No mither procs Gearhead at the start of the game

WhoSoup Member Posts: 150

If you load into a game where a survivor runs no mither and you have gearhead equipped, Gearhead will proc on the load screen. The timer starts before you even gain control of your character. Gearhead is the only perk that seems to proc, dark devotion, hex: ftd, hysteria, and dissolution do not appear to have this issue.

I noticed this happen in a public game, recreated in a private game and it works consistently.

Platform: PC / Steam


1 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • Clee
    Clee Member Posts: 109

    Funny enough, you can run no mither and plot twist and instantly get rid of corrupt