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Why introduce new perk mechanics if they are going to be useless?

I know the community wants other new mechanics added to the game and they are right about that and I appreciate the devs listening to the community and putting innovative gameplay into the game but I'm starting to think it's a waste of time.

In recent times, the devs have brought various types of mechanics into the game, which is incredible. they brought Boons, scourge hooks, teamwork, invocation and ways to put debuffs on killers like blindness, hindered etc. All these perks have incredible concepts but in practice, unfortunately, some of them didn't work.


The first new type of perk added to the game, which at the time seemed like a relief until CoH arrived, which broke the game, and made the devs hold back when creating new mechanics afraid of this situation repeating itself.

The fact that CoH was too strong made that the new boons and other mechanics were not useful enough what is a shame.


I believe the scourge hooks were BHVR's biggest success. the only type of perk that really worked and all of its perks are good (apart from monstrous shrine and hangsman) but I feel like this mechanic has been left aside for a while.


My God I really love the design of this mechanic, probably my favorite where the survivors have to work together which should be the concept of the game actually but we all know that every man for himself is how it really works.

The fact that this mechanic has a long cooldown and that each of these perks have a different activation effect does not contribute to its popularity.

to improve this type of perk, I would make it activate when unhooking, healing or being healed, reduce the cooldown and increase the range of the effect to 18m and make it so survivors under the effect of this perk could see each other's aura.


I don't really need to talk about this one because everyone knows it's one of the worst perks ever made, It's basically insidious for survivors. Who thought being AFK for 2 minutes would be a good thing?

But I make it clear that the concept is incredible and finally the basement has some use even if it is small.

I appreciate the devs for trying but I feel like we're not getting anywhere with introducing new mechanics...


  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,330
    edited March 22

    TFor me, I feel like the problem is they keep on releasing these new mechanics without first addressing the major issues in the gameplay that holds them back from really shining. Issues that have been in the game since the beginning and haven't adequately been addressed to where perks and side objectives can be worth your time & effort without being so risky at blowing your whole game with little-to-no payout.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    I use all of these perk types except for the invocation. I especially enjoy the boons/hexes. I also love when others take the invocation perk when I am killer as it is the best 5th slot killer perk in the game.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 506

    These perks are not useless. Although not meta they lead to gameplay that some may like or enjoy and do change normal gameplay flow. Also, teamwork perks are bad because of the one that boosts movement speed by 5% if that perk was changed they coud probably buff Teamwork perks significantly. Keep in mind these things provide alternatives to the common gameplay loop in contrast to more direct aid perks <Inner healing is an alternative to selfcare, Boon Shadowstep is an alternative to distortion, Invocation Weaving Spiders is an alternative to Direct Gen Contribution, etc.>

    All in all, the perks are good its just that they are not Meta Good <provide consistent value and is easy to see or feel the value> but they do fill a niche that helps spice up gameplay.