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Completing invocation will bring initiator back up from dying state to broken

Drgn8D Member Posts: 23

Was 4stacking SWF with Goldfox23, JonBoring, and NebulaJunkie. Fox had brought the invocation Weaving Spiders, and started it. Neb joined him, but he ended up leaving in order to take chase with the killer so she could finish it. Neb did not have the invocation perk equipped, she was simply continuing from when Fox started it. I assume this is normal and expected of the perk. I also assume it's normal and expected that only the person who starts the invocation gets broken.

Fox was downed just before the invocation completed. The invocation completed before the killer could pick him up. Fox was turned to Broken status from dying state, and able to continue the chase, much to everyone's confusion. Neb was not made broken, as she did not start the invocation.

It appears that completing the invocation will put the initiator into broken regardless of their current health state, including if they are in dying state. This is surely unintended 🙃

See clip

I haven't done any testing or map-specific stuff, it just seems to be pretty straightforward as an unexpected quirk.

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,954

    No way, a good use of Weaving Spiders?

    Too bad this is a bug, not a feature.