nerfed a lot of times but none of them really hit the reason why she is so powerful.

    It feels like they don’t really know what to do with her. All of her changes are pretty much just what content creators kept claiming was her biggest issue. First she needed some cool down, then it was just her range add ons, then her combining with Starstruck. Now that everything else has been touched I hope it’s time they can finally find what her core problem is.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,130

    The thing is, you cannot really balance her when keeping her power as it is. Unless you make it so incredinbly bad that she is the worst Killer in the game.

    She would need a complete rework, and while I also think that the Devs dont know how to tackle this, I also think that they fear the backlash. And well, a minor aspect is also that you can always deny any "pay2win"-allegations, because the strongest Killer is available for free in the Main Game.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,839

    Yeah unfortunately this is true. The only way to really make her fair is a rework really.

    The pay2win thing is also a possibility, but at least with Billy now being a good killer again it might alleviate some of those negotiations if she is nerfed.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 705

    There is no choice. She must be utterly destroyed. The only way I can see her remotely keeping the ability to blink is that if she has to earn it in a similar way to Oni where she can do it once certain conditions are met, then she can't again.

    Even this would probably be too strong unless you made the 'earn it' condition ridiculous which would present it's own problems. Oni despite this limitation is still one of the better killers and he still has to play DBD while in his power. Nurse does not. She is playing a single player game called Nurse where everyone else is basically an NPC who lives or dies based on whether the single player makes a mistake with almost no meaningful input on their part.

    I think it doesn't matter what you do with it honestly. Blinking through walls, floors and obstacles is probably impossible to balance. However regardless of this difficulty they must do something. Doing nothing to her base kit which is 100% the problem is going to assure she's the number one killer in competent hands which is the only metric that should matter. Even without perks and addons she will still be top 5 easy. Nerfing her addons or whatever does next to nothing to her.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Imagine being 5% from probably the most insane winsteak benchmark ever (2000 wins) in a video game.

    I'm sure they would be less upset if they lost above 2k wins.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    This is a super interesting point. I wonder how much of it is the streamers themselves saying "I'm not having fun if I'm not winning" and how much of it is the viewer base for killer content wanting to only ever see winning games - I would assume it varies greatly based on the community but the breakdown would be interesting

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    It’s like that for other games too. In the more competitive games, some of the streamers will either avoid the most competitive game mode, or will use an alt account, so they are playing games that are much easier than their skill level.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,779

    It's okay we'll nerf Wraith or something next

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 317

    You know I was just thinking about this while watching a certain nurse win streak steamer Sunday. I wondered if the crazy 500+ streaks would be possible if mmr wasn't so lazy or lax.

    I mean the streaks are impressive in their own right I guess, but to me unless I know I'm going up every match against the parallel of my skill a win to me wouldn't count. Meaning for me if I'm facing solo q teams with at least 1 person below 2 k hours the win can't be attributed to the streak ( yes I know that you can't always see hours). So since theres no way of definitively telling who your getting each match the streaks would be invalid anyway.

    If I'm at the top of mmr you know that <5% of all players and I only vs other people in my bracket every once while then it's totally possible to attain those super high streaks because it might be a seal team comp squad once every 500 or so matches( could be wrong here didn't watch all the streak matches so they could've faced comp squad way more often). I've never given the streaks much credit due to this fact. I see them as more of a click bait thing and community viewer thing.

    I wasn't around for the super strict mmr days, and you're the first that I've seen mention it with regard to these streaks as well.

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