Please help me understand this "event"!

The event offerings just got disabled. So... what now?
Even with the offerings what's there to this "event"? We could already use our own offerings to farm BPs without any events. The event is here to do what exactly?
We just get some extra BPs for gens and hooks which is usually an ordinary part of any event anyways. That's it? The x2 BP multiplier we get eventually also isn't that impressive considering bloodhunts where we usually get x2 without any community challenge condition tied to it. On top of this why is the amount of BPs you can get as a single survivor almost 4 times less than you get as a killer?
The only gameplay aspect is that you get old iron will when crouched and leave no blood pools as survivor and coup as killer when in your blood zone. Trying to do objectives in this zone is also impossible because it's as if most zones intentionally avoid areas you would be doing your objectives like gens. At the end you still get more BPs from the offerings you could always use anyways instead of interacting with anything event related.
Please help me understand how this is the "biggest bloodpoint event" of the year? I'm genuinely confused.
Killers have access to more points that Survivor in the normal game anyway, events just amplify that. In a match it's typical for a Killer to end on about 30k and the best survivor gets about 22k. So give bonuses to that and of course Killer will get more than the Survivors. That's why the offerings exist, so a Survivor can get even more points out of it than usual. Albeit, I agree with you that this event seems pointless when the offerings are gone. But I doubt they will be Kill-switched for long.
I've not heard it called the biggest BP event of the year, but I'd also be confused if it was. As Killer I don't even bother putting the droplets in the basin, the prompt is so finicky to actually get it that you end up wasting so much time doing it.
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They said so in their livestream. For it to become the best bp event it has to beat 535% extra bp (5x107% cakes) which is tough to beat, but we will see!
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Ah ok, I only tuned into that to see the Slipknot reveal.
Yeah, we'll have to see what happens with the offerings when they're reactivated.
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The event is here to occupy time and add new things to the store we can buy. It's a distraction from the same tired gameplay loop.
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Even if the eyeballs are working right what do they even add to the game? They don't increase BP gains so in finding them to be a complete waste. Just better to run cakes or BPS.
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It’s annoying the offerings weren’t tested properly before release for sure. But aside from even more BP, I’m not sure what you were expecting from a DBD event. This is generally what they are and have been for quite some time (with little gameplay tweaks here and there).
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"I’m not sure what you were expecting from a DBD event"
Let me answer that for you:
- I would expect the corresponding event offering to work. Sorry but I just can't pass that off as "annoying". Expecting the offering to work isn't having a high standard, it's wishing for bare minimum.
- This event was promised to be "the biggest bloodpoint event of the year". So I would also naturally expect this promise to be fulfilled. If not, they shouldn't have made that bold statement for hype.
- They basically gave up on Lunar New Year just for this and a lot of players enjoyed the culture and the gameplay elements of that event more. So I would've expected this replacement to be at least be on that level.
- It's quite obvious that the event interactions weren't well thought-out. I wouldn't have expected most event-related activities like blood zones to be only active around deadzones without gens and such.
- Having Coup is kinda fun for killer but leaving no blood and being quiet when crouching are pretty insignificant for survivor gameplay. I would've expected survivor advantage to not be so trivial.
- I expected the event interactions to be at least worth interacting with since that's how the events have always been. Going out of your way to interact with the event is a waste of time especially for survivors.
- There should've been some type of balance for the amount of bloodpoints you get as a survivor vs. killer. You're almost forced to play killer if you want to take advantage of the event. You get 4~ times more for less effort.
- The events we had during last year have been amazing so I was expecting something to get excited about.
Hope this helps!
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Sorry your free stuff didn’t meet your every expectation.
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That was the answer you were able to come up with? That was more disappointing than the event.
I don't know about yours but my time isn't free. Neither is all the money I spent on this game. Thank you for trying though.
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This isn't players asking for free stuff for existing. This is an event, something live service games have to get people playing more so that those people will spend more money in the game. BHVR puts large price tags on cosmetics to cover the cost of updating the game with new things like events. Most comments I've seen concerning the event aren't just a little disappointed, they're very disappointed, especially when many of us would've preferred the LNY event to return and this is what we get instead. There's no big increase in Bloodpoints, and there's no fun new mechanic, so all that's left is neon red garbage covering my screen for no good reason.
If you like the event, that's fine. I don't understand the need to be dismissive when other people don't like it and share that disappointment. If we don't bother to tell BHVR when we're dissatisfied, then there's no chance they'll improve in the future. This suggests players should just uninstall instead of providing feedback.
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You’re right. Feedback is good and OP was civil.
Sorry @Venusa
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i just want my BP back from the dumb offerings I mean sometime you can't not get one tho offerings in the bloodweb as of right now they useless.
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They'll probably extend the event like they do every time because they mess something up, it wouldn't be BHVR at this point if half an update isn't just littered with bugs they're procrastinating fixing
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For longtime players, the BP bonus isn't all that (or at all) interesting. So even if the event would be "the best time of the year to get BP", it wouldn't be exciting for me.
And the gameplay of the event is pretty lame as so often. Especially as survivor you have no real reason to ever activate blood circles - blood disappearing more quickly and having a 50% reduction in injured noises is not at all worth giving the killer twice the lunge range. Especially since you only "benefit" if you are injured. 100% noise reduction would at least be decent and actually allow for some non-standard gameplay, but at 50% it doesn't mean the killer can't hear you, just that they can't hear you as well, meaning they have to increase their volume a little or listen a little more attentively. And these effects are just boring anyway, you barely even notice them. Highly forgettable "event". If they at least replaced the skyboxes on the maps with the one from the lobby and maybe even had it rain blood or the like it would at least feel like an event. The bloody vines on hooks and gens look entirely unremarkable and don't do anything for me to make the game feel differently. So much for the "trials will be drenched in blood" from the recent stream.
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Thank you for listening to community feedback! Although the event gameplay elements could still be improved for next time, this is a really nice and welcome change that makes the event worth playing.