So imo, this game is one that would benefit tremendously from mouse and keyboard on console.

In general, I think most games should get mouse and keyboard support. The general attitude is that you shouldn't hold a player base back by disabling people on playing from the superior peripheral, just like you wouldn't stop a fighting game from being played on an arcade stick. This game strikes me as one badly in need of mouse and keyboard though. Survivors don't seem to be adversely affected by controllers. At least I've yet to see any tactics that couldn't be implemented on controller and have heard many survivor mains say they prefer controller. However, killers are much easier to juke on console and you have two killers (nurse and to a significantly lesser extent huntress) that stand to benefit from the inclusion of this option. I mean, it would be nice to encounter a nurse on PS4 and feel like I couldn't treat her with less respect than I would freddy. But as it stands, on console nurse is pretty much a throw away character. I've yet to see a worthwhile nurse player on platform.
So my mentality is this. Survivors can play as well as they can on console without keyboard. Killers are balanced around keyboard so the ability they gain from getting access to it is something they were always meant to have. This means that we don't even run into the crybaby retort of "Oh, it's not fair to me because this person has a better controller they win" that you usually run into with these things. Behavior, pleesh gib
Unless we are talking Nurse or Huntress, I disagree that m/kb is necessary in this game. This isn't CSGO where you need pixel perfect accuracy with your camera. Turn your sensitivity over 80 as killer and you can turn fast enough to counter 360's or look around objects very quickly. The reason so many killers get juked is because they never up their sensitivity. Trust me, as both a killer and a survivor, you won't 360 a good killer even on console.
Also Xbox is getting native m/kb support soon. They keep pushing it back and pushing it back but it should be happening by the summer at least.
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@thesuicidefox said:
Unless we are talking Nurse or Huntress, I disagree that m/kb is necessary in this game. This isn't CSGO where you need pixel perfect accuracy with your camera. Turn your sensitivity over 80 as killer and you can turn fast enough to counter 360's or look around objects very quickly. The reason so many killers get juked is because they never up their sensitivity. Trust me, as both a killer and a survivor, you won't 360 a good killer even on console.Also Xbox is getting native m/kb support soon. They keep pushing it back and pushing it back but it should be happening by the summer at least.
But my main points WERE about nurse and huntress. I already knew all the other stuff you said. That and a lot of the points were about how it wouldn't be unfair to controller players because that is a common objection raised. It would be nice to see something on PS4 also, since thats dev by dev from what I understand. It's the bigger of the two consoles by a significant margin, so most console players are going to be on there.
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and billy. he turns much tighter with most and keyboard while using chainsaw.
yeah, the precision of border and keyboard is very superior, makes it harder to use these killers on console. if only they had a precision controller that could match the mouse.0 -
@TheDarkWall said:
@thesuicidefox said:
Unless we are talking Nurse or Huntress, I disagree that m/kb is necessary in this game. This isn't CSGO where you need pixel perfect accuracy with your camera. Turn your sensitivity over 80 as killer and you can turn fast enough to counter 360's or look around objects very quickly. The reason so many killers get juked is because they never up their sensitivity. Trust me, as both a killer and a survivor, you won't 360 a good killer even on console.Also Xbox is getting native m/kb support soon. They keep pushing it back and pushing it back but it should be happening by the summer at least.
But my main points WERE about nurse and huntress. I already knew all the other stuff you said. That and a lot of the points were about how it wouldn't be unfair to controller players because that is a common objection raised. It would be nice to see something on PS4 also, since thats dev by dev from what I understand. It's the bigger of the two consoles by a significant margin, so most console players are going to be on there.
DBD has more players on PS4 than Xbox because it was free for a time. When DBD shows up on Xbox G4G it will get a similar boost.
And m/kb support is on the console maker not the developers. BHVR can't just give you m/kb support on consoles if the consoles don't support it. You should be bugging Sony for m/kb native support on PS4.