
xexien Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

From a player experience, tunnelling in this game right now is absolutely ridiculous. With all the killer buffs, and the map redesign and barely usable anti-tunnelling perks, when you are acting as killer it's almost free to just tunnel and win.

I guarantee a majority of matches are not 4 man SWF's. When I first started playing this game, killers actively avoided tunnelling due to fear of Decisive Strike, and that actually made the game more enjoyable. It also gave newer players and survivor players in general a better gameplay experience.

I should not have to login to my first match of the day, and have a tunneling blight right at 5 gens.

The power behavior has given killers is way too much. It needs to stop or your game will die.

Tunnelling will kill the game, hands down. I want to love this game but I am absolutely disgusted and sickened by not only these players who insist on ruining gameplay experience for others, but the fact that Behavior is doing NOTHING to give Survivors legitimate and usable tools to fight against tunnelling.

Killer players forget that you need to have survivors to want to play this game with you.

Behavior needs to do something. And I think I can agree that the community is sick of going on 'good faith' of the other player to not tunnel. This is Behavior's problem not the players.


  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    So, with the current perks, tunneling has been greatly suppressed, and does that mean that there are no survivors who play multiple games based on the common sense that if they dig a tunnel, they will complete 5 gen? They understand that it is a skill issue.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yep, it sure is ridiculous right now. I had hoped the unhook protections would get rid of the problem, but it only suppressed it to an extent.