The Unknown is the best killer (in terms of fun) to be relased in a while. We can make it better.

I have played a lot as the Unknown since its release and holy f this killer is fun to play as.

BUT, not everything is perfect, and there are some unfun aspects for both the survivors and the killer that I want to point out.

My biggest concern is the huge unfun aspect of playing against this killer: It is too easy to tunnel a survivor with this guy right after they get unhooked since body blocking against this killer is not easy to do. It doesn't help that there is a bug right now that allows you to infect the unhooked survivor as soon as the successful unhook animation starts playing (as with any other killer power and basic attacks, you should only be able to hit the survivor after the animation is complete). There is an easy fix for this, which is to not allow an unhooked survivor to be weakened for 15 seconds after getting unhooked. Does this fix tunneling completely? Obviously no, but as it stands tunneling with this killer is just the better strategy because of how quick you can down a survivor after they get unhooked.

Some would say there are other aspects of this killer that are unfun to play against, but some would also say every killer in the game is boring and op and should be deleted from the game. I don't see any other aspects of this killer that are straight-up "dumb" except for the rare case of having a hallucination in the middle of a loop that is in the corner of the map or in a space that has limited exits (and either way, this type of loops are already the ones where this killer is the most powerful and a survivor that is close to going down should know to avoid these). Most aspects of this killer require skill and practice and don't leave the survivor without a choice, so I don't see a problem.

Now, for the unfun aspects of playing AS this killer:

1- You can't look down properly, making it impossible to hit a survivor that is right in your face with your power, this makes 0 sense;

2- If a survivor gets saved somehow (and we know that sometimes thanks to a very fun and balanced perk called Background Player it is literally impossible for the killer to avoid a save), they are not weakened anymore. Make it so their weakened progress freezes while they are downed or being carried, this would mean that if they got weakened recently, there is still a chance for the killer to avoid having to hit them 2 more times, else the survivor still has a good amount of time to look at the Unknown and lose weakened;

3- It is still frustrating to see your UVX hit a survivor directly and do nothing, the Hindered doesn't make up for it and I'd rather this Hindered to be nerfed and instead give some more utility to direct hits. One suggestion I have is for direct hits to explode on contact with a survivor ONLY if they are Weakened, this would mean that direct hits will have more impact but are not available for the entire chase.

This is the most exciting I have been with a new killer since Blight was released, and I know many players share this feeling. We all want to see this killer being treated well while also being fun for everyone.