Maps/Visuals on Switch Are Too Dark

DbD has always been too dark on the Nintendo Switch, and darker still compared to the other console versions. Recently, since the All Things Wicked chapter released, it seems to have somehow gotten darker. Not sure if this is a bug or due to a minor graphical update. Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The basements are damn near pitch black on Switch. It's awful.

    I really really hate how the game gets worse and worse on Switch. If they won't give us the Switch cross-progression they promised they could at least make sure the game is playable.

  • xoreyna
    xoreyna Member Posts: 12

    Unfortunately it's not a bug. It was an update that came with the recent chapter release. The basement in particular is ridiculously dark on Switch now.

    I wish we'd just get some transparency regarding Switch cross-progression, and if they abandoned it, they'd just tell us and instead focus their priority on optimizing the Switch port. The lighting on certain maps (especially Midwich) and the basements need to be fixed. There's no reason the game should run this terribly on one of the ports.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2024

    so it isn’t just my eyes then. maps with higher contrast between light/dark (midwitch/nostromo/autohaven/etc.) have especially been made dramatically darker on switch. i can barely see the killer’s red stain around corners before it’s too late! hope whatever change they made to the lighting this recent update gets reverted. i feel like it’s also affected scratch marks because they’re kind of harder to see as killer all of a sudden?