Stranger things characters steam achievement


Could you please implement or activate the retired Demogorgon steam achievements, e. g. Adept Demogorgon and 30~ downed survivors with shred? I know that we have new replacements like Tools of Trade but it would be a great incentive and motivation for players to buy the stranger things characters in order to unlock the re-enabled achievements.

I would also suggest that you add a new Demogorgon achievement: Inflict damage equal to one health state on 15~ individual survivors shortly (~30s) after emerging from a portal. It could be called portal predator.

The killer and both of the survivors in Stranger Things chapter are so cool and it would fit if they have approriate achievements!


  • aragami
    aragami Member Posts: 41

    I don't get why they didn't re-activate the adepts since st returned to dbd