Perk Idea: Resurgance and Scatter

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks, as well as the 4 Basement Hooks, are changed into Scourge Hooks:
When you hook a survivor for the first time, when you walk 32 Meters away they will be transported to the Entity's Throne Room
2 Portals will appear randomly on the map (The Killer Cant Enter The Portals)
Upon a survivor entering the portal they are able to unhook the survivor then if they complete a optional skill check they will be able to open a chest that has a chance to have a uncommon to very rare item
They can exit the portal and will be transported to a random are on the map, and the killer will get a loud noise notification of there general direction (loud noise for the unhooker not unhooked to avoid tunneling)
I figured this would 1 counter campers and 2 it would make the killers more likely to actually leave hook and roam the map. also it would negate tunneling if thisi perk is used as you cant exactly tunnel someone if you dont know where they are.
idk just an idea.